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Opioids No euphoria from opiates / opioids

Well for a large percentage of people bupe isn't very recreational or produce that solid of a opioid high (especially when one builds an opioid tolerance, not saying this applies to you). I have gotten amazing highs from bupe, but only when I first started using (I needed 2-6mgs for a solid high) it and before my opioid tolerance was as high as it is now. I was rare in that respect.

Codeine really isn't going to produce that fantastic of a high, and a lot of individuals are going to have a different reaction from one another. Codeine itself isn't that great of an opioid and has a lot of other receptor activation like histamine agonism which can cause a lot of side-effects. Most of the pleasurable opioid effects come from it's metabolites and not codeine (though the anti-tussive effects are seen to be strong from just codeine activation).

Heroin's experience can be clouded (or any opioid) from being nauseated/uncomfertable as a result of the side-effects experienced. You might have dosed to high which resulted in a lack of euphoria from the experience.

With not having a high tolerance to opioids I'd give a low dose of oxycodone or hydrocodone a go to get a solid euphoric experience from opioids. Don't expect the same type of euphoria seen with psychedelics or say amphetamines, it has a different feel and isn't for everyone. I'd maybe count your blessings for not being sucked into opioids though.
no i don't think mdma would cause you to not get euphoria from opiates even though it gives you more euphoria than seeing god..
(or the odds of it actually doing that wouldn't be to good) but i was a heavy mdma user before i switched to opiates and liked them a lot more for some reason and got addicted blah blah and i got plenty euphoria.
my friend though has tried my suboxone many times while i was on it and only got sick every time.. so i think opiates might just not be for certain people unfortunately or luckily whichever way you look at it.

If you arent much for opiates suboxone and methadone are wrong to start out on.
OP, perhaps you are searching for a high with the idea of an MDMA euphoria in mind. In my experience, Opiates do not produce a euphoria similar to mdma. It's more sedating, and subtle. Perhaps you feel it, and don't even know it.

With that being said, perhaps it's best you don't feel a thing. Opiates are one of those drugs that are too good, and too easy to abuse.
As said above and I shall repeat again. You need to learn to appreciaye opiates, at first it's a 'I'm itchy as hell, a bit tired, not much else' but once you appreciate the fact it is the lack of everything else, the numbing of the world to just you and your vice that is considered 'euphoric'.
Don't expect MDMA freight train euphoria, expect little, just go with it.

And to completely contradict above, but with HR in mind - leave them now because once you do appreciate them you won't appreciate life without them. Amph crashes and neurotoxicity disuade most from daily use - they need a social setting, thingto do, whereas opies force their way into daily use quickly.
What you're looking at is a "sensitization" phenomenon, it pretty much means your brain "learns" how to feel a drug. You don't want that, it comes with all sorts of other issues that aren't worth the hassle.

As a side note, I'm in the same boat with painkillers even prior to my strictly prescription stimulant use. My painkillers after I got my wisdom teeth out just made me feel awful to the point I didn't take them after day 2.