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Not sure this belongs here but Im a bit freaked.


Dec 23, 2006
Ok this is not sex or romantic in any way, sorry to dissapoint.

Here is the deal. Yesteray my 70 year old mother goes to the pharmacy (She wanted me to do some cleaning for her at home), while at the pharmacy a 6 ft 3 400 lb man (her estimates shes smart af), approaches her and tells her "I will buy you the house connected to mine if you will take care of me and my dogs?".. She just kind of laughed as one does when creeps are creepy. He than produced 10 grand in flash cash and told her it was hers if she went to the seller and said "joe sent her". *(this mofo woulda been staring down a blade at minimum if i were there at this point..) She backs up a little bit realizing this is not a garden variety creep. He than volunteers the information "well I wouldn't live with a smoker (seeing the carton of cigarrettes), but I would be glad to put you through HYPNOSIS to quit". "I dont wan't to quit". "oh believe me you'll quit" he quipped back...

Does this seem as completely fucking shifty as it does to me? Is there some world where it is okay to attempt to make such an offer? She is 70 yrs old, Idk how dude thought she could take care of him *shudders*; but the whole thing seems. Well I want a sit down with this cocksucker I'll put it that way. Am I wrong?
The weirdos come in all sizes and color. Hard to tell by just reading a second-hand report. Reminds me of an old neighbor I had..She was like 65 but looked younger. And had a 20ish stalker for a few months who would send her flowers and funny cards. Even knew her birthday and bought a vase for her (she sent it back). He was never threatening or impolite. Just creepy.
Then from one day to another he disappeared.

Maybe they big guy was into your grandma.
Maybe he's just looking for someone who does the house stuff, cooking and laundry, and is just socially awkward.
As long as he doesn't do any harm, everything's fine.
haha my moms in not young... and I have had to deal with a couple of my friends (usually black out wasted) making the normal attempts to hit on a woman. My mother is widowed, catholic, and has expressly told me she does not want another man/husband.. One guy asked her to sit on his lap, another told me to "get lot for a couple hours" while he hung out with my mom. Dude may or may not have iron dropped on him (after being asked not to leave and he tried to sit way too close to her).....but regardless I do not see these situations as the same or even similar. Just guys being guys.

However carrying around 10k in flash cash, offering/threatening to live under the same roof AND hypnosis which was mentioned as if it were the normal for this guy to do with women.

My mother who always gives the benefit of the doubt says I should chill and he was just some old dude that needed housework. That doesn't require 10k in 'flash cash' or hypnosis?

Thank you for the objective opinion.
haha my moms in not young... and I have had to deal with a couple of my friends (usually black out wasted) making the normal attempts to hit on a woman. My mother is widowed, catholic, and has expressly told me she does not want another man/husband.. One guy asked her to sit on his lap, another told me to "get lot for a couple hours" while he hung out with my mom. Dude may or may not have iron dropped on him (after being asked not to leave and he tried to sit way too close to her).....but regardless I do not see these situations as the same or even similar. Just guys being guys.

However carrying around 10k in flash cash, offering/threatening to live under the same roof AND hypnosis which was mentioned as if it were the normal for this guy to do with women.

My mother who always gives the benefit of the doubt says I should chill and he was just some old dude that needed housework. That doesn't require 10k in 'flash cash' or hypnosis?

Thank you for the objective opinion.
I think I know what state your in. A shit load of people have gun carry permits.
You may end up bringing a knife to a gun fight. He can legally shoot your ass dead if you pull a knife and he is legally carrying a gun. And anyways if you tried to meet him and shit went sideways, they might charge you with premeditated murder or if not killed, all sorts of other charges. There is no justification and this dude didn't do anything illegal.

If he is that arrogant and carries that much cash, he might be strapped. If he is into illegal shit, he will probably in the state you are in have a gun. If you pull a knife, that is assault with a deadly weapon, whether you use it or not. If he is strapped legally; he can shoot you dead and walk. If you shoot him and you aren't legally carrying, murder. Besides she said he was old, and a jury might side with him.

Also bringing a weapon if illegally carried to a pre arranged meeting, means premeditated. Also depending on what happens, prison time and a lot of it.

You didn't mention a carry permit for a gun. Second degree murder on a plea bargin if you kill him with an illegal gun, no permit, a meeting, and if you have a record, you are fucked.

No good can come, leave it alone. Your mom is very smart, chill. Forget about it. Besides, given his size; do you have an elephant gun in case shit happens?
Before I get into that; I am not talking about going to war. Sitdowns happen in well lit camera'd up rooms or saunas for a reason. *chlorine will kill a wire dead real fast* protip. I am just talking about

But I am more thinking library metal detector is plenty for my purposes. I didn't break down the whole scenario clearly but it seems like this is something he has done in the past and will mot likely succeed to do again. My mom is safe. I still don't wanna hear about some girl getting bought up and dungeoned locally than realize I had a moral obligation to stop that ish and didnt. (what am I the police? I don't wait for the gunshots to stop before protecting 'the flock') excuse my clanky metaphor. The point being that yea my mom dodged him but will the next person he sizes up as weak? Is it really OK for me to do nothing or is there a moral obligation; do unto others, to pay it forward and umm fuck the police ill go with for premise 3. (not because it is the best premise but for the fun of it)

You seem to see me as the aggressor in this situation; almost acting as if a lawyer advising a client? Thank you (really) but no legal advice is needed. I really don't give a fuck how "legal" what the guy did was or any charges pertaining to me. As I have no intent or premeditation to invoke violence. If dude decides that is the route he would like to take things; may god have mercy on both of our souls. ONLY WAY things get violent is absolute self defense on camera in public.

I carry three knives on me; always; that is well documented. Two horizontal in kydex each side of the belt and one warcliff in a paracord around my neck. (i know i know i could get choked with the paracord, flipside can also choke with the paracord.) You can open carry in my state legally as well; so worry not about me. Also an open carry state, you can strap an AR 15 on your back and stroll through town. (prepare for a 48 hour hold and a thorough background and weapons check, id be fine btw) but you legally can.

I assume he is strapped. I assume everyone is strapped for safeties sake. That doesn't bother me in the slightest, I happen to be the proud owner of a fully napalm compatible flamethrower. (napalm is just styrofoam dissolved in diesel *go ahead 'watchers' im sure im on the list already).

The only real question on that level is does he keep one in the tube. If I were to pull anything it would not be a knife unless I was sure I could do it with the utmost legality.. more likely a gunshot would be too loud.

I have no more reason to consider these things than anyone meeting a stranger to convey worry about a family member.
A sit down with cameras at a sauna? Open carry does you no good if you ain't got one on you. And if you did, who would stick around or show up in the first place.
You, mentioned a blade, and bringing a knife to a gun fight is a bad idea and I highly doubt you have your flame thrower at the ready. Also, if this guy is a predator, how would you know and why would anyone go to a sit down?
I got the impression that you are also from Michigan, where yes there is an open carry law but the knife laws are nebulous at best. I could be wrong about where you are from, but people can end up rotting in prison for violent acts committed with weapons.
A flame thrower at home does no good. Neither does living in an open carry state and not openly carrying.
A sit down, who would go?
Besides what good would would any gun do you if it ain't on you? I am just saying that so much trouble can be brought onto people who just don't leave things alone.
Besides having a bunch of knives on you is a get out of jail free card if shit goes sideways. Self defense, he had 3 knifes and I felt threatened when he pulled one.
I don't mess around when comes to home protection. But starting shit in public can go bad really fast.
The best defense, is to not start shit in first place.
Defending your property is one thing, but inviting trouble?
Besides you don't need one in the tube if you have a revolver.
also alot of people who have semi autos do keep one in the tube, especially if it has an exposed hammer and then decock the hammer. Then cock the hammer back with your thumb as you are getting ready to fire, all in one fluid motion.
I am just trying to say there is enough trouble out there; don't invite it into your life.
Defending your home is one thing, inviting trouble is another.
Call the cops and report it. His fat ass would not show up if he were up to something.
You wanna protect your mom get her a piece and a carry permit. Besides who traffics 70 year Olds.
If he is serial killer, he is stupid and you should have her make a report, in case something were to happen.
Do you know his name, I am guessing his nickname is Tiny or Shamu. But seriously his fat ass ain't going to a sit down. Vigilante type shit only works if you see something happening or track them down.
If you wanna make sure that, there isn't a problem, go with your mom to the police. Sounds lame but, otherwise he might be able to do some really bad things and get away with it.
Do you know where he lives? Do you know his name? Even if you did what can you do?
If he is up to something, are you gonna watch his big fat ass 24/7.
I know going to the police may sound lame but a good tip could lead to a potential or active predator being stopped and saving lives.
Other than my lawyer and accountant( tax shit), I would never have a "sit down" with anyone, especially not one with a flame thrower and three knives.
Besides tips from the public have led to countless pieces of shit( or in his case a truck load of shit) being stopped by the police.
The idea that this guy is going to meet you, go through a metal detector, be on camera while you interrogate him in a sauna is beyond laughable.

Sorry, but shit like this is best handled by the police. At least then they would know to be on the look out for a beached whale acting in a weird and inappropriate manner and they can make his fat ass go to a "sit down".
And if they find something suspicious, get a search warrant and potential save lives.
Before I get into that; I am not talking about going to war. Sitdowns happen in well lit camera'd up rooms or saunas for a reason. *chlorine will kill a wire dead real fast* protip. I am just talking about

But I am more thinking library metal detector is plenty for my purposes. I didn't break down the whole scenario clearly but it seems like this is something he has done in the past and will mot likely succeed to do again. My mom is safe. I still don't wanna hear about some girl getting bought up and dungeoned locally than realize I had a moral obligation to stop that ish and didnt. (what am I the police? I don't wait for the gunshots to stop before protecting 'the flock') excuse my clanky metaphor. The point being that yea my mom dodged him but will the next person he sizes up as weak? Is it really OK for me to do nothing or is there a moral obligation; do unto others, to pay it forward and umm fuck the police ill go with for premise 3. (not because it is the best premise but for the fun of it)

You seem to see me as the aggressor in this situation; almost acting as if a lawyer advising a client? Thank you (really) but no legal advice is needed. I really don't give a fuck how "legal" what the guy did was or any charges pertaining to me. As I have no intent or premeditation to invoke violence. If dude decides that is the route he would like to take things; may god have mercy on both of our souls. ONLY WAY things get violent is absolute self defense on camera in public.

I carry three knives on me; always; that is well documented. Two horizontal in kydex each side of the belt and one warcliff in a paracord around my neck. (i know i know i could get choked with the paracord, flipside can also choke with the paracord.) You can open carry in my state legally as well; so worry not about me. Also an open carry state, you can strap an AR 15 on your back and stroll through town. (prepare for a 48 hour hold and a thorough background and weapons check, id be fine btw) but you legally can.

I assume he is strapped. I assume everyone is strapped for safeties sake. That doesn't bother me in the slightest, I happen to be the proud owner of a fully napalm compatible flamethrower. (napalm is just styrofoam dissolved in diesel *go ahead 'watchers' im sure im on the list already).

The only real question on that level is does he keep one in the tube. If I were to pull anything it would not be a knife unless I was sure I could do it with the utmost legality.. more likely a gunshot would be too loud.

I have no more reason to consider these things than anyone meeting a stranger to convey worry about a family member.
When was the last time u stabbed or cut someone?
A sit down with cameras at a sauna? Open carry does you no good if you ain't got one on you. And if you did, who would stick around or show up in the first place.
You, mentioned a blade, and bringing a knife to a gun fight is a bad idea and I highly doubt you have your flame thrower at the ready. Also, if this guy is a predator, how would you know and why would anyone go to a sit down?
I got the impression that you are also from Michigan, where yes there is an open carry law but the knife laws are nebulous at best. I could be wrong about where you are from, but people can end up rotting in prison for violent acts committed with weapons.
A flame thrower at home does no good. Neither does living in an open carry state and not openly carrying.
A sit down, who would go?
Besides what good would would any gun do you if it ain't on you? I am just saying that so much trouble can be brought onto people who just don't leave things alone.
Besides having a bunch of knives on you is a get out of jail free card if shit goes sideways. Self defense, he had 3 knifes and I felt threatened when he pulled one.
I don't mess around when comes to home protection. But starting shit in public can go bad really fast.
The best defense, is to not start shit in first place.
Defending your property is one thing, but inviting trouble?
Besides you don't need one in the tube if you have a revolver.
also alot of people who have semi autos do keep one in the tube, especially if it has an exposed hammer and then decock the hammer. Then cock the hammer back with your thumb as you are getting ready to fire, all in one fluid motion.
I am just trying to say there is enough trouble out there; don't invite it into your life.
Defending your home is one thing, inviting trouble is another.
Call the cops and report it. His fat ass would not show up if he were up to something.
You wanna protect your mom get her a piece and a carry permit. Besides who traffics 70 year Olds.
If he is serial killer, he is stupid and you should have her make a report, in case something were to happen.
Do you know his name, I am guessing his nickname is Tiny or Shamu. But seriously his fat ass ain't going to a sit down. Vigilante type shit only works if you see something happening or track them down.
If you wanna make sure that, there isn't a problem, go with your mom to the police. Sounds lame but, otherwise he might be able to do some really bad things and get away with it.
Do you know where he lives? Do you know his name? Even if you did what can you do?
If he is up to something, are you gonna watch his big fat ass 24/7.
I know going to the police may sound lame but a good tip could lead to a potential or active predator being stopped and saving lives.
Other than my lawyer and accountant( tax shit), I would never have a "sit down" with anyone, especially not one with a flame thrower and three knives.
Besides tips from the public have led to countless pieces of shit( or in his case a truck load of shit) being stopped by the police.
The idea that this guy is going to meet you, go through a metal detector, be on camera while you interrogate him in a sauna is beyond laughable.

Sorry, but shit like this is best handled by the police. At least then they would know to be on the look out for a beached whale acting in a weird and inappropriate manner and they can make his fat ass go to a "sit down".
And if they find something suspicious, get a search warrant and potential save lives.

Should I address of all this really? The point of the sauna would be "noone has one on em". You are correct my flamethrower is not gassed and pressurized as having what is basically a shrapnel bomb locked and loaded is a bad call. I only mentioned it so you saw beyond "knife to a gunfight" etc et....

Of course my mother carries a knive. (we live in the woods, she was born in detroit, I got her one of those pink cat keychains with the pressure multiplier being the hard abs ears; the two ears line up with my eyes perfect....alas in MI the laws are very pro gun anti knife. I have offered at the same time I did CCW and she finds it "unlady-like" to carry anything but a derringer, which we decided was silly considering its specs. I have also grabbed her a biddy murphy blackthorn fighting shileleigh *sp* that she is covered to carry anywhere with the ADA. As well as a couple stun guns, mace, less lethal options in general. . Can't carry the damn things out of your house legally though.

Are you aware of the 21 step rule? It takes an average human the amount of time to clear leather as it does for an average human to close a gap of 21 steps before the gun is out. One in the tube or no.

Call the cops and report it, really? Aren't you the same dude that was litigious enough to point out he technically broke no law. Calling the cops would be the DAMN OPPOSITE of protecting my home. Now this shit is on public record, at least on the radio waves, my mom is being questioned, dude is rich and MI is corrupt as fuck (I expect you may know that by your other MI knowledge). Im broke and I alledgedly, hypothethetically got a cop or two all but in my pocket....this hits the wrong ears and not only are we forsure dealing with a police report; perhaps sparking this big ass fool to lash out at her if err when he catches wind before a decisive move has been made. Alsona dude being 6'4 is of no real relevance to the situation "If I pull I must be sure" Wild 'Bill Hickock; the point being is I was trained the same way as the police; if you pull two to the chest to knock em down and one up top to make sure the job is done; if for some unforseen highly inplausible reason such a thing were to happen

oSo I will answer you first; The last time I was stabbed, *er actually stabbed myself* (lot less questions, paperwork, and snitchery) was about 16 months ago. I stop in the hospital, "your fine, not deep enough to really worry" get home after buying groceries and 22the phone is ringing. Heyy 911 is calling me; thats new. "sir you need to get in for surgery you are currently bleeding to death" ..... they sugarcoated it a little but I got it.

16 months is your answer. About 6 months since the last time I had to disarm someone on my property. (says hes huntin with a .44 revolver *I bet he had one in the "tube" as well) I tell him not to spin that fuckin handcannon at me continue facing the direction you are and throw that piece of shit in the bog. "whinnne but it was my daddys gun" Well you shouldn't be waving a .44 around in my expanded backyard. You also missed all of the no hunting/trespassing signs I suppose? So violence is out there. I have never commited a violent crime. *honestly, well do we count rocks through windows at 12 as violent or vandalism? At any rate I am not the violent fellow ya'll are perceiving me as

My carry status is square. In MI all that is required is hitting a target at 7 yards away 4/6 times for a ccw,. (If I recall, might have been 4 out of 7 or 5) outta 7; and you definitely get more than one chance to meet that ratio. *plus you get an official looking badge with your name etched into it which is always fun for fuckin with people. "Undercover!!! throws badge "Tf we been doin xyx for xyx" "read the badge". That is hypothetical, you aren't to show people that badge. watched many of large men with large guns failing 5/7 repeatedly and than switching to the instructors ruger .22 single six lmao. Oh and the background check of course, (kind of a joke) A shotgun I believe you can just purchase with an FFL licence person to person NO PAPERWORK and they are quite a bitch to do ballistics on. (WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS; NOONE IS GOING TO WAR!!)e

Lets say I am just a horrible law breaking bastard; you can legally purchase an 80% upper with no FFL and the 20% seperately, still no FFL required. Comes with a nice little CNC milling kit and template. (the unmilled part keeps it legal, correct me if im wrong). Of course if you were to lets say actually put part one and two together, well that woud be illegal AF and now you own a "ghost gun" and better to be prepared for the legality or lack there of in your situation. (this is just to point out any fool with a budget can grab a legit untraceable *not completely, ballistics are still a thing* military grade rifle)

Holy shit I never consindered a revolver? What you can chamber a round ahead of time? But that click clack noise is soooo intimidating (SMH)

"If he is a serial killer he was stupid" Ill just go with no on that one. What he did was very cold and calculating. The pharmacy had ran out of her benzo an antidepressant; hearing this, seeing her being freaked out he opened with. "I can get you whatever you need, go to xyz and tell the person lthere xyz sent you; I will meet you there and give you 10k just for your time" From what she said he was prone to 'hypnotizing women' it had worked for him in the past and ostensively would work to help her quit cigs. Which she doesn't even want to do. \

You are dead right and MI knife laws are fuckered. That being said I live out in the woods and am more likely to be seen hacking brush with a machete. All three (EDC) blades are one sided 3'' long can be purchased at walmart, no mechanical contrivinces or mall ninja tricks. They have been taken and handed back to me more than once. (what I meant when I said well documented). I have NEVER pulled a knife on anyone and HAVE NO CRIMINAL RECORD. (does exponged attempted poss of codeine count?) *Btw how targeted do you think you have to be before a full scale raid is launched on your house UNDER THE PATRIOT act for attempted possession of codeine? (there i said patriot act now there watching for sure)

Sit downs are very arrangeable (I would be wise not to extrapulate but I will say MUCH EASIER if he does in fact have ANYTHING to worry about). Yes I actually do know where he lives and his gov name (maybe I just dox him; isn't that just using foia to make sure if he is a creep it goes public af? Is doxing illegal even.
but I have no business going there. This is not a how to plan something illegal/immoral/violent thread. This is very much about civic duty, capability, and a bit of disgust... Im on no vigilante shit, but yea of course I tracked him down.

YOU ARE MISSING THE ENTIRE POINT OF IN PUBLIC IN A GOV BUILDING FULL OF WITNESSES AND CAMERAS. It is to assure nobody will get any idears to start something or at least realize its gunna be the last something they get away with. I have no intention of violence and this is a security measure. THE WHOLE IDEA being this boils down to me hearing his side of the issue, directly from his mouth while I observe. He gets to hear my concerns face to face. More times than not (exponentially more) some kind of agreement can be reached about what happened; where the miscommunication took place and why it is being taken seriously.

"besides who traffics old people?" A multi billion dollar industry traffics old people as they see fit. 91% of people who end up in nursing home are bankrupt with in a year. (thats an old # from when i was in Uni, correct if needed).... But trust me old people are big business and NEED protecting. in the US at least
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How about a Derringer that fires 45 long colt rounds or 410 gauge shotgun shells, 000 buck, that's right triple 000 buck shot. That thing would stop a moose. With 45 colt rounds but decent, no cheap ones, will set you back around $400 or so, for a 9mm or 357 magnum Derringer.
I have much better stuff than codeine, I have oxycodone. A scripted bottle right near me.
Old people are not kidnapped off the street and put into nursing homes
@smokeymcpot42088 mate you sound like you've taken 2 plus 2 and arrived at 173, no offence - are you ok?

the fella sounds like a harmless crank to me - I get that you want to protect your family though
hmm I guess 173 is a long way away from 4.

Yes of course I am okay. I will admit this is a hot button issue......... and harmless is the last thing I think a man flashing 10k in a broke ass farm town than attempting to send her to some guy about lodging and hypnosis. But Ill take ya'lls word, kind of

Condescending tones aside I will take that as 3 votes for leave it alone. I suppose that is what I will do; if this guy does get caught doing something extremely messed up I will not only feel horrible but I will guilt tripe you all as well.

Fine dude gets. pass, from explaining his position. He really dodged a scheduling inconvenience and an awkward line of questioning. (rolls eyes)

Be careful out there team; the world is a cruel violent place where one "can" do about anything they choose to and 'can' afford financially, mentally, and physically........ International community not use to the violent nature of (gun violence) america? (I thought things were tough all over, im just glad im not in a trench someplace shooting at people for reasons unknown to me. *NO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY I PROMISE I AM TALKING ABOUT 'MINE'

jnowhere - 9mm is decidedly too much kick and that is a full size m92. One maybe two shots and it better be point blank if you want to hit anything. I tried to convince her to go .380 as there are some mean rounds in .380 plus everyone and there brother just put out three models. .380 is still too large in her hands/mind. She use to carry a raven arms .25, kind of a piece of shit, but it now belongs my cousin who now lives metro. (haha and has already chased a burglar down the street with an ornamental sword; we are warriors; for good *see no criminal record or history of violence).

I feel like you are being purposefully obtuse or confrontational. I am well aware that the majority of nursing home patients aren't grabbed up off the street (some certainly are though). This is a societal problem where the elderly become marginalized for; well a myriad of reasons; generational family breakdown is bad. More people seem loyal to the state and some arbitrary rules made to ensure capital gains while BRUTALLY ignoring familial obligations moral, physical, financial, emotional.

Ill go ahead and go on record and say I am disgusted by how we treat our elders in the society. *than again my mom is and has always offered unconditional love and support. I understand that isn't true for everyone. I suppose only you know how much you owe the elders in your family, but please be honest with yourself.

on a final note, codeine was umm not a brag I promise. MI borders canada and every hockey trip those were otc in canada. I had an uncle who was scripted 1 L of dilaudid 1mg/ml plus a bunch of other shite but I remember him basically asking if I could get a ride lined up cuz he could get like 4xx for it in metro, I was like "oh ish, Ill give you six right now lemme run up the stairs" him "boy I dont care if you have a million dollars it aint for sale to you" *puts tail between legs and goes back to the childrens table. I researched many many grams of u447700 (or whatever the first incarnation was, I would theorize it to be much more pleasant and effective than bupe based on my research
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I think the thing I would be focusing on is that TEN GRAND!!!!
If he got ten on him in cash imagine what he got in his house.
I hate to say it but I’d be plotting now lol
LMAO!! Thank you for being a real one. For real I got a laugh. You want him ill serve his ass up like t-ball. The tens yours. (of course I am joking *publicly*) Did I say fuck the police yet?

Different period of my life I may be thinking the same way. The plot always thickens though; you snag his ten grand. Is it really his or is he just a runner/face that some organization is using; does that fall on him, you or both? according to "them" ..... Despite the way ya'll reacted I don't plan to go full liam neelson.

'whatever happened to catchin a good ol fashion passionate ass whoopin, havin your shoes coat and your hat tooken' this thread reminds me of that lyric.