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Relapse Nothing stops anxiety and cravings


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
s0 i have stopped taking methadone a few days ago and i been prescribed seroquel and ziprexa but they both just put me to sleep regardless of how small my doses are, and i cannot afford to be asleep during the day i gotta get stuff done so i switched to copious amounts of cbd and doesnt seem to be doing shit... smoking weed is not for me. gabapentin and other lyricas dont seem to work either hahah
the only reason i have managed to be almost entirely sober is cuz my dealer is dry since many weeks ago... pathetic. I think tomorrow she will have some 🔥but i really dont want to start again, i just want to be sober and functioning. I used to go to NA and AA before the pAndEmiC not to mention i been living completely alone for the past year in a foreign country and i just dont have the strenght to go and see my friends. All of this plus stuff i dont care to mention right now makes me incredibly anxious. Treatment here is expensive and when i tried a sober house i left as soon as i could idk it was real close to my dealer and so is my home. I think i need to move outta here or simply just pay for treatment cuz this is getting very old and i am getting increasingly suicidal, most of this been going on for 7 years
Bad news is that its going to get worse and its going last a while. I think day 11 or 12 is the worst but day 21 still sucks. After 21 days (3 weeks) the withdrawal gets noticeably lighter. The acute withdrawal of methadone lasts around 21 days.

Good news is that it stops. I was once on 380mg/day and have been off for years. Ive had some opioid addictions since then but pretty minor in comparison. Then again, everything is pretty minor in comparison 🤔
@strangeaeon at this point your using seems to be causing you so much pain that i simply don't see how stopping, after the acute phase, can be worse. you seem very afraid of the acute stages of wthdrawal and the low moods that are inevitable when your brain first starts having to function without drugs but these are transient and a part of the healing process.

if you are in a foreign country, is moving back not an option? i had to move away from where i was using, there's no way i coulda got clean there.
s0 i have stopped taking methadone a few days ago and i been prescribed seroquel and ziprexa but they both just put me to sleep regardless of how small my doses are, and i cannot afford to be asleep during the day i gotta get stuff done so i switched to copious amounts of cbd and doesnt seem to be doing shit... smoking weed is not for me. gabapentin and other lyricas dont seem to work either hahah
the only reason i have managed to be almost entirely sober is cuz my dealer is dry since many weeks ago... pathetic. I think tomorrow she will have some 🔥but i really dont want to start again, i just want to be sober and functioning. I used to go to NA and AA before the pAndEmiC not to mention i been living completely alone for the past year in a foreign country and i just dont have the strenght to go and see my friends. All of this plus stuff i dont care to mention right now makes me incredibly anxious. Treatment here is expensive and when i tried a sober house i left as soon as i could idk it was real close to my dealer and so is my home. I think i need to move outta here or simply just pay for treatment cuz this is getting very old and i am getting increasingly suicidal, most of this been going on for 7 years

Seroquel actually has more of a sedative/hypnotic effect the less you take of it. Most people take anywhere from 12.5 to 75mg for sleep. Over 100mg is loses that sedative effect a little and over 200mg or so it actually starts to get difficult to sleep.

I find Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) at 50mg is a big help when I'm anxious and it doesn't make me tired or sleepy. I'd say it's the best non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic you can get.
It is an anti-psychotic like Seroquel (different type of anti-psychotic but an anti-psychotic none the less) so I wouldn't take both. Although I am actually prescribed both lol.

Non-medication wise I have tea bags that are 50% Camomile and 50% CBD and they actually really work. I'll make a very strong cup at night to help me relax.

Also, have you tried not having caffeine? It really does make a difference for some people. I mean cutting out all caffeine, not just coffee, so black tea, energy drinks, most fizzy drinks (Pepsi, Coke, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Root Beer etc).

Hope some of this helps! Anxiety is the WORST and finding a medication that not only relieves your anxiety but also doesn't make you want to curl up in bed and sleep all the time can be difficult. I wish you the best of luck!
yep we were not allowed caffeine in rehab because it makes you anxious.
Bad news is that its going to get worse and its going last a while. I think day 11 or 12 is the worst but day 21 still sucks. After 21 days (3 weeks) the withdrawal gets noticeably lighter. The acute withdrawal of methadone lasts around 21 days.

Good news is that it stops. I was once on 380mg/day and have been off for years. Ive had some opioid addictions since then but pretty minor in comparison. Then again, everything is pretty minor in comparison 🤔

380mg is an insane amount, the most i been on is like 80 or 40 i was never told how many mgs one pill was, and i was taking half a pill every day
but that explains why everytime ive gotten off it the first two months i wake up with no physical symptoms but just wanting to off myself out of anxiety ... did u use something else when u got off methadone to curb those things?
yep we were not allowed caffeine in rehab because it makes you anxious.
thats weird i fucking crave it whenever im clean especially energy drinks but with that which u just said maybe i should stop cuz im already a very very anxious person, always have been
Seroquel actually has more of a sedative/hypnotic effect the less you take of it. Most people take anywhere from 12.5 to 75mg for sleep. Over 100mg is loses that sedative effect a little and over 200mg or so it actually starts to get difficult to sleep.

I find Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) at 50mg is a big help when I'm anxious and it doesn't make me tired or sleepy. I'd say it's the best non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic you can get.
It is an anti-psychotic like Seroquel (different type of anti-psychotic but an anti-psychotic none the less) so I wouldn't take both. Although I am actually prescribed both lol.

Non-medication wise I have tea bags that are 50% Camomile and 50% CBD and they actually really work. I'll make a very strong cup at night to help me relax.

Also, have you tried not having caffeine? It really does make a difference for some people. I mean cutting out all caffeine, not just coffee, so black tea, energy drinks, most fizzy drinks (Pepsi, Coke, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Root Beer etc).

Hope some of this helps! Anxiety is the WORST and finding a medication that not only relieves your anxiety but also doesn't make you want to curl up in bed and sleep all the time can be difficult. I wish you the best of luck!

The reason i take caffeine is cuz im a very sleepy animal if i dont, but today i got a real nice cbd and i think its working yay. WIll keep experimenting with seroquel different amounts and get my hands on thorazine should be easy for me
As someone that has come off a very heavy opiate and very heavy benzo habit. which WD process was worst in your experience? I Know benzo WDs are much worst and more dangerous, but did you taper off both drugs or try one cold turkey or something?

Benzo withdrawal was much worse. Opioid withdrawal can be prepared for and approached logically, benzo withdrawal is insanity and lasts forever. In some ways severe benzo withdrawal never ends because it changes you, its like being involved in a psychiatric car accident, you are forever altered by the experience. The feelings of sheer terror are unforgettable. You can walk away from severe opioid withdrawal, severe benzo withdrawal will put a limp in your step for life. I've tapered and cold turkeyed both. The tapering process with benzos is much harder than it is with opioids. Part of it is that withdrawal from benzos is not linear like opioid withdrawal.
enjoy your new place @strangeaeon - moving is stressful as fuck, as i'm rediscovering for myself, so be careful.

unless its a really tiny community in the middle of nowhere you'll never be fully away from gear but if you have a heavy association between the place you're in now and heroin then moving is a good idea.

and please, please, get help. there is mental anguish for sure, but the whole point of recovery is that once you get into a stable place, not using feels better than using most of the time.
The reason i take caffeine is cuz im a very sleepy animal if i dont, but today i got a real nice cbd and i think its working yay. WIll keep experimenting with seroquel different amounts and get my hands on thorazine should be easy for me

Sounds like a plan! Glad to hear the CBD is working :)
50mg Thorazine works like a charm for me. 20 minutes or so and all my anxiety is gone. It works as well as benzo's do, but you don't get anything recreational out of it.
enjoy your new place @strangeaeon - moving is stressful as fuck, as i'm rediscovering for myself, so be careful.

unless its a really tiny community in the middle of nowhere you'll never be fully away from gear but if you have a heavy association between the place you're in now and heroin then moving is a good idea.

and please, please, get help. there is mental anguish for sure, but the whole point of recovery is that once you get into a stable place, not using feels better than using most of the time.
Not using does feel better, but the hard part for me is to keep remembering that 😁 ohh and like psychological help is basically unobtainable here
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there must be drugs services that offer some sort of therapy surely? the group therapy i got in my local drugs services was the only useful group therapy i've ever had.
Sounds like a plan! Glad to hear the CBD is working :)
50mg Thorazine works like a charm for me. 20 minutes or so and all my anxiety is gone. It works as well as benzo's do, but you don't get anything recreational out of it.
Do u get muscle pains? Idk what to do with those, walking hurts fr fr
there must be drugs services that offer some sort of therapy surely? the group therapy i got in my local drugs services was the only useful group therapy i've ever had.
i mean theres stuff like AA, NA, HA, and on methadone clinics which are almost free there are psichiatrists and psycholigists, thats where i get all my prescriptions from 😁 unlike in USA u dont have to beg for ur meds of choice, i just go like "give me gaba and some opiates" and they comply. Ofc i dont abuse them, i use them as prescribed, after so much dope i am zero interested in lyrica and codeine trips fr
If you're using CBD I find tinctures are much more effective than smoking it. Also use it for anxiety. The best is to buy CBD isolate since it's about half the price of tinctures and you can order it by the gram. I just eyeball my doses but they're anywhere from 20-50mg of the isolate and they always work great. You 100% have to take the doses sublingually though.
Smoked CBD has helped a tiny bit in the past with anxiety but it's never come even close to sublingual CBD.
yep we were not allowed caffeine in rehab because it makes you anxious.
In my rehab even soda beverages werent allowed supoosedly cause they contained sugar AND a minúscule amount of caffeine.bloody retarded.
Hey man hows life I thought you were dead
Me too Man, me 2. Almost lost my ARm cause of an abcess that infected my blood aswell.
I needed some Time off. How ya doing? Still clean from the Lovely morph? Lolss.
Me too Man, me 2. Almost lost my ARm cause of an abcess that infected my blood aswell.
I needed some Time off. How ya doing? Still clean from the Lovely morph? Lolss.
Shit eh, well im glad youre still here I checked a few times over the year to see if you had posted but didnt see anything. Yea im still clean from them, still just smoking weed now, though a lot of it so I suppose you could say I'm doing good. Sometimes its still tough and I feel a bit weird trying to live a normal life, better than being addicted to the hard stuff though thats for sure. Are you still taking em?