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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

NSFW - Cabergoline 0.5mg/Phenoxybenzamine 10mg/Sildenafil 25mg - SEXYTIME, VERY NICE!


Jul 10, 2013
So I got back into working out recently. Decided to read up a bit on juicing (aka 'roids), and some of the various options out there. Well one thing leads to another, and I end up searching pubmed for prolactin antagonists on my one of my famous all-night-long-amphetamine-fueled-medical-study-sessions.

Finally stumbled across this paper: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14656205
And that sent on a long tangent about drugs that alter male sexual response until I finally wound up reading this one: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6430643

So this of course got the wheels turning in my head... what if you mix cabergoline, phenoxybenzamine and viagra? Could you just have orgasms all day long without ever ejaculating? 8o

Only one way to find out. I had to try this. FOR SCIECNCE. %)

After a bit more reading I came to the conclusion that the drugs did not pose a dangerous combination, and any side effects should be minimal. So I order them all from a reputable version of Apu's Quik-E-Mart for the synthesis of the Pharmaceutical Compoundings for a fraction of the prescription price in the US, which ironically took an anonymous prepaid credit card despite the fact that that isn't supposed to work...

The package shows up a couple weeks later without incident, but unfortunately I was on clonidine at the time and didn't feel like mixing alpha agonists and antagonists.

Cut to the next evening. I pop the Cabergoline and Phenoxybenzamine. In the morning, at about t+10h I take the sildenafil, and at t+11h I decided to test the combo out.

Well I pull up Carli Banks and get a hard-on, everything seems fairly normal thus far.

So after a few minutes of extremely vigorous manual stimulation... orgasm. Except the orgasm was extremely intense, lasted 15 seconds, and produced no semen. 8o

And Le Petit Mort? That post-orgasm prolactin response saying sexytime is over?

More like "Let's go again!"

So without stopping... the same thing happens again in about another 3 minutes of vigorous stimulation. No decrease in intensity or length. And again in around another five after that... and this repeats for around an hour.

Then I realized I had become a bit like the rat with its nucleus accumbens stimulated... and decided perhaps I should look into some more productive activities.

So yeah, you know... don't go taking these three drugs and then masturbating/having sex until you die of dehydration. 8)

tl;dr death by snu-snu now a real option =D
Death by snu-snu! Funny and yet informative report. That's quite a feat for what's essentially a report on jacking off. Nice one! :)

interesting report on one of my favourites sides of druguse...

how important do you think the phenoxybenzamine is to the whole experience?
Pretty bizar and ingenious experiment and as it seems it has paided of. Be carefull with this one this coud treathen human exzistence.