Non-medicinal ways to deal with stress and anxiety

I forgot to mention that sex/masturbation and bubble baths are good for stress too.
Exercise - either work out or just go for a long walk.
Play guitar - good way of dealing with frustration, amps up to 11 and just thrash the thing.
Be creative - write poetry or song lyrics - I write better when I'm down so I might as well use the feeling to my benefit.
Clean up the house - sounds dumb, but living in a messy environment brings you down - cleaning improves the environment and makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
Try to do something new - not necessarily anything big, maybe just learn to cook a new recipe. Again, the feeling of having accomplished something, and the bonus of eating well too.
Note that most of these methods have the advantage of also being good on your body, and easy on your wallet.
What not to do: go on a spending spree, eat loads of chocolate or junk food, drink lots or take drugs.
To deal with stress/anxiety without the use of drugs, you can start by trying to see WHY you are feeling this way and then try to face it and see that it is nothing to worry about. FEAR is a consious choice you make! By making the choice of letting something/someone scare you, you are giving that thing/person A LOT of power. Once you see it logically, you will see how silly it is and stop. Good luck!
Yoga, And I'm glad to see alot of other people also noted this.Anyone new to this can check in @ the Oxygen tv network.Twice a day they have this Steve Ross guy on Whos really cool and does yoga to old funk music and such.
Also burn incense, meditate, humans need to stop and do these things.People have done it for thousands of years and in todays life it's much more entertaining to jump on a computer.....but whats healthier!
"There is no knowledge without experience" Benjamin Franklin
I am self reliant and have great difficulty in asking others for help. I love to give help and support others, but when it comes to addressing my own problems, I keep them to myself for the most part. In that thought, I find ways to deal with stress on my own. Personally, when I find myself getting freaked out by things, I take a short walk outside. Focus on breathing, calming my heartrate down, deep soothing breaths.
By walking outside, I find items in nature that I use to put my problems into perspective. There are problems I can't do anything about. Worrying about them just drains energy, adds to fear, and is totally useless. Those things I try to push out of myself, out of my mind and body. I let them fall outside to be picked up and taken away in the wind. I kind of let the wind cleanse me of the things I shouldn't be carrying.
Other problems, that I have to face, but just seem huge at the moment can be put into perspective by looking around at nature. There are trees that have spent more time on earth and couldn't care less about my issues. There is the Sun with it's timeless face watching over everyone and their problems in an unaffected manner. There is so much in the world that is unaffected by my problem, or by what solution I eventually arrive at, I have to remind myself that this is not so big a deal. If its resolved today, tomorrow, this year, never at all...will it really effect the world that much? So if I screw up, no big deal. If I get it right, yeah for me. Either way, life goes on - just do my best and move on.
For the truly huge issues, I go out at night. I look at the stars and know they've been witness to problems much bigger than mine. I share my concerns with them, and trust that they have watched others walk this path before. By sharing with them and trusting in thier silent confidentiality and wisdom, I feel I can share my burden and have some of their patience in working towards my solution.
bump...i think this is a great thread and i have nothing to add at this time but i do have a question for all of you who mentioned meditation. do any of you know any good websites where i can learn about it?
"No matter what happens in popular culture, YOU keep the vibe alive. This isn’t specific to our little scene. PLUR in all aspects of life. When you’re walking down the street, do the same thing for strangers that you would at a rave. When you’re at a rock-and-roll club, do the same thing there. And then, instead of the fucking mainstream changing our culture, our culture is changing the mainstream…isn’t that the point of a movement? To affect the world?" --Matt Demmon
AIM: CindyLooWho777
[email protected]
i haven't finished reading all the posts yet, but something i do on a daily basis is write. writing and keeping a journal really help me to alleviate stress and get things out of my system and onto something like paper, so i can reflect on them later. it's a good release for me and allows me to get my feelings, good and bad, or my frustrations and joys out on paper.
as far as dealing with anxiety and great amounts of stress, i just try to focus on the bigger picture and goals of my life... i ask myself, "is this really worrying about, and will the outcome of what happens with this situation really mean that much to me in 20 years from now?". most of the time the answer is no, and so i know that i just have to deal with it and move on...
-Becky =)
To answer Sadie's question about meditation, I don't have any but I know it is a topic within the spirituality and philosophy forum, and such a question there (or a search) will provide quite a few suggestions. I's ask for them to be listed here, but that would be asking two forums to carry the same info which is a little redundant.
I have found that a punching bag is the best way to deal with stress. Seriously, if your feeling stressed out and anxious, go pound a bag for an hour and you'll feel much better about yourself, and your situation.
Greenlighter posted 01 September 2001 03:42 AM
I had a pretty nasty series of panic attacks for which I was prescribed a daily dose of xanax. I don't have them any more.
However, if you dont have medication or you're waiting for it to kick in, do what I do.
I find that I feel really overheated when I'm in any stage of a panic attack.
I've found the following works best:
Go find a cold tap (faucet) and run your head and your hair and your neck under the really cold water.
Stuff getting wet, your in a state of panic!
Let it chill you to the bone, and shiver out all the fear, stress, tension and anxiety.
Basically for me it chills me out a lot and grounds me and makes me realise my world isnt spinning.
AFter your dripping with cold water go warm yourself up slowly.
This is priceless information. I was just thinking of taking up yoga but I have that its for wussies or woman attitude. The more I hear about it the more I think it could be a huge benefeit.
I have some excellent things to add.
1) Watch MUCH less TV. Our society has become so use to violence, and gossip in general I personally think its slowly cripling our inner self. I know that sounded preachy, but think of the shows on TV lately. "Temptation Island". This show is designed to breakup happy couples. This show is a downfall of society. I can't image what we will be TV in ten years. Live executions? Don't say no too quick.
If you can't stop watching TV, don't watch the news before you go to bed as many people do. I have done a fair amount of reading on how the subconscience works and if they last thing you see if the news which is ually about negative aspects of life, it will be the last thing you think about and hence is why alot of people are grouchy in the morning. How well would you sleep if you just heard about another baby killer. Watch the news after dinner, and do something active before you go to bed.
2) On a switch of writing things down. I suggest the opposite. Instead of writing down the problems and how you can over come them. Write down EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that was good. This sounds chessy, but if you had a list of tens things that went great that day you have something positive to say when someone ask's how was your day.
I still am working on this, but I constantly tell people the negative aspects of my day and not the positve sides. THe negative alwats out weights the postive. Thats the problem. If I found some free money write it down, a note from a client saying what a good job i did write it down, my friend bought me luch write it down. You see my point?
3) F.E.A.R - Don't think of this as a word think of it an an ackranym. And when your scared say it outload to yourself at least 20 times. False Evidence Appearing Real. F.E.A.R -- pretty cool eh?
4) Don't want to hear or spread gossip, no matter how much fun it can or use to be. You have a conscience some stronger then others. No one benefiets from this.
5) You may have a hard time dealing with old friends as I have. Sometimes time apart may help and a new social group. Till you get back on track and can filter out all there garbage.
These are the things that have worked for me, and I have a long way to go.
I haven't posted in ages but this was pure gold. Great job!
cool some good ideas here.
i have actually never delved into drugs or alcohol (aside from my prescribed drugs, for ADD/depression), but i do deal with a lot of related issues, and I was in al-anon for quite a while last year. Congratulations to anyone who is working their program (AA/NA), especially on 90 days sober!
Here are a few things that help me:
- write a journal. hand write it, or be like me and have a secret folder on your computer and make a new text file for each day. NO ONE can read it but you...let loose, say anything, get it all's a lifesaver, i swear.
- doing something artistic/creative. if drawing/painting isn't your thing, try writing... or working on a project car... or woodwork...anything that helps you use some of that libido (CREATIVE FORCE!!!)
- exercise, particularly cardiovascular...releases endorphines ("Endogenous Morphine"...nuff said)
- anything that you ENJOY that requires focus and games..whatever...although the more you are OUT of the house, the better. be someone... etc.
most importantly... never forget that the extent of our ability to influence people and things ends at our fingertips. in other words: you control nothing beyond yourself. there is comfort in that.

Sorry, I'm Australian and I don't think(?) we have xanax down here.... Is it a benzo like valium - or is it stronger?
Regulator - yeah we do have it here, generic name is alprazolam, and it is a benzodiazepine
I must say that I have had my fair share of anxiety, the funny thing is we all do but not all of us relize it. I never thought of Anxiety being involved in my life until I had a real bad expereince on E. This experience ended my "drug career" so to speak, and I was devoloping a nice little opiate addiction. Just to let anyone know that when quiting opiates anxiety is a common withdrawl symptom. So I get a double dose of anxiety from my bad trip and quiting, that was about 8 months ago and remember i never what anxiety was before this. Anyways, i have learned alot about dealing with Anxiety without the use of drugs and alchole, {why use anything when your trying to quite one thing}. What has worked best for me is first realizing when im anxious, this can be tough but it is best to know when you have it before it gets out of hand. Then I usually try meditation, it always relaxes me and the next thing I know im sleeping and I feel tons better when I wake up.
Anyways great report on your part and thanks for reading.