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Nodding the day after opiates?


Bluelight Crew
Feb 22, 2014
I've been taking hydrocodone quite a bit lately and have noticed I'm more prone to "hangover" effects now. If I take a heavy dose of hydro (~50mg) I'll end up nodding really hard the next day for the entire length of the day. The half life is about 4 hours so if I take it at 8pm there should only be ~6.25mg left in my system by 8 am the next morning. I always get 5-8 hours of sleep, so that shouldn't be a problem. Does anyone know why this happens?
If you're using daily the drug is probably building up in your system even with the short HL.
I don't know if this is the same thing or not but I take opiates for CP and whenever (like an hour or two prior) I need to take my next dose, I can get very tired. Then once I take the dose, Boom I'm back at it. I gotta think this is pretty common. BTW, happens with my Dad too.
^ As said before if you are taking it everyday it could be that you have in your blood even if it's 24 hours later.
It could be a lot of things.
Yeah, this shouldn't be happening.

Get your renal function checked man - opiates are eliminated by your kidneys (they're excreted via urination).

Poor kidney function (which isn't a side effect of opiod abuse - except for street dope) can lead to an accumulation of opiods in your blood, far past the 'normal' half life.
i doubt it's building in my system, I use daily at time but never for more then a week at a time
i doubt it's building in my system, I use daily at times but never for more then a week at a time and only once or twice a day up to 80mg. I'll go about 4 days on then a couple weeks off. How do drugs even build up in the body, is it due to the half life and the next dose colliding or more complex then that?

I also want to be clear, I'm not feeling the high the next day (only sometimes a very slight buzz for a couple hours after I wake) I just have a really heavy nod all through the day which is much more then regular drowsiness.

I really hope you're wrong about my renal function, I have trouble pissing at times even when sober but I've never seen any troubling signs aside from that small issue. How could I bring up to my doctor wanting to get my renal function checked as an in shape 21 year old guy without arousing suspicion?
I don't think there's anything suspicious about wanting to check yourself out. It's actually advised to do every so often, because many problems are not apparent at first when they emerge, and when they do become apparent it's already a bit too late.

Yes, you're right about the way the drugs can build up, but with a half-life of 4 hours it is very unlikely to be so; it usually happens with drugs that have way longer half-lives. Unless your kidney function is compromised in which case the half-life could be increased considerably. Anyway, it's hard to tell just by reading this.
Is there anything else you could be taking that you're not mentioning here? Supplement, etc.
When you take breaks for a week do you still nod or is it only for the next day? If it's only the next day it doesn't sound like a health problem to me but I'm not a doctor and if you're still worried there's no harm in getting checked. Just say you have trouble pissing and want to get it checked out.

Drugs do build up in your system even with short half-life especially if you redose throughout the day. In fact even taking a single large dose of a short HL drug like Xanax can have you fucked up for over 12 hours. I've seen it happen in non-tolerant users.
I have trouble pissing at times even when sober

Go to your doctor and tell them that - also say that you get some weird flank pain sometimes when pissing.

They'll order blood and urine work (NOT drug testing - probably a basic metabolic panel and a urine test for blood/bacteria) and you'll know there and then if you have kidney issues.

Trust me, don't ignore this, go to the doctor. It might not be anything but kidney health is not something to fuck around with.
I'm taking adderall which is prescribed to me at 20-40mg once every two or three days and multivitamins at about the same frequency as the former.

Now that I think about it, it's possible the adderall was causing some rebound effects that could make me more tired the next day. I notice I'll sleep longer the next day if I use more adderall the night before, so when I wake up for work instead of sleeping in Id be more groggy then usual.

There's no way to tell whether the adderall was the problem or not, I'd have to see if I get the same effect next time I take adderall and hydro in the same night. Either way I'll definitely see if I can get my kidneys checked out when I go in to get my check-up and have my scripts written.
Drugs do build up in your system even with short half-life especially if you redose throughout the day. In fact even taking a single large dose of a short HL drug like Xanax can have you fucked up for over 12 hours. I've seen it happen in non-tolerant users.

Actually alprazolam has a pretty long half life, anywhere from 8-20 hours. It's duration of action is very short compared to its half life and that's why it's so easy to black out when redosing multiple times in one day.
I'm taking adderall which is prescribed to me at 20-40mg once every two or three days and multivitamins at about the same frequency as the former.

Now that I think about it, it's possible the adderall was causing some rebound effects that could make me more tired the next day. I notice I'll sleep longer the next day if I use more adderall the night before, so when I wake up for work instead of sleeping in Id be more groggy then usual.

There's no way to tell whether the adderall was the problem or not, I'd have to see if I get the same effect next time I take adderall and hydro in the same night. Either way I'll definitely see if I can get my kidneys checked out when I go in to get my check-up and have my scripts written.

Amphetamines will do that if you take them frequently. But with your trouble pissing sober I think the suggestion to see your doctor is actually probably a good one so it's good you're doing that.

Actually alprazolam has a pretty long half life, anywhere from 8-20 hours. It's duration of action is very short compared to its half life and that's why it's so easy to black out when redosing multiple times in one day.

Huh you're right man. Average HL of alprazolam is 11.2 hours according to Wiki. I learnt something new today.

But etizolam and pregabalin which both have a 6 hour half life will do the same thing if you take a high dose without tolerance regardless. Makes sense because obviously your body will take a longer time to metabolise the drug the more of it there is in your system.
I'm about to have my first day off of hydro this week, hopefully the problem doesn't persist.

Also I'd like to know (preferably from the person who spoke about renal function) what kind of test(s) should I ask for? I would think that normally the doctor would have a reason for doing the test and I would at least like to partially know what I'm talking about instead of looking stupid asking them to test my kidneys for what seems to be no reason, I don't want to look like a deer in headlights when asked follow up questions.