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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

No tolerance. Huge doses of ativan/klonopin. Can't sleep.


Oct 5, 2010
I am suffering from mood swings/panic attacks/depression due to my cold turkeying of my antidepressant effexor. To stabilize me and induce sleep until the psych meds are back on board they tried me on Klonopins. I took 8mg klonopin over a 2 1/2 hour period, felt mild drowsiness, but remained perfectly alert and was unable to sleep. It did help my anxiety/panic and mood changes, but didn't make me sleepy for shit. my main issue now is getting some sleep. I've been up for 4 days straight

They switched me to Ativan. Took 6mg klonopin three hours ago, felt nothing. Added 6mg of ativan on top of the 6mg klonopin about an hour ago. I am not sleepy, I feel alert, and mildy drowsy. I cannot sleep at all right now and sleep doesn't even sound appealing.

I am trying to weigh my options here. A long time ago I took 3.5mg xanax and it induced sleep. Do I simply need to be on xanax as these other benzos are not working? If I pop a 100mg seroquel right now will I not wake up in the morning?

I haven't taken benzos for years until now, they used to work for me in therapeutic doses.

Any suggestions? I feel like going to the ER and explaining these issues and discussing a course of action because the lack of sleep is exacerbating my mood swings and making me not able to think clearly during the day. I never feel tired. But as you've all probably assumed I will be labeled a drug addict who is looking to get high being that I am taking doses such larger than prescribed.

Suggestions? Similar experiences?
Doses like that of such potent benzos SHOULD allow most people to sleep. Neither one is particularly well-suited for insomnia and are not, in therapeutic doses, generally very hypnotic, but all benzos are hypnotic to some extent and they SHOULD help you sleep. I really don't see why they aren't working - try to find more hypnotic benzos, if you can. Temazepam, nitrazepam, midazolam are good.