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No nicotine in cigarette smoke???


Apr 18, 2015
I read a post on E cigarette forum which made some strange claims I found somewhat ridiculous, but I want to get your opinions.
Sorry I can't post the link because of my vision problems but you can just google it. The post stated that nicotine was a highly flammable, combustible and explosive liquid that ignites below the boiling point of water, and consequently there is no nicotine in cigarettes smoke as it is destroyed by high heat. This raises the question, that if nicotine is not the active compound in cigarette smoke that makes it psychoactive and addictive then what is? They do not really address this point but instead argue that nicotine is oxidised to cotinine and nicotinic acid aka vitamin be three. At first I thought I may have misunderstood the author of the post since they were referring to the fact that nicotine in tobacco is bound to various carboxylic acids to form salts, but after reading it several times I realised they were trying to refute decades worth of scientific research, and linked antitobacco advocates to the Nazi party. They also went on to state that cotinine supposedly The only nicotine related components in cigarette smoke according to them, is not active. Following this they state that many Side affects and toxicity warnings have been attributed to nicotine to demonise it, and that the only way to experience the full range of effects and toxicity of nicotine is to purify it and intravenously inject it. Funnily enough The way they describe nicotines pharmacological and chemical properties earlier on in the post certainly demonises nicotine. They made it sound like a cross between nitroglycerin and VX nerve gas
PS The post is called 'nicotine what is it exactly part 2'.
Please read through the post and inform me if I have read it incorrectly or miss understood it.
How credible was the article? Like a scholarly article or just some bunk website? That really doesn't make any sense to me, unless it was all placebo and mental, I went from a tin a day of chewing tobacco to half a pack of cigarettes, so I would confidently say cigarette smoke most definitely contains nicotine. If it didn't why are they so difficult to quit?
I've read it, but I'm not buying it, people that use smokeless tobacco, wouldn't be satisfied with a cigarette, and my buddy wouldn't have gone to the hospital with nicotine poisoning from smoking 2packs of american spirits in hours..

- Hopeless 7nos
Nicotine is definitely not a combustible and very volatile liquid. It has a tertiary basic nitrogen, which is protonated at normal pH levels, so it's mostly stable in regards to oxidation and other forms of degradation (and it doesn't evaporate, even the non-protonated form would have very low vapor pressure). Smoking tobacco is not the only way of ingestion - snus and the like are also viable methods, and produce similar effects, suggesting that smoking and other ROAs of tobacco/nicotine ingestion work similarly.