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nooob (first time LSD - question about advice)

The point we're trying to make (other than humor) is that we have a rule against SWIM and similar ways of speaking here. It's a myth that it actually protects you, and it makes posts a lot more difficult and annoying to read. In certain cases where I wanted to really be circumspect out of embarrassment, I said something like "My friend is thinking about doing ______, and I'm nervous for him, does anyone have advice for my friend?"

But in reality SWIM offers no protection whatsoever. Nor does "my cat"
Wow what a shitstorm lol. Just chill at home or go for a mellow walk in nature, listen to some music, play some games, snack on fruit to keep you glucose in check, yahta yahta that kind of stuff. You'll know what you wanna do when the time comes. There's a big and dandy first trip thread around here somewhere I think, just google it and skim through it if you wanna. And yeah, saying your gonna give your cat LSD may be even more incriminating than admitting that your taking it yourself, we know it's you and the CAT malarky ain't doin shit.
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*some playful but obscuring posts were hidden*

@Zeon: Good point but different discussion (i.e. whether you actually have LSD).

@Vajblaster: Indeed, first verify that you actually have the drug you intend to take and not another one... then we can get down to business. :)

Check the Beginner's FAQ (link below in my signature) because there may be relevant answers to some questions there. Get acquainted with the concept of 'set and setting', then make sure that yours are in order before you go making any plans.

Other than that we have the First Time LSD Subthread right here: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=424317
I recommend you read through it, people are likely to present there with very relevant questions the answers and discussion to which can fill in on the advice you are asking us about.

Also please always make a descriptive thread title. I get why you made it this one (I appended a bit to it), but it is obviously not immediately clear to others what the thread is actually about.
If you don't trip off a single hit, don't automatically assume you were ripped off. Not all acid is super strong white -on - white or needlepoint strength Lucy. I first tried 1.5 pieces of blotter and although my blanket patterns were wavy and I looked somehow off in the mirror, I didn't feel my first real acid trip until I ate a 3 strip.
Borrowing this thread for my question.

So I have 2 blotters of supposedly being LSD. The dealer said they contain ~100µg per blotter. Is it safe to take them and swallow them immediately, or are there many blotters going on that could be some nasty rc's that are active orally? I'd like to avoid nBome trip by swallowing them straight away as nBomes arent active orally?
It's possible if they're not LSD that they're a DOx, which would be active orally. But as you say, NBOMes are not active orally so that's a pretty good way to avoid those. I can't really think of anything else they would be, years back people used to put 5-MeO-AMT on blotter but I doubt anyone does that anymore as DOXs and NBOMes are better choices for fake acid.
Yeah, I dont think this guy would have sold doc or other do-x compounds as acid anyway. doc is even more rare here and I think many who have tried like it. He offered to sell me LSD in liquid form but I couldnt afford it or didnt even need that much. And arent DOC blotters bigger than acid usually? These seem legit, theyre very small.
So I have 2 blotters of supposedly being LSD. The dealer said they contain ~100µg per blotter. Is it safe to take them and swallow them immediately,
Just start with a half, onset for LSD is 15 min to 1 hour tops. If you have effect by then you can take more (then you know it's not a DOx because onset is longer) Or you could wait the full 3 hours to be sure, and then eat the rest.
And arent DOC blotters bigger than acid usually?
Not always, I have a bunch of 2.4mg DOC blotters that are the size of a tab of L. DOC is VERY bitter, give a tab a good lick and see if they're bitter. I don't see how people can't tell they're getting L or not just by taste, yeah LSD can have a mild taste but NBOME and DOx taste like a chinese laboratory lol, way more chemical tasting than any legit acid I've ever had. Either way if you eat em start low and plan to have at least 24 hours just in case it is DOx, DOC is fun anyways and had I not had a connect for DOC and a dealer sold me some as DOC I would still buy it, just at a cheaper price.
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Just start with a half, onset for LSD is 15 min to 1 hour tops. If you have effect by then you can take more (then you know it's not a DOx because onset is longer) Or you could wait the full 3 hours to be sure, and then eat the rest.
I hate spacing out doses; I realize this is a harm reduction forum but if you really trust the dealer, then pop both down the hatch. Or do it sublinguilly. I always hold blotters in my retainer hah. In my experience no acid I've had was strong enough for one blotter to do anything but make me wish I wasn't on drugs so I could sleep, except for 'acid' that turned out to be an nbome. But of course, you'll know very quickly if you got an nbome.
Yeah, im gonna swallow both of them I think. I hate to be underwhelmed, even tho it sure might be better than being overwhelmed.
That's insanely stupid to drop two unknown blotters, what If they are high dosed DOI? Are you prepared to tweak your balls off in hell for 30 hours? Yeah sure, DOC is fun but DOB and DOI are both said to be rather unpleasant and unforgiving for most, especially in high doses. I think one would be more wise, just buy another tab and dose both next time if your underwhelmed or if you want to trip hard this time buy the extra tab and when the first kicks in and you know you got L drop 2 more.
You're right, but its _extremely_ unlikely they'd be DOI. Wow, im pretty sure this city has never even seen that chemical. But I'll start with one and probably end up taking another 1-1.5hrs later. Redosing just doesnt work that good, but better safe than sorry for sure.
Like I said, buy a third tab and at 1.5 hours if your positive it's L drop 2 more. There's just too much bunk ecstasy and LSD nowadays you can never be too sure, you think the towns that get flooded with PMA expect that shit to rear it's head?
I can't buy a third tab, at least from this guy. I have no way to contact him again. I got one good ~200µg blotter thats for sure LSD (confirmed by multiple people, eztested etc) but I'm saving that for some special occasion. These 2 tabs I bought from this dealer I can't be sure, but they're probably acid, but ofc I cant be sure and thats why im asking here.
Have you tasted em? Give a corner a good lick, if it tastes like straight bitter chemicals proceed with caution. Btw, licking a small portion of a real L tab won't destroy it if that's what your afraid of, just don't drool on it lol. Besides that there's not much anyone can do.
I'm back I have a question I'm going to wild life tour on April 10 and it starts at 10 and I'm going to take acid, when should I take it? I want to have the best trip during disclosures set.