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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Nitrous Oxide) - Experienced - Life Changing Problems

So your "ship" is actually a physical creation in this world that's in, say, your room somewhere, that you can get inside and turn on to experience a fixed subjective experience?

This whole time I thought you meant you created a "ship" of some sort within the gascid world and I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it. :)

Do you live on Vancouver Island? If so, my wife and I had our honeymoon there in the summer of 2008. Wonderful place. <3 We stayed in the Malahat.


Yeah - I guess it can be confusing. No-one had asked me to really clarify the space/time ship reference-and in the absence of any fuel (N02), there hasn't really been the inspirational spak I need to start babbling about t.

Yeah - the idea is something like ... did you see "Contact" - Jodie Foster, where they receive instructions on how to build a 'machine' that creates a wormhole in the space-time continuum. It's a premise that I have subscribed to for a long time - that is that in order to travel to other 'places' we don't need an actual spaceship that will travel at impossible speeds to other star systems - but rather either something that creates a physical vortex of some kind - or alternatively - a chemically induced means of traveling to other star systems o or whatever - without having to leave the constraints of our corporeal location. So you can think f this creation of mine as being something like that - a physical space, in which a combination of chemicals andf technology make it possible to travel to other 'places'. It's a very complex construct - and one for which the technology is only now coming into affordable existence. I feel that perfecting this - or at leqst exploring it in a lot more detail is the reason that I am alive (If one were to subscribe to the concept of fate, or destiny. Don't get me wrong - I'm way beyond the messianic complex. This really does fall within the realm of Science.

I live just off Vancouver Island - on Gabriola - just off Nanaimo. It really *s* a beautiful place. I left South Africa in 1981,and it took me 20 years to find Gabriola - where I finally planted some roots. If you ever come up this way again, let me know - ity'd be great to get together.

I wanted to ask you - were you the person who told me about "Kratom"? It was someone - I think one of the moderators here on Bluelight.


I would love to hear more about your ship once you build it. It sounds absolutely fascinating but is hard to visualize. It would be cool to see a picture or a video of it in action once it's finished.

I totally see how all those variables could have a huge affect on the experience. I am very aware of the effects that the speed, rhythm, and tonality of music can have on the overall content and feeling of a trip so it makes perfect sense that the same thing applies to visual stimuli.
Amazing read... it really sounds like you've explored the furthest reaches of heaven, hell and beyond!

If you ever feel motivated to get it all down I'd love to read the non-abridged version of your story.
Are you sure the damage was not from B12 vitamin deprivation? As if particular vitamin levels are too low long periods of time it may cause damage to your brains, and if I remember correctly long term of nitrous use deprivates tour B12.

Anyway thanks for info. So not even opioids or cannabis help your pain?
Fantastic. This could be the next Doors of Perception! I truly think with your writing skills you could easily churn out one of the next best books on psychedelic/dissociative transcendence :)

I dabble with nitrous occasionally, it was my first dissociative, but thanks for the added info on it. I'll be keeping it in mind :) You have my best wishes on recovering TheMerryPrankster and as you've said "If you ever find Heaven - take care of it." Thanks again for the amazing read.
I love your story. Thanks for sharing. You are a very talented writer. This is the first long post, well definitely trip report, on BL, I have thoroughly enjoyed every single word.

I haven't tried gascid, but have done both plenty, in fact nitrous was second to heroin last year. Being a addict in general, I think this post was very, very informative and helpful to me and my potential company also.

The ship seems like an incredible voyage. I would love to cruise w ship! How genius!!
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Thanks for an awesome read! I know that this has been here for quite some time now but I during my boredom i only stumbled across this tonight. It brings back great memories, both great and scary experiences. I've also lost my mind before, in a sense where I can't distinguish between reality and the illusions created by my own mind as a result of the trip.

Never really got majorly hooked on Nitrous although when it was available it was certainly a very welcome experience. I have two experiences I can remember vividly which involve nitrous.

The first was a new years eve, probably 2002 I think. Not sure cant remember, where I decided to do nitrous after a few lines of K. The next hour of my life was completely out of this world. I did the nitrous in the car whilst listening to some tunes and driving to a park (not me, friends were driving)! I remember opening my eyes not long after gassing up and everything being in shades of metalic colours of silver green and red. To be honest It doesn't feel like a hallucination because it is still so clear in my mind that night. I just remember thinking wow this is amazing! Then we finally found the park some 5mins later which felt like a few hours.

I jumped out, then popped out of a massive k hole and i was two football fields away from the car thinking to myself WTF! Then spent the next little while being a child on the adventure playground.

The second experience I cant remember the trip but like many drugs when u haven't got the right equipment u improvise. In this case we didn't have a bottle to add the n20 bulbs to, so one of my friends at the time decided to use the inner tube of a bike tire and a nail.

Seemed logical. Pierce the bulb then evacuate the gas into the tire and breathe it in from the tire. Worked like a treat, and became amusing watching how big the tire tube became with the expanding gas inside. Such a small bulb with so much gas :S !

Anyway enough garbage from me, just thought i'd talk about some of my experiences seeing as i enjoyed the read so much and i haven't posted on here in about 4yrs!

Your an excellent writer as many have said. I found the read both informative and very entertaining. I hope everything works out for you!
Nietzsche"s thoughts on this one

I'm reading "All too human"by Nietzsche at the moment, and there's this part that relates wonderfully to your posts, TMP:

It is still a long way from this morbid isolation, from the desert of these experimental years, to that enormous, overflowing certainty and health which cannot do without even illness itself, as an instrument and fishhook of knowledge; to that mature freedom of the spirit which is fully as much self‑mastery and discipline of the heart, and which permits paths to many opposing ways of thought.

It is a long way to the inner spaciousness and cosseting of a superabundance which precludes the danger that the spirit might lose itself on its own paths and fall in love and stay put, intoxicated, in some nook; a long way to that. excess of vivid healing, reproducing, reviving powers, the very sign of great health, an excess that gives the free spirit the dangerous privilege of being permitted to live experimentally and to offer himself to adventure: the privilege of the master free spirit! In between may lie long years of convalescence, years full of multicolored, painful magical transformations, governed and led by a tough will to health which already often dares to dress and disguise itself as health.

There is a middle point on the way, which a man having such a fate cannot remember later without being moved: a pale, fine light and sunny happiness are characteristic of it, a feeling of a birdlike freedom, birdlike perspective, birdlike arrogance, some third thing in which curiosity and a tender contempt are united. A "free spirit"--this cool term is soothing in that state, almost warming. No longer chained down by hatred and love, one lives without Yes, without No, voluntarily near, voluntarily far, most preferably slipping away, avoiding, fluttering on, gone again, flying upward again; one is spoiled, like anyone who has ever seen an enormous multiplicity beneath him--and one becomes the antithesis of those who trouble themselves about things that do not concern them. Indeed, now the free spirit concerns himself only with things (and how many there are!) which no longer trouble him.
Man, don't ever kill yourself, even with irreversible brain damage you're one of the greatest psychonauts out there, you'd be depriving the world of an incredible amount of substance knowledge. You got a lot of writing talent, as a lot of people have mentioned, it was very easy to read that whole passage. Write a book or something, you obviously care greatly about individual opinions cos you've replied to just about every post I saw on the first page. I wouldn't imagine a lifetime of pain would be a barrel of laughs, but you got a lot to offer the world mate. Best wishes to you.
Good read.

I've met one dude in my life who was a true "hippie-crack" addict.... Sounds just like OP. He would get 12 boxes of 24 cartriges to split with me. But he ended up doing most of them. He would have all sorts of pseudo-religious experiences and stuff.... Occasionally I felt that light
hey dude just updating my current status on the abuse of nos.

Haven't been doing that much these days due to one reason. My kidneys ache from it. dont know how but it does.

It doesn't happen every time thou. some sessions i can smash thru 10boxes and feel no more.
some other sessions i'd be in agonizing pain before the first box is finished. Although this pain is being triggered by nos, but its not the cause of it. Its my k abusing days thats whats cause my kidney is such poor form.

But anyways due to that i haven't been induling as much :)
My brother used to work in a hospital and would steal 3 foot long tanks of nitrous.
rubber thumb and pliers.
Good times.%)
Fucking amazing was like reading a boom kept me attached to the story!!
Interesting read, but that's a bit fuckin' extreme man. "hundreds, maybe thousands of *cases* of Nitrous (and about 750 hits of acid)" = holy fuck! Not really surprised there have been some adverse effects, surprised you can still write an intelligible sentence actually.

Have you ever tried amitryptiline for the pain? I have been prescribed some for, (pretty minor), neuralgic pain in the past and it worked very well.
mixing nitrous with booze and weed is crazy enough, wouldn't like to mix it with any psychedelics. that would blow my mind
Thatt was the most wild story I have ever heard! And it really was well told, and as someone posted earlier a full story would be amazing, an I'm sure tons of people would read your autobiography!

Thanks for your story!
Holy fuck shit jesus that was a good read. I only tried my first whippit about a week ago. I did it on acid twice and posted about it in the psychedelics forum.

Everything in moderation. This post was a great eye opener!
Great story. I like nitrous, but am over it at the moment. It is definately one of the straight up fun drugs.