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No Oxycodone prescription - Pending withdrawal please help!


Jun 14, 2016
Hello all.

I went for my fortnightly prescription today to get my OxyNorm 10mg IR Oxycodone capsules. This morning I received a letter saying my OxyNorm caps will be replaced by Shortec cap. They are a newly re-branded version. When I went into the pharmacy the pharmacist said he cannot give me my new Shortec caps as they wont be arriving till the morning! So I told him that I have no more of my OxyNorm caps as I took my last one at 4pm today. I also told him that if I dont get these new Shortec's my pain will come back and not mention the withdrawal and he said there's nothing he can do! I asked for my prescription back and they said ALL pharmacies are affected by this so there will be no point in going to a different pharmacy!

So basically I'm left to suffer for 24 hours+ because of their disorganised way of operating! What should I expect in the next 24 hours as the Oxy leaves my system? I know my pain will come back but what are the withdrawal symptoms like? Help much appreciated!
sorry to hear pal, pharmacies and doctors really need to up their game vis a vis stock/deliveries

you can expect some of the following; akathisia, anxiety, aches&chills, gastric distress, insomnia

its a really unfortunate situation :(
It's just 24 hours. I've been through a lot of withdrawals when I abused it and they are not that bad even when stopping +100mg daily dose cold turkey. When you get used to it is nothing except some visits to a toilet and lethargy. I doubt you won't even get those diarrhea symptoms within 24 hours.

How much is your daily dose?
It's just 24 hours. I've been through a lot of withdrawals when I abused it and they are not that bad even when stopping +100mg daily dose cold turkey. When you get used to it is nothing except some visits to a toilet and lethargy. I doubt you won't even get those diarrhea symptoms within 24 hours.

How much is your daily dose?

I go through 80mg every 24 hours which is what I'm directed to do by my doc. I've got some Tramadol there, will they help with the withdrawal? I'm starting to feel like ive got the flu, aches and joints pains. My nerve pain is full blown 100% now which is what I take oxy for.
thought tramadol isn't a true opiate it works on the same receptors and will go some ways to help alleviate your withdrawals, they're also quite good for nerve pain so, yeah, give em a go.
thought tramadol isn't a true opiate it works on the same receptors and will go some ways to help alleviate your withdrawals, they're also quite good for nerve pain so, yeah, give em a go.

I used to be on Tram but they're not good enough, they would only take like 50% of my pain away. Oxy takes about 95% of my pain away and they give my mood a lift too.

I took 150mg (3x50mg) of Tram an hour ago. I would of taken less but I have an opiate tolerance. My flu like symptoms have somewhat lessened and my nerve pain has reduced by half. I guess ill be ok with the tram till tomorrow
^ you'll be fine til tmo mate ;) just don't go above 300mgs tram in one day as it severely lowers the seizure threshold
^ you'll be fine til tmo mate ;) just don't go above 300mgs tram in one day as it severely lowers the seizure threshold

Yeah im aware of the seizure threshold of tram, its 400mg actually lol. Ill have an extra 80mg of oxy tomorrow cos ive essentially missed a days dose. hmmm.. lol
^you got this man

SHIT!!!!! I've just realised im on antidepressants!!! I'm on Mirtazapine which is a SNRI. Tram has SNRI properties doesnt it? ffs. I feel fine though... should I stay well away from 400mg then?
SHIT!!!!! I've just realised im on antidepressants!!! I'm on Mirtazapine which is a SNRI. Tram has SNRI properties doesnt it? ffs. I feel fine though... should I stay well away from 400mg then?

i'm not sure what effects your SSRIs may have with tram sorry man, but i used to take both at the same time and nothing bad happened but your mileage may vary.
i don't like to go any higher than 300mgs regardless, personal preference
Thats another reason why I came off tram is that they messed with my antidepressants. I'll stay below 300mg and I should be fine.
Could your doctor give a temporary alternative? Seems the best way to go id so.
man i'm glad i'm off opis....everyfucking month its the same shit with the pharmacists...not knowing if you are going to be able to fill. going to twenty different pharmacies while in horrible pain
I've just picked them up. Had to sit there for 10 mins while they did it though! I took 40mg 30 mins ago on an empty stomach and boy can I feel them lol. 0% pain and quite energetic and euphoric. I think that 24 hour break has lowered my tolerance slightly.
man i'm glad i'm off opis....everyfucking month its the same shit with the pharmacists...not knowing if you are going to be able to fill. going to twenty different pharmacies while in horrible pain

This is the first time this has happened. It's only cos they've changed brands. Changed from OxyNorm IR to Shortec IR
Oxycodone isn't pretty often prescribed here and I am a first addict who uses oxycodone as a main drug in the history of our local rehab center. I used to have often problems with getting my drugs as very often there wasn't any ocycodone with the strength I was prescribed and had to visit all pharmacies to get it or even suffer day or two in withdrawals until they got my drugs.

Luckily one lovely pharmacist lady offered to stock up and be sure there is oxies for me always and after that I kept using that pharmacy :)
Thats another reason why I came off tram is that they messed with my antidepressants. I'll stay below 300mg and I should be fine.

I think he is speaking of the possibility of getting serotonin syndrome, as tramadol has serotonergic properties to it.
For future reference going to an urgent care (or your primary as suggested) and explaining the situation with the evidence would maybe yield doses of something more closely related than tramadol to tide you over.