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Opioids Noob question about Vicodin.. the magic is gone?

The Vicodin magic show is a brief act. Truth is you'll never get the exact same effects as those first times no matter what. But if you want to get close to that, you'll have to increase your dose, or graduate to a more potent opioid such as oxycodone.

I agree.

Hydrocodone was the first opioid I abused. Everything was great until the high started fading sooner and the nausea became more pronounced and came on sooner. Now if I take 10 mg of hydrocodone, I'll experience 30 minutes of pleasure followed by nausea, a headache, and the worst irritable mood I've experienced with or without the aid of drugs. I know several other people who also find hydrocodone more sickening or dysphoric than enjoyable. It's a shitty opioid in my book, so just move up to something better. I'm able to enjoy morphine, heroin or anything else without getting sick. Then again, if you can't admit you were feeling some addictive pull from that hydrocodone, don't upgrade, just move on.
You could try taking your 10mg with a glass of wine or a beer.
Maybe take 12.5mgs. It could just be that your dosage is so low that 5mgs more (or 30% more) is to much.

You may find that 10mg of oxy is a great dose. Many people say that oxy is 1.5x stronger than hydrocodone. I didn't really find this true with low doses, like I do with larger ones. Just be careful that the oxy doesnt make you sick also.
The guy who said CWE had it right. The tylenol (APAP, in pretty high doses) in vicodin is what makes 80% of people violently ill, NOT the hydro. Taking 2 vicodin would be like taking 3 regular or 2 extra strength tylenol, so taking 3 vicodin would be way more APAP than you should consume at the most. I get damned sick if I take more than 1 vicodin, but with CWE I have taken really high doses and been fine.

That being said, it sounds like you really like opiates. If you are considering moving up the "ladder" to oxy, just be careful. One day you may look back at this point and really wished you had stuck to the vics. Have fun and be safe!
I haven't experienced the nausea/headache problem following 3+ grams of APAP in Percocets :/ Hydrocodone is simply the most side effect-laden opioid for a lot of people.
Man I wish my tolerance was so low...it takes about or over 100mg of insufflated Opana ER...and without benzos taken along with the dose (Klonopin or Halcion) even 100mg isn't enough to nod off....it gives me a general feeling of contentment but I need to combine it to nod off. I remember when 2 10/325 norco used to get me high lol.
I cannot stress enough that I do not find them addictive and I have had one dose in the past month! I'm simply finding a way to get the enjoyable effects bad! I'm one of the most controlled drug users you will ever meet. Again... I would up the dose but it makes me violently throw up! Opiates are NOT my choice of drug. Stimulants are, I remember going weeks of daily taking hydrocodone and being able to stop instantly without having any problems or cravings. I don't find many people have the kind of control and will power that I do.

I take it I need to give oxycodone a try and that I will. I do not find opiates to be a drug I enjoy taking regularly, being high on them non-stop does not appel to me in anyway, shape, or form.

I have 100% control over my drug use. My issue here is that I want the "magic" of it back. I am not "hooked" on opiates, simply trying to find a way to get the old high back. I'm not craving it in anyway, I'm not trying to find it to take it regularly, just find that old high again. Like a pot smoker who comes back from months of not smoking any and finds himself unable to achieve those first few highs again.

I see, thats the same way I am, I can take a drug for weeks day after day and then stop cold turkey without so much as a hint of withdrawals. Well I'm glad you have so much control, I would say just take a break from opiates for a while, maybe a solid month of so. Then try snootin half of a roxi 30 and see how you feel, and if need be then do the other half of it.

But I would like to warn you, every user that is addicted became addicted because they just wanted to 'find that old high again'
I'm not saying you will. But I am concerned for any new opiate user as many many people get addicted without realizing it and then end up in denial and then fuck their lives over.

But hydrocodone is not a strong opiate, how much did you take the last time you wanted to get high? did you get high? how long ago was it?
Just try doubling your dose of hydros, if you learn how to do a cold water extraction (there are videos ALL over the internet, and detailed explanations on how to do a CWE on bluelight and several other drug forums), then you can take much more hydro without having to worry about the paracetamol poisoning (acetaminophen, a.k.a. APAP)
You're chasing man, you're chasing for that first time high.

EVERY ADDICT does this. This is why we mostly do the drugs we do, to chase that euphoria that we felt the first couple of times we used. With Hydrocodone and Oxycodone, it was that warm and concentrating euphoria, and then with dope (heroin) it was chasing the nodding out in which almost never comes back. Your tolerance has built.

You need to switch up the game and constantly change the types of opiates and/or opioids that you are doing. Since you did Hydrocodone, why don't you use the latter and do Tramadol, then maybe next Morphine then Oxycodone. Oxycodone is 1.5x stronger than Morphine and people always forget that. So use the ladder wisely and TRY NOT to get addicted. You can use the ladder over your binge periods so you won't have to chase and hopefully won't get addicted. You have built a tolerance and will have to evolve and adjust now.

Edit: It's time to become a big boy and then grow into a man. You just don't stop wearing diapers because it don't feel good or don't feel right no more. You have to learn to go potty first. You can't run before you can walk. You have to learn to crawl first. And now my friend up the ladder you go, bro.
/\ yup, go bang some heroin, the stars will probably align for you again, and see how that 100% control thing works out
/\ yup, go bang some heroin, the stars will probably align for you again, and see how that 100% control thing works out

Don't tell him that. >.> You can experiment up the ladder like I said but don't get hooked. You already are hooked on opiates/opioids. @_@

Vicodin is how I started at like 15/16 and even 17. Now I'm 21, 5 years later and I've been hooked on Heroin for all these years. I don't even shoot it I snort it and the withdrawals are the worst. If I would have known this sh*t at 15, 16, 17, or even 18 when I was getting into it, I would have stopped everything.


IT ruined my life and it could yours.
Er do some Oxycodone that is the shit or Hydromorph Contin is treating me good right now lol.