Nocturnal Wonderland - SoCal - Labor Day Weekend

Actually, I like the moonbounce idea better than the NOC meet up area, just because it seems like it would be more fun to hang out at.
We're now meeting up at the moonbounce entrance every three hours starting at 7pm (10pm, 1am, 4am and 7am.) If there is no moonbounce, the fall back is the official NOC meet up area.
Hey everyone just wanted to say that I'll be there but I've never met any of you so if you see a chick wandering around the moonbouce castle in white angel/fairy wings with glitter all over them, white tank, and white visor, please direct me to the meetup cause I'm really not going to be familiar with the area or the people so....please help out. Thanks!
So, blah... yea 3days till nocturnal WHOO woo..... coo ill try to make the first meet up at 7pm, but if not ill be there for most the other ones.. depends on what time, depending on traffic. AHAHAA i am soo excited... um ill be the Asian guy wearing a white(i know white isnt the brightest idea for a rave) dragon ball z shirt, a blue visor and ill be wearing blue trac pants.... probably be other people wearing that but at least i ahve a chance of being spotted...(actually i was planning on buying 2 BLUE glow sticks/photons....even though i dont know how to use them yet... maybe one of you guys can
) *yay* this is going to be one hell of a party for me, and expensive one.... =\
CYa all there... ill look out for you guys
3! days!
[This message has been edited by Gohan-X- (edited 30 August 2001).]
ohhh...bliss feels so remebered me doctor love...well after some serious pondering i have decided not to go dressed as 'the angel'(for anyone who even knows what i'm talking about)i'd rather be comfy and able to dance my little ass of then just float around and look pretty. well can't wait to meet some new bl'ers and to the few i did meet can't wait to see you all again. look for the black haired girl in a silver tiara(yes, i am reverting back to my candy daze for this event) jeans and a rock star belt....
Hey Hey ppl

It's ON baby!! I dunno whether I'll be able to make it to the meet-up... just wanna wish everyone a bombass time! Please drive safely, and remember to bring lots of $$ for drinks!
lookin forward to this weekend
looks like lots of ppl r reverting back to their candy kid dayz fir this party
o and hey Gohan.. mah fiance and his friends r really good w/ photons and glowsticks, maybe u guyz can make friends and go play
much luv!!!
*no one else can be me, sum dayz even i have trouble doing it*
~*SpRitZ & tiggerboyEE.. forever!! i luv u baby!!*~
Were going to get our dancpotation tickets right now ill see you all there.
expect the unexpected
All right Spritz i hold you up to that!!
though.. i am still new to the rave scene and um i dont really know how to do all the cool shit everyone else does... maybe i might learn something

AND oh yea I am taking DANCEPORTATION too from the John Wayne airport by Irvine.. And if you guys wanna meet up for the trip, haha that would be cool.. Drop me a Email or something and i hope we will have fun on the bus... *yay*
how exciting...
Only 35.5hrs till the bus leaves to Nocturnal Joy... so anyone taking danceportation lets meet up...
And see you all at the Moon Bounce(but i ahve a feeling they might deflate those things before the party ends...) and if not there ill see you guys at the other meet up spot(maybe near the food and drink court, since i am sure will be there all nite and its in the same area as the moon bounce place, it could just be a backup from the moonbounce.....)
Have fun you guys, Sorry I can't make it out there but I hope to be in Cali sometime soon.
(((((California Bluelighters)))))
party safe and dance hard
26 hours to go!!!
I'll see everyone taking Danceportation from Johnwayne Airport!
Look for me -
tall white guy/red b-52's shirt/(maybe yellow hooded sweatshirt)
See y'all there!!!
hey guys- i just decided within the last 15 min that im going out there for the party.... i scanned over the msgs birefly, but was there ever a definate time and place that has been decided??? hit me back or on aim (KaNdEbUtTaHfLy) or email [email protected] thanks!!!!
5 more minutes and my holiday weekend officially begins!!!! yeah!!! can't wait to meet you all!!!!
Meet Up Spot:
Moon Bounce
Secondary Meet Up of that one falls thru:
Meet up area behind the stages
Anyway, everyone look for me yo, (my pic is in the picture area if you wanna look) I'm 6'2, skinny, white, bleached blonde hair, oh yea and i'll be weraing the white doctor's jacket.
I'm Hardcore, want proof?
See ya at Nocturnal.
"Raving is the wave of the future."
---Quiksilver (Rest in Peace)
Just some readings about Nocturnal Wonderland i found interesting
too some it all up in a nut shell for ya guys those two articles are just saying, Tha LATIMES is just telling about the party and how it was able to pull through despite the fall outs of mekka and creamfields and the party is going on for the times it is posted. and tha other article is saying how there will be zero or a vary low amount of police officers in the area because they failed to reach agreements of pay etc etc.... and there will be about 375 private security personal to monitor the event. Also "A two-lane road that connects with U.S. 95 between Needles and Vidal Junction is the only vehicle access to the reservation." < from one of the articles,i dont know if that is true but, for those of you driving there please be safe.
23 hours till the event starts *YAY*13hrs till bus leaves...
[This message has been edited by Gohan-X- (edited 01 September 2001).]
OK, If anyone is going from San Diego and has room for two people. . . I have gas money, please please take me and my friend. Our ride plans fell through last minute and now we have tickets and no ride, and I donn't know if there is still room on the shuttle from San Diego. AHHHHHHH, please help.
Show some love. If you are feeling generous please email me at [email protected].
"We must lose everything before we are free to do anything."
AIM - twr1HB
Did it remind anyone else of the Del Mar Fair with all those concession stands?(everything except for all of the undercover cops). Can't say I'm not disappointed..........
What the fuck are you looking at!
Alright people they had no moonbounce, AND no meetup area! Did anyone meetup anywhere??? Was looking for Doctor Love and obviously no luck... was kinda upset about the whole ordeal with the meetup, I REALLY wanted to meet everybody. Maybe there will be another one sometime that I can make.

C everyone later (hopefully)
Mateo, I saw you like 20 million times but didn't get to read the post before I left cause I'm a retard like that :p
[This message has been edited by tranceaddiKt (edited 02 September 2001).]
Awww that sucks that you guys couldn't meet up. The same thing happened last year. Hope you all had a great time anyway.