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Nitrous + MDMA


Aug 6, 2002
I've done a few searches on this combo

IE - here and here

but I thought I'd bring it up again for a fresh perspective.

I've never done nitrous before, and I plan on doing it the next time I roll. Any ideas on what to expect? Any advice? (other than the obvious - don't do it standing up, don't use a mask, etc.) When should I do it? (coming up, while peaking, after peaking, on the comedown, or all of the above :))

I've read up on it, but I'm curious to see if anyone has anything else to add.
I always like to nang right when i start comin down... itll do wonders =)
Theres nothing to really worry about... its alot of fun especially when used with mdma... how were you planning on taking it? cracker + balloons? if so, you have to worry about a few things there, but nothing serious... youll be able to figure it out.

As far as taking it, theres no one way thats been shown to be better (as far as I know). I like to exhale completely, then inhale all of the nitrous out of the balloon, hold it as long as I can, then breath it back into the balloon. Repeat this procedure until you feel like you should stop... you should know when this point is, but i always say pushing the limits in this case produces the best results =P
I try to wait until the middle of the experience so you dont bring yourself down. I know that doesnt seem to make sense since nitrous will send you to the heavens but once it wears off you might not be as high on the E as you were before upi started with the gas.
Look at it this way if your coming down a bit the gas will lift ya back up. this is all my opinion of course.
I have a nitrous breathing technique down to a science which takes me to the heavens every time. I will exhale all oxygen- take a nice hit of the gas and after 30 seconds or so begin to take a series of extremely shallow breaths just to get a little new oxygen into the mix. I dont use a cracker (I have the whip cream dispensor) so I dont have a balloon to breathe it back into. I continue to do this and will follow up with another small hit of n2o once all the rest is exhaled. Invest in the dispensor - the thing can hold 3 chargers at a time.
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I tried some NO2 the first time I used Ecstacy, pretty much during the peak...

Highly reccommended, but make sure you're sitting down - I was nearly knocked off my feet!
Well, I would agree with nickss on this. If you hit it a while after the peak goes away it might bring it back. I usually use a cracker and a balloon. I have found that it works the best. Whip cream is ok, but it doesn't seem to work as well for me as a balloon does. I usually just take deep breaths the whole time and exhale in the balloon until I have had enough. I have never found any ill effects from passing out using this meathod, and usually find it most appealing. It might take a few times before you are comfortable doing this, and it might be a little extreme for some people, but its what I like. Just be safe and make sure that you are sitting down for this. And don't do to many or you will regret it in the morning / day after.

I've been curious about ketamine too, but unfortunately I have no access to it. Oh well...
Whats wrong with mushrooms? I hated the taste but I liked the effect. But I would take acid before mushrooms.
ahhh, JP...good to see you want to experience more....;)

have you thought about where you will be obtaining this wonderful substance? it's not sold in GA anymore, but i know you can find it if you just look hard enough *elsewhere*.

nitrous is a wonderful substance but can easily get out of control when you roll. chris's best friend did 4 boxes by himself in one night. 8o by the end of his binge he was so messed up, he shot one of them into his mouth w/o the balloon.

i know when enough is enough for me, because the last one i do i don't even know that i do it. what i mean is, i can't feel the gas, i suck it in like it's air, and i don't huff anything because there's nothing there. again, that's when it's time to stop.

i don't like using nitrous very much because it makes my head hurt after awhile. it helps intensify the roll for a very short time, but again, it makes my head hurt. i would recommend at least trying it...it's definitely something cool.
faris said:
ahhh, JP...good to see you want to experience more....;)

Well, not too much more. I did a little research and found this to be relatively safe. Besides, I gotta see what this hippy crack thing is all about.

have you thought about where you will be obtaining this wonderful substance? it's not sold in GA anymore, but i know you can find it if you just look hard enough *elsewhere*.

Don't worry, I've got that under control too. All it takes is a little ingenuity and searching.

he shot one of them into his mouth w/o the balloon.

And he didn't freeze his lips solid?

Don't worry, I don't plan on doing very much. I've seen from other posts that it can give you a pretty crazy headache if you do. Still, I've heard that it can be quite enjoyable while you're rolling, so I thought, "What the hell? I'll give it a shot."
A good Nitrous kick is wonderful when coming off a pill.But I have to agree 100% with Medi57, a bulb during an intense Ketamine binge does some strange and wonderful things.
he actually froze the back of his throat. what a fucking idiot!8(
Whip cream is ok, but it doesn't seem to work as well for me as a balloon does
I was talking about this gadget: dispenser
well worth the cash. You can load up to 3 chargers at a time and you merely squeeze the trigger to release the gas at your leisure. Works good in the bedroom. :) Try messing around with a cracker and balloons when your making sweet love. :(

edit: the above link is not meant to be a source I just cant figure out how to merely post a jpg of the unit.
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Realize that some people start getting very dowsey. So it may cut your roll short. Unless you are a nang whore, then you can go all night...
Just some info -- do not combine nitrous and ketamine, if possible. The potential brain damage is magnified by the combo.
Expect to feel like your head is a hot air balloon, and like it's going to detach from your shoulders and float away. Nitrous is fun, but it doesn't last very long. It can be expensive to if you discover you really enjoy it. I usually pay $3 for a balloon when I go to outdoor/desert parties, but I can't only do one balloon -- more like 10 throughout the night. The stuff is like raver crack, I swear. 8(