Non-raving bluelighters....


Nov 3, 1999
Can I get a shout out?
Is there anybody(non-raving bluelighters) out there......
Forever is in the visuals.
C'mon e_rep, you know you love us KandyKidz!!! Admit it!
= )
I guess I can't really consider myself a raver seeing as how I've never been to a REAL rave. I've done E many times, but never gotten to experience the whole "candy girl, walk up and hug someone" atmosphere. Someday.............

If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
I was a raver as teenager 17- 19 when you turn 21 the love is still there you just go to heated clubs warm and cheaper to get in and there free water free candy etc. You just like the older crowned when you older you can relate a little better I’m going to a rave in Seattle with my sister she never been to one and I want to be there with her we will be Candy- Flippen Green Smurfs and scubbys!! I hope its warm!! Back in the 60’s they where called festivals and where usually out side!! Techno seen is really big in Seattle and there are a lot of after hours that are usually located in old apartment buildings or old clubs that are fixed up with couches and little rooms for trippen etc.. It don’t matter what you are a candy kid or what we all have a lot in common e, trippen and a hole insight on life that others well never now!!
When we dance together we are as one together
tigger, you know I love us(as in me to)kandykidz. I was just wondering how many bluelighters were not ravers/clubbers.
e_rep, the hardkore candyass.
"Give me a muthafuckin hug yo"
luv2luv, thanx for responding!
dragonflyawy, I started rolling/raving at age 21. I'm now 27 and don't like clubs as opposed to parties. I would acually rather be with 18-20 kidz than at an older based club. I mean, I would probably rather go to a party with people my age, but it doesn't happen like that. Oh well, let's dance!
I don't consider myself a raver. Raves were just in the path of my own savage journey.
learned what I could, saw everything, got bored, and now I walk down the rest of the path. Maybe they'll come up over the horizon again though, perhaps.
_________ ___________
| || || || ||Pyro| || |
i am (and i guess the first here to admit it) a non-raver. 100% candy raver free--nothing about me is raver style.
i have gone to one rave and one club-party (for the purpose of meeting my much loved bluelighter pals) but other than that, nothing. i have been to raver/roller clubs only three times in my life. i have no feelings towards ravers of love nor hate. to me you guys are just people, like me.
what sterotype do i fall into if not raver? i am not sure. i most of the time look normal because i am a teacher and i have to look respectable. and my friends come in all types. but if i have to classify myself i am freakish. not a freak because i can pass externally as normal sometimes, but freakish because i never got along with the normal people and on my own free time i have my own style, i don't fall into any category. musicly i fall into grunge, hard rock, indie, classic rock, britpop, goth, etc. but i don't fall inot any of those categories either. my clothes are half bloomigndales and half salvation army, nothing trendy or hip or cool. my friends call my style ugly style, tehy let me know when they see somethig so ugly that they know i'd love. i think i look good, i don't think i have ugly style, just different. who cares......
anyone else not a raver??
You're off the hook... I don't know what to say about that...
"Give me a motherfucking hug, yo!"
hmmm... = )
Are you going to either of the parties this weekend??? We're doing KandyKane on Sat, and Dream on Sun... Check out the PVD roll call thread for the deets... you could probably even hook up a ride.
Also, Wassup w/Dazzle... ? I never heard somebody so bummed out. Gimme the deets.
e-rep....I was wondering exactly the same thing myself just yesterday beat me to it.
I have never been to a rave. Although, I think what we went to on NYE could have been classed as a rave, and what I was wearing could have been classed as rave clothing. But it was without intention!
Sydney is not a rave town. Clubs, clubs and more clubs. In fact, as much as the rave culture is good and PLUR and all that, I don't think I would like to find myself at a rave. I've recently been realising how much I love partying with the older, more experienced crowd. People who are hardcore with their drugs, but know how to handle them. I've never seen people overdose or even be sick in the places I go to. I couldn't handle partying with 14 year olds trashed off their heads on things they know nothing about (not including people like Jennykins and candysomething in Ashke's thread a few days ago, although I strongly disagree with 14 year olds taking any drugs at all, regardless of their apparent maturity).
The thing I really don't like about raves is that everything...the lights, the glowsticks, dust masks, vibrating toys, pacifiers, massages, vicks, lollypops....are all there to enhance the effect of the drugs people have taken. I like going to a place and not making a big deal of the fact that I've taken pills. Everyone there is probably off their head, but it's an understanding and not something that is shoved in your face constantly. Maybe this is why we don't have the same problems with undercover cops and raids on clubs???
But I, I'm definitely not a raver. And I'm proud of being an 'old skool' clubber. Anyone else out there?
miss apple
i'm with ya miss apple! i think a lot of it has to do with where your first X-perience was. mine was at a club, so i'm more into the club scene. in fact, i haven't been to a rave in 5 years! an attempt to party with a rave-type crowd NYE didn't turn out so well. so now i think i'm a club goer for good. gotta love those club-kids!
I'm inclined to agree with miss apple, especially the part about "partying with 14-year-olds". It really upsets me to see children in any way involved with drugs. This is the main reason why I've never been to a rave, and have no desire whatsoever to attend one. I would find myself thinking like a "mom" and wouldn't really enjoy myself...
Not to mention, being someone in her late 20s, I would probably stick out like a sore thumb. I certainly wouldn't feel like I belonged, which, I think, is integral to the E experience...
I enjoy clubs so much that I don't really see how a rave could be any fact, raves are much more a target for law enforcement than any club could ever be...
Of course, that's just my opinion...I could be wrong...
E PLURibus unum
nope, im not a raver either...although I do like going to raves occasionally when I get the chance. I went to two this year and I go to the rave club in my city sometimes when I feel like dancing to that sorta music. There are just so many diferent types of styles of music I couldn't stick to just one. I even like going to the opera. I go to alot of Phish shows so I guess the best way to describe myself would be hippie, although I don't think I look like a hippie. Even when I'm trying my hardest Not to look like a hippie, i'm told I look like one...I guess it must be my long hair which I don't always get a chance to brush everyday...I start to get the dreadlocked look.
love, silver
I agree with 'some' bits of miss apples' post. I am definitely NOT a candy raver, a raver or whatever. I like miss apple have never been to a proper rave, although yes our NYE party could have been seen as one. I can't say I really have a preference for hanging out with an 'older, more experienced' crowd, as long as the people are having an awesome time and not fucking up in the toilets then I really don't mind.
People who are 'hardcore with their drugs' ?? Well I have this where it's the end of a long weekend and everyone has been partying for like 3 days straight and the only drug left that will work at this stage is speed. So people have pumped copious amounts of it into their bloodstreams and they're all walking around, eyes popping out of their skulls, faces morphing into that of a scary monsters (maybe that was my fault)..anyway, my point is, I get freaked out easily. When it gets to that point I start getting scared about what the drugs are actually doing to us all. I wonder if I look like them too, I wonder if these are 'hardcore drugs users', and if I fit in. Sure, we know how to handle them...we do, BUT is that so good? when you know how to handle them you can just take more..and more.
People's faces change. I don't like that. It scares me.
I started of my 'career' in the scene in the clubbing side of things. I hung out in the 'beautiful' scene. It's horrible. I hate It's ugly. BUT it was all that I knew. After my first big party, my life changed forever. I LOVED wearing trainers and comfy pants, hair up, minimal make-up (yeah yeah..I still wear it)and i especially loved being able to sprwal myself out on the ground and be next in line for a massage.
I'd never been able to do this in a club. In sydney there are 3 types of clubs. The 'beautiful', the 'trendy' and the what i like to call 'real' clubs. I stay away from the beautiful ones, unless a friend's b'day absolutely calls for it. I pop in on occasion to the 'trendy' ones (these vary from month to, home, gas, sublime) and I freuent the 'real' ones. My idea of a real club offers top quality music (debatable, I know), through a sometimes poor sound system, but the dj's are running the joint and can't afford top notch equipment like @ 'home', the people are mixed, some are freaks, some aren't, some are dirty, some are clean, NO-ONE dressed the same...ANYONE wearing ANYTHING is allowed in... and generally there is an air of "we don't care" around the place, an air of "we just came here to dance and don't give a fuck about anything else". I love it when people keep dancing after the lights have been turned on and the music has stopped.
I go to a club to hang out with my friends, to dance like a maniac and and to sit around and chat for a while.
Don't people who go to raves do the same thing? Is there REALLY a big difference apart from the clothes we wear and the things we keep in our bag?
I guess i 'could' be a raver, I just haven;t really been exposed to that scene yet. Sure I have some little toys that I take to parties with me I raver? I don't know. I don't like to think I'm anything. I like to think I'll fit in anywhere I go.
One thing I did looooove about NYE (my closest thing to a rave) were the people. I had the most amazing night of my entire life. I met some awesome people, everyone was so friendly...but then again, I think anywhere would have been like that on the eve of the Millenium (argh! the dreaded word) in Sydney.
And everyone's drugs seemed to be working just fine
... it IS about the drugs too you know. You'll find more drinkers in clubs, so I guess that's why the atmospehere is sometimes a bit stale...but we make up for it I'd say. I guess I dont go out to meet people, when I do, it's a bonus...but that's not what it's about. As long as my buddies are happy, that's all that matters.
I'd like to go to a proper rave. Maybe I'll find that it IS my thing. Maybe I AM a candy raver at heart. I dunno, I can't get into the whole plur thing..sorry.
Right now though, I'm happy with my balanced diet of club/party/home roll...
Does me fine

I don't know if i just fucked this whole thread or not..but now you know a bit more about my habits

ps. oh yeah apples, I HATE it when people ask me what drugs I've taken. If they do, I usually just say "nothing". I don't like to make a show of it either.
sunshine,smiles and stardust
I've been to a few, but thankfully they screen out the little kids. Except for one, I won't mention the name since I loved it and do not want the promoter to get shit on. Anyway, I took my usual one (1) pill at the beginning of the night, and I had a fantastic time, but I noticed that there were a lot of younguns about. Not like 18 young but I swear these girls I saw must have been like 13...very strange.
I'm all for children having more rights, but I think you should wait until you're sixteen or so before doing any sort of drug. If you're gonna do it earlier, at least do your homework on it, don't jump into it blind and drop 4 cause everyone else is...can lead to problems...
Mona, I have a preference for an older, more experienced crowd, because I AM older. There's a 5 and a half year age difference between you and I which I never notice. Except when it comes to this topic.
As for the hardcore drugs thing, I absolutely love that point at the end of a long weekend or the day after New Years when the only drug left that will work is speed. The crowd tends to keep to themselves more instead of smiling at everyone and chatting to everyone they meet. That part is so much fun at the start of the weekend, but the part at the end of the weekend when everyone keeps to themselves a bit more, and concentrates soley on dancing hardcore, is just as much fun, if not more so. In fact, I've decided I preferred the afterparty on NYE (at the Greenwood) than the main party. The little bit of aggression that abounds at that time in the weekend brings out the hardcore dancers, and even makes me dance harder. And that's when you see the older people who can handle their drug intake, who know how to make a weekend last
For the Sydneysiders, Gatecrasher on the Sunday night of the October long weekend was another party I loved for the same reason.
I can't really explain what I mean. Does anyone else think the same? Does anyone else like a bit of the aggression that is around at afterparties? It used to scare me off (as it does you mona) but now I really like it.
Oh, and I agree with you about the 'real' clubs. But I still love the trendy places just as much.
just putting in my .02c yet again

miss apple

It scares me. It doesn't scare me off. The peoples' faces scare me. I can't help it. When I think about the fact that a drug, a simple chemical (well..not simple), has the ability to COMPLETELY change the way you look, well, I'm sorry but that scares the shit out of me. That's what scares me.
The dancing doesn't scare me. The people that keep to themselves don't scare me. The energy doesn't scare me.
I personally did not like the crowd at all at the Greenwood. They were snobbish and rude (apart from the ONE guy who complimented my slippers
)..I can't stand it when people look down their noses at you. I didn't see too many 'hardcore' people there, in fact I found quite the opposite (unless you went 'inside).
BUT...hangon a minute...that's not to say I didn't thoroughly enjoy myself there, that's not to say I didn't dance...hard. The people just made me feel...uncomfortable. To me, comfort is a major factor in a good night out. We have differing views on this obviously and we've had this discussion many a time before (in fact didn't we just talk about this on the phone?).
So with that... I say. I'll dance anywhere. as long as I feel like it.

cheers babycakes

I'm with you Miss Apple...Raves are for children and trippers... if you want to really experience the full capability of your physicality and possible mental states, throw away the beads, the dummies and the LSD, grab some cash, cancel work Monday, hook up with the Sydney crew who post on this Board, or come down to Melbourne, and we'll rock your clubbing world..
time of your life kid...
I'm not even close to being a "raver", nor have I ever been to a rave. I am a professional by day, mind explorer by night. I believe that music is life and everything else is just details. I accept all forms of self expression and appreciate an intellectual mind that's not afraid to revel in it's lunacy. That's what intrigues me so much to this board - be it ravers, clubers, freaks, professionals, junkies, etc. I think everyone here where's mulitiple masks and I hope to, one day, see each's face.
I used to go to them all the time, but don't anymore.
I liked raves better when it wasn't the "cool" thing to do.
[This message has been edited by Brock (edited 12 January 2000).]