nolys question for first cycle


Nov 2, 2012
Hey man, came across one of your threads on Google. And your reccomended first cycle was exactly what I was thinking for myself.

Test E

Did you ever go through with this? How was it? What kind of gains can you expect?
I wouldn't reccomend it for a first cycle, not the super drol or msten anyway, if your doing dbol start at 30mgs per day for no longer than 4 weeks.
Preferably the best thing to do would be test alone, but if you must kick-start your cycle you could use dbol, my first cycle was test e alone, second was test and dbol, third was test dbol deca and super drol. SD is pretty harsh I would avoid it first time round. Doesn't cause estrogen related sides e.g gyno or bloating but can be pretty harsh, you don't need it first cycle anyway test and dbol you will gain plenty.
I wouldn't reccomend it for a first cycle, not the super drol or msten anyway, if your doing dbol start at 30mgs per day for no longer than 4 weeks.
Preferably the best thing to do would be test alone, but if you must kick-start your cycle you could use dbol, my first cycle was test e alone, second was test and dbol, third was test dbol deca and super drol. SD is pretty harsh I would avoid it first time round. Doesn't cause estrogen related sides e.g gyno or bloating but can be pretty harsh, you don't need it first cycle anyway test and dbol you will gain plenty.

gotcha, obvioulsy this is a big decision. i definitely do think i want to hop on gear, as working out is my main hobby and and has been for years. i know i could continue to progress naturally, a lot actually if i went on those P/P/L programs that are 6x a week and do powerlifting and what not. however i enjoy doing the typical bro split/bodybuidling workouts so much more, and i can still make gains, but i know its not optimal for natty.

i just don't know if i should be cycling or blasting and cruising. many people say theres no point in cycling if your gonna recover and then just shut yourself down. it seems logical. what would you say?
gotcha, obvioulsy this is a big decision. i definitely do think i want to hop on gear, as working out is my main hobby and and has been for years. i know i could continue to progress naturally, a lot actually if i went on those P/P/L programs that are 6x a week and do powerlifting and what not. however i enjoy doing the typical bro split/bodybuidling workouts so much more, and i can still make gains, but i know its not optimal for natty.

i just don't know if i should be cycling or blasting and cruising. many people say theres no point in cycling if your gonna recover and then just shut yourself down. it seems logical. what would you say?
Blast and cruise makes it a life style, not just a hobby. Remember that. Essentially you're accepting gear usage as part of your daily life. It's no different than medicating any other way, just make sure that you understand what you're taking on if you decide this path. Do a lot of research, make sure funds and a good source are in line, and if you have any uncertainty you may want to try a long cycle say 16-20 weeks. This way if at like week 15 you're tired of it, you've at least got to see what it's like and can come off as this is a common cycle length for compounds such as deca and eq.
It reads like you want to use AAS as a crutch for inadequate commitment to the bodybuilding lifestyle Zaxon? Or maybe that's not what you mean?

Either way blast and cruise is not something you want to entertain having not even done a cycle. It's a real lifestyle commitment and comes with elevated health risks. It can also encourage laziness, since holding onto mass becomes easier with a crap diet and training protocol. I see too many guys go absolutely nowhere after the early initial boost from BnC.