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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

NRG-2 first time

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Jun 3, 2010
Right. I got a g of this stuff a couple of days ago. I tried just a dab of it when it arrived (as I'd heard it can be very potent).. nothing happened.

Today I bombed 1/8th of a g and about 30 mins later I felt very energetic .. but to the point of frustration (although that could just be due to me being PMT as it makes me CRAZY as hell). It also made me VERY VERY twitchy! Another 30 minutes later my pulse was quite high and I was sweating like crazy (but it was a very humid day also..). It was similar to the feeling you get when you've taken an ECA really.

A small part of my lip felt numb for about 10 minutes also. Weird.

Anyway, 2 hours later I felt normal so I bombed another 8th... half an hour later I felt nothing so I mixed another 8th in some Cola and drank it down. I waited for the energy I'd felt earlier to come back.. but it never did. I DID however not feel hungry for an hour after.. but that was probably due to the Cola. I also peed a lot!

Long story short... waste of money! From what I've read previously, it seems to differ from vender to vender. But my view is - don't even bother. You could get a g of speed for the same price or less and it would be MUCH more worthy!

Saying that, I'm going to bomb half a g tomorrow and see what happens.

Hope this was of some help! :)
Your report is not quite elaborate enough to meet our quality standards in Trip Reports. That along with the frequency of NRG reports lately lead me to decide to close this thread. Feel able to write up another report in more detail once you are more certain about the overall effects of the chemical.
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