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Nice Codeine Megathread

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I haven't got the exact details yet, but a mate gas just failed a possible test, he is being tested in a custody case because of his cannabis use and he is wondered if solphadiene tablets would show up, and I told him that codeine is metabolised to morphine, but can the test show how much of the resultant morphine was in the blood and also how it got there, I mean can the test say that it was ingestion of codeine that gave rise to the positive.
I haven't got the exact details yet, but a mate gas just failed a possible test, he is being tested in a custody case because of his cannabis use and he is wondered if solphadiene tablets would show up, and I told him that codeine is metabolised to morphine, but can the test show how much of the resultant morphine was in the blood and also how it got there, I mean can the test say that it was ingestion of codeine that gave rise to the positive.

Very little morphine is actually metabolised from codeiene. Well below recreational doses even if you take an absolute fucktonne of codeine. If there's enough morphine in his system to fail a drug test it's pretty unlikely he'll be able to pass it off as just taking OTC pills as instructed. Worth a shot though.

Why cant someone create a magic pill that takes withdrawls away!!

They have. They're called pharmacuetical opioids ;)

As for my codeine use, I'm prescribed straight codeine pills and co-codamols so only CWE when the others have run out. I'm really only using them for pain relief but as codeine is so piss-weak the amount required to make any difference to pain is in the "recreational" zone so I do still get a buzz off 'em at the beginning of the month. Script doesn't last long though so is very much up and down followed by either sod all or scrabbling 'round for crappy OTC co-cos or linctus from online sources. Mostly just have to go without though. Shite but does mean my tolerance stays low.
What's your analgesial/recreational dose Shambles (if you don't mind me asking)? For me, 300mg still gives a nice buzz but doesn't do much for pain anymore.
Generally ~300mg or so, Curious. Never really let it get over ~500mg these days as I find I just get totally the wrong effect. I actually feel almost like I'm in mild w/d if I go over 500mg or so. Is odd :?

In all honesty codeine is a shite painkiller so is probably as much recreational as therapeutic for me. Until I get some real painkillers it's just summat to pass the time with really :\
^To be fair though, there is sort of a ceiling dose. Well not the legendary 'after 350mg it doesn't make any difference anymore' dose, but rather that the effects seem to decrease exponentially around 300-400mg. Or so's my impression.
Definitely. Past a certain point (~500mg or so for me) the shitty effects increase greatly with little or no increase in "good" effect. Was actually wondering whether it might (at least in part) account for you feeling like you're in mild w/d on 700mg. Especially as you should have adjusted down days ago. You ever tried dropping your codeine dose to stay maintained without the shitty side-effects? I can promise you it works. There really is no need to be taking 700mg/day unless you're in acute w/d. Imo, ime, ymmv, etc, etc. Have abused the living shit outta codeine for 20-odd years and I really don't see the point of going over ~500mg or so at most. Just makes me feel clucky when I go beyond that. I actually feel more opiated on less.
Yeah, that's definitely possible. I only took about 400mg tonight because I forgot to go buy more and frankly I feel about the same as on 700. Which probably means it's working better since I should be in a worse WD stage today (had the smart idea of taking bupe a couple days ago which just sent me back into the full-blown joys of opiate abuse)
I'll try testing it when I'm not actually WD'ing and see how it works.

Around the 700-800 range I do get all the usual effects but I always feel weirdly achy/flu-ish as well, just like at the beginning of withdrawals where everything just kinda hurts. Wonder why :?
I get mad kickylegs/squirmymuscles/RLS when I go over ~500mg. Probably always did but was so fukked with the insane histamine release I never noticed until fairly recenly 8)

Also, taking bupe absolutely is a good idea. A fukkin great idea. As long as you wait until in w/d before taking it then take no other opies other than bupe consequently. Bupe fukkin rules. Got me off the gear and kept me feeling gooooooood the whole way down <3
Aah really? So weird. It would be interesting to know why it seems to throw you into vague WDs over a certain dose.

Mmyeah, the problem is more that I've been clean off smack for a bit and just got some because I wanted a buzz, which I got, but which put me back into withdrawals as a result. Still totally worth it though, of course =D
But it's good to know bupe helped you so much in getting clean off gear. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future reference.
You could always just taper down from a pissy lil codeine habit...

So close...

But know there'e little or no point until you actually want to quit. Is hard watching y'all yoofs teetering on the brink though. You have no idea how deep the pinhole goes... I know y'all think you do. But you don't. Just ain't worth it. Really isn't. Horrible to see. Wish I could intervene everytime and save y'all from yourselves... but is pissing in the wind. I'd never have listened and neither will any of you :(

No need to worry about me Shambles. Was injecting multiple speedballs a day just a couple months ago and now I haven't even had any smack in weeks and feel relatively good about it. Plus I'm going to be in Paris all summer where it's so low quality there's no point in even trying.
I know I've got no idea how deep it can go but I know I don't want to find out. Hence forcing myself to quit before that happens. I'm not ready to quit opies entirely but it's already a good start I think :)
Absolutely :)<3

I can't help being cloyingly patriarchal around "noob" junkies though. Is a common trait. You'll do it yourself one day unless... It's just that any smackhead who's not died before reaching middle-age has seen so many good people come and go. And so very many of 'em gone forever. There is good reason auld junkies patronise the livin shit outta "noobs". It's cos it all looks so very different in hindsight...

That aside, who said owt about quitting opies?!? :D

Opies are the shit! =D

But shooting up smack/coke when you should be studying Gentil Cocks sets all the alarm bells a-ringing. Loudly :|

Opiates are one of the very few drugs where being a Weekend Warrior = Win <3
I was just in a pharmacy today where they literally had a screen with all the OTC meds containing codeine up there in plain sight. Fucking love France =D

(Also Shambles, I'm just not answering your previous post because I think we ended up going over it last night (that's what she said? =D). Not ignoring you or anything <3)
For me it's 300mg, three times a day. Contrary to the experience of most, I find all three doses get me equally as high. I've often wondered just how serious my habit is compared to users of stronger opioids. Codeine is apparently a shitty mild opiate but surely 1g a day is equivalent to a fair amount of DHC/oxy/heroin (I've seen the conversion charts but I believe they are based on analgesic effects and are dubiously unreliable anyway)?

I keep telling myself that I'm gonna quit soon but it doesn't seem to be happening :|
Did my biggest dose yet today 400 MG, Mmm not too itchy either but i could do with buying some of that anti histamine. The thing i love most about Codeine is the afterglow i wish sobriety felt as calm %)
^Really? That's funny, I hate the afterglow. It usually just makes me feel kinda nauseous and apathetic :|
Oh no I meant after like 5 hours haha. I don't even feel the effects until the 2nd or 3rd.
Funny how much it varies from person to person.
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