• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Novel empathogen 5-MBPB


Sep 2, 2013


Looks like a chain extended homologue of 5-MAPB and the benzofuran analogue of MBDB, which is said to be rather mild according to Shulgin and has a dose of 180–210 mg with a duration of 4-6 hours.

Most likely not a great alternative.
I really think the usefulness of MBDB was largely overlooked

"Actually, the compound I think would have the greatest therapeutic potential is the alpha-ethyl analogue of MDMA, which we called MBDB. It never was popular as a street drug because it doesn't produce much euphoria, which of course is good for a drug that might be used as a medicine."

-D. E. Nichols

So don't have high hopes for it being very recreational but I would still consider giving it a go.

Would this be legal in the UK? I'm not sure how the wording went on the benzofurans but if it's a go, I'm sure it'll be popular there whether it's euphoric or not.
Illegal in the UK. You have MDAI, enjoy that one :)


Looks like a chain extended homologue of 5-MAPB and the benzofuran analogue of MBDB, which is said to be rather mild according to Shulgin and has a dose of 180–210 mg with a duration of 4-6 hours.

Most likely not a great alternative.
MBDB is most definitely very mild in terms of stimulation. It is certainly psychoactive, the most prominent effect being that you don't really feel like doing anything. But it does make you want to open up, kind of like MDMA.
Just became aware of this one. I will reply back with an expert opinion once I gather the funds. Hopefully sooner than later.

Anyone yet to have any experience?
From what I've read, even 500mg of MBDB gives no euphoria. What kind of "work" are you hoping to do? And, furthermore, buphedrone


was a huge disappointment for me when I tried it. I don't expect much from 5-MBPB.
I won't jump right into anything however I'm considering components for combos. Many that look good in theory but leaving much to be desired may have synergy with a suitable mate. I won't throw caution to the wind though. I can't afford a lot of my ideas either financially nor serotonergically [if this is a word].


^ that happens when you buy Chinese "6-MAPB"

There's however one report of legit 6-MAPB on WEDINOS from 2014, http://wedinos.tripsit.me/result/W001705.

I emailed a big Chinese vendor if they'll start making 6-mapb, 6-apb, hot-7, flunitrazolam, phenazolam, flualprazolam, desmethyl triazolam, 3-meo-2'-oxo-pcpr, 3-eto-2'-oxo-pce, mxm, 3-meo-pce, 3-meo-pcpy, 4-ho-mpt and zylofuramine now tha a lot of their stuff got banned.

Sorry ,we don't deal with these chems now .it's difficult to research and
develop them .

Seriously, many of these were made already and the synth should be known and well understood...
Clearly they simply brushed you off. However, as for 6-MAPB/6-APB vs. 5-MAPB/5-APB, it's much cheaper to make the latter. If you compare 5-APB and 6-APB, the former might be kind of underwhelming, but 5-MAPB seems to do just fine as a MDMA substitute, so nobody went for large scale production of 6-MAPB, I guess. In most of the biggest markets for RC's if 5-MAPB is illegal, then 6-MAPB is illegal too (right?), so this and the more costly synthesis is probably why nobody went for large scale production of 6-MAPB.

BTW, APB stands for aminopropylbenzofuran, so 5-MABB would make more sense for this compound.
Really, it just depends on what precursors are used. But let's not discuss that.
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I was a big fan of butylone aka bk-mbdb and the reason I was interested. It seems only us barbarians believed in butylone.
after reading the few test results i could find, i knew this would be no substitute for a (5/6)-(x)apbs.

i believe this is something all its own. similarities to better known compounds could be listed, but you could do a same/different list from anything. the lab got a small sample for testing and while like stated before, this is its own deal as far as tests show so far. might order some just to keep around as a collector's item but i dont know, itll be interesting to see how this one goes
Could you please be a bit more specific than SWIMS lab report?

Is it more similar to MDAI than MDMA? Dosage, duration?
Clearly they simply brushed you off. However, as for 6-MAPB/6-APB vs. 5-MAPB/5-APB, it's much cheaper to make the latter. If you compare 5-APB and 6-APB, the former might be kind of underwhelming, but 5-MAPB seems to do just fine as a MDMA substitute, so nobody went for large scale production of 6-MAPB, I guess. In most of the biggest markets for RC's if 5-MAPB is illegal, then 6-MAPB is illegal too (right?), so this and the more costly synthesis is probably why nobody went for large scale production of 6-MAPB.
most likely because they knew they couldn't make them or because they didn't think I could pay for them
I'm inclined to believe that they couldn't make them (at least not at an economically viable price and without failing a lot of times before coming anywhere near the desired purity (and I did say that I would get them any reagents/equipment/whatever else they would need for free (after they showed me what synth they intend to use and explained how/where whatever they would be used and that I would have an independent chemist verify everything), would sign a 5 year contract with them allowing only them and me to use any kind of research obtained for whatever we wanted for except selling it to some one else (we could sell the end product), after 5 years it would be publicly published and anyone could use it for free, as for their profit I said that I would agree to put the money under escrow and they would only get it when/if they made the desired items at the desired purity (98%+, verified by an independent lab) in the time they said they would (they could choose that on their own) and that any delays would reduce their payment until they were over 50% late at which point they would receive nothing and have to pay for all the reagents/equipment/testing + a 25% penalty for failing to deliver and loose all rights to the research.... if they at least tried to find a synth they would be paid for that immediately even if we could not come to a final agreement,,, which probably didn't help) and am sure I couldn't afford any of it other than the first part (them trying to find a synth).... but the exact amount was never agreed upon since they stopped talking to me before...... which is kinda their loss really since I'm quite sure that a profitable synth for 6-mapb/6-apb would be worth a lot, as would most of the others (hot-7, mxm, 3-meo-pcx, a good mxe analog, not really sure about flualprazolam/phenazolam/desmethyltriazolam (since that would really depend on how people would like them.... although a legal, stronger and more hypnotic alprazolam and a legal, slightly weaker and longer lasting triazolam would most likely be quite welcome by a lot of people as I'm really not sure about phenazolam, but if 3-oh-phenazepam wasn't a huge failure then phenazolam would probably not be either (I assume it would be somewhere between clonazolam and flubromazolam in effec), the last two are more questionable... 4-ho-mpt already exists and isn't really popular and zylofuramine.... well if it would be a good stimulant should be popular and legal everywhere). Flunitrazolam was just released and the first reports sound pretty awesome to me..... 5 times as potent as flam/clam, more hypnotic/euphoric..... I'm quite looking forward for a few grams of cheap powder to reach me.....

As for the legality, I'm not really sure, but I think 5-mapb is still legal in large parts of the EU and USA (excluding the vague analog act which is probably unconstitutional), so 6-mapb would be too, same goes for hot-7, the achs, 4-ho-mpt, zylofuramine and all of the benzos. I think 6-apb is still legal in most parts of the USA and some parts of the EU (and without going into too much details about sources it only needs to be legal in one EU country for it to be relatively easy to obtain in most).