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Not sure I can do this


Aug 15, 2021
Hi all, I have never posted anywhere like this but need some encouragement. Looking for those who are recovering from prescription drug addiction. I am about 36 hours in and am starting to doubt I can do this. It has been a long time since I tried and I guess I forgot how completely shitty I would feel. Physically and emotionally. To make it worse I messed up my back a few days ago so I am in tremendous pain in addition to the horrible muscle aches I would have had anyway. But I had already committed to this and didn't want to make more excuses. For those who have been here, what does the timeline look like? How long will the worst of these symptoms last? I almost gave up a few hours ago. I have no support. This has been a mostly private addiction for me, at least as it pertains to the people closest to me. Tips for making it through the hardest part?
Hey Katiebee and a warn welcome to BL.

Sorry your hurting❤️

If you let us know what your detoxing from we should be able to give a solid timeline out of the tunnel.

You can do this!! To get out we all have to.. if I had a free pass I’d hook you up. Your likely only a few days from pushing through the acute withdrawal!! Yeah it may suck, but not as much as keeping the chains.. it’s a couple days and you can make it through.
Thanks so much for the encouragement. Vicodin mostly. And substituting it for something else like kratom is not really going to be an option for me. I forgot to stock Imodium so I took my last few this evening. Need to run to the store to replace them tomorrow so if there are any other OTC ideas I would love to hear about them. I told my family I think I have the flu. I had to explain the pain, trips to the bathroom, mood swings and wanting to stay in bed. So I have a good excuse to run in the store tomorrow and buy whatever might help. Thanks for the reply. Helps to keep busy so I have been going back and reading posts in here and it seems like a positive place to stick around and get support.
Hey Katiebee and a warn welcome to BL.

Sorry your hurting❤️

If you let us know what your detoxing from we should be able to give a solid timeline out of the tunnel.

You can do this!! To get out we all have to.. if I had a free pass I’d hook you up. Your likely only a few days from pushing through the acute withdrawal!! Yeah it may suck, but not as much as keeping the chains.. it’s a couple days and you can make it thro
Hi all, I have never posted anywhere like this but need some encouragement. Looking for those who are recovering from prescription drug addiction. I am about 36 hours in and am starting to doubt I can do this. It has been a long time since I tried and I guess I forgot how completely shitty I would feel. Physically and emotionally. To make it worse I messed up my back a few days ago so I am in tremendous pain in addition to the horrible muscle aches I would have had anyway. But I had already committed to this and didn't want to make more excuses. For those who have been here, what does the timeline look like? How long will the worst of these symptoms last? I almost gave up a few hours ago. I have no support. This has been a mostly private addiction for me, at least as it pertains to the people closest to me. Tips for making it through the hardest part?
welcome to BL, i took a lil tramadol, lots of soups , i treated
thhat week long suffering like the flu. hope it goes as well as for you as it did for me, i worried more about WD that the pain it was
How many mgs per day were you taking and how long were you taking it?

And you are off 2 days now right?

In anther 2 days you will feel much better. But thats only the physical part.

How are you going to handle the mental part? The cravings? The missing the pills? The thoughts of you can't perform daily duties without them? All the tricks your mind will play on you to get you to cop some more pills?

Had myself a little vicodin addiction and until I got over the mental part I always relapsed. Stay strong man, shit aint easy. But it is worth it. It really is.
Opiate withdrawal sucks , no way to sugar coat it, but it's not fatal although it feels like, kicked a bad oxy, purple, booze addiction awhile ago , all the advice so far is rite on,, ya just got ride it out, but Nurse Ratched brought up a good point,, mite not seem it now, but the physical part is kinda the easy part , it's over in a cpl weeks max, but the phycological part of it lasts alot longer, and throws unexpected curves , gotta find good support , watch out for the Honeymoon phase and they told me countless times in treatment not to expect life to be all puppy dogs and kittens once I got clean , and man they weren't kidding around ,,, good luck let us know how your doing
How many mgs per day were you taking and how long were you taking it?

And you are off 2 days now right?

In anther 2 days you will feel much better. But thats only the physical part.

How are you going to handle the mental part? The cravings? The missing the pills? The thoughts of you can't perform daily duties without them? All the tricks your mind will play on you to get you to cop some more pills?

Had myself a little vicodin addiction and until I got over the mental part I always relapsed. Stay strong man, shit aint easy. But it is worth it. It really is.
so well said , so happy you shared that, all of it, but the part on the brain playing tricks really hits home,so happy im getting over some of the mental part, long, prolly life long journey, but yes the mental parts you shared, excellent pumpkin, but yeah folks in their first few days sure just want out the physical part, thats dire as you know, but wow yes the dang mental challenges are something else , whew, so happy not to be stressing all the things you mentioned so terribly anymore, all honestly, BL really has helped, just when i get too self-assured that i wont cop drugs or use my drug of choice, i come here often like an NA meeting and get wake up calls without relearning the hard way, ty luv, you never cease to amaze me
how are you doing @Katiebee ?

you have said this is a very private addiction for you, and i completely understand wanting to hide it from your family, but are you getting any irl support? we have great posters here with a wealth of experience but it would really be beneficial to complement BL with some peer support and therapy. have you been to any meetings? like 12 step or SMART? how about your local drug services?

the way i stayed clean out of rehab was taking every single piece of help available to me. i leaned heavily on people on here, but i also did therapy, NA, groups and courses at my drugs services, gym, socialising with other addicts trying to stay clean. it really helped, kept me busy and it was very useful to have people who understood what i was going through to talk to.
Thanks everyone. It was great to wake up this morning to all the support. Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. It was a miserable day for me. The darkness/depression part really started to set in hard even as I was still dealing with pretty severe physical stuff. The mental part is what has defeated me in the past. My head kept messing with me saying "just give in now, you are going to anyway once the depression really sets in and if you give in now you will avoid having to go through all the physical stuff." But I did make it through. And later today I will be at 3 days. As for getting help as chinup suggested I may have to if I can't do this on my own. But I need to try one more time. I don't have a lot of privacy with my time so if I am suddenly attending meetings or therapy I will have to explain why to my husband and family and I'm not ready to do that yet. Sorry if I didn't answer all the questions. I will check in later today and re-read everything and try to respond to things I didn't respond to. Thanks so much for all the replies. They really helped this morning when everything looked so bleak and overwhelming.
Keep your thoughts in today… slip into the past and you will get hit with regret, shame etc.. fall into the future and fear apprehension self doubt etc.. simple and in the moment.

Mindfulness can help with doing this.

Your getting so close to the first miracle 😛 Nothing back there but returning to the same slavery and the start over of the path out. The path out sucks so starting that again would be nasty.

What your feeling is only temporary and will flip soon.

Your doing great!! Keep it up!!
What dosage are you quitting and how long have you been using vicoden? These will give us a better ability to forecast the rate of your recovery.
If you went back to use.. remember the door out is always there.

Coming up with a strong developed recovery plan while still using, before starting the process is a great idea. Then you have a strong plan in place before you start the struggle. Then as you move forward and even end up using you can make the adjustments to your plan that will guide you out.

I have a similar question about the timeline for methamphetemine withdrawl. If anyone has any experience with this and can offer some advice, Ive found myself in the situation where I can no longer use due to the drug suddenly not working the same. Once I get through detox I will have more details on what I beleive happened that suddenly made the drug completely undesirable, like a switch went off in my brain. Is it possible that by solving what the core issue it would make something like this happen? Is this already common knowledge and Im late to the party? All I do now is sit and think, which is followed by complete rage when I realize I have no idea what the true reality is of my life due to the high causing an overconfident reality to be born, followed by a low or depressed reality that is also not true. Hard to explain. I will be posting that story shortly when I figure out where it should go.
I have a similar question about the timeline for methamphetemine withdrawl. If anyone has any experience with this and can offer some advice, Ive found myself in the situation where I can no longer use due to the drug suddenly not working the same. Once I get through detox I will have more details on what I beleive happened that suddenly made the drug completely undesirable, like a switch went off in my brain. Is it possible that by solving what the core issue it would make something like this happen? Is this already common knowledge and Im late to the party? All I do now is sit and think, which is followed by complete rage when I realize I have no idea what the true reality is of my life due to the high causing an overconfident reality to be born, followed by a low or depressed reality that is also not true. Hard to explain. I will be posting that story shortly when I figure out where it should go.

Amphetamines don't really cause proper withdrawal, at least not like opiates, benzos or alcohol. You will just be very tired, depressed and potentially anxious. Lack of dopamine and noradrenaline for a few weeks.