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Nice Codeine Megathread

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Was scripted 1.5l of linctus a day at one point, was injecting 1g shots at regular intervals at another (don't do that at home please, kiddies - really). Neither nor owt inbetween is as satisfying as 300mg or so sans tolerance though. Imo, ime, etc, etc.

You were injecting codeine? Thought that was supposed to kill you because of the histamine release? :?
Oddly I haven't found prescribed codeine or morphine significantly habit forming and I've been on and off them for 12 months, low doses but still.

Where as I have easily formed habits with Booze Benzos and various stimulants, largely psychological ( well maybe not the booze and Benzos) but quite problematic.

I have always avoided Heroin for various reasons but it doesn't hold much appeal TBH

Well it's just completely subjective after all, isn't it. I've always been able to do whatever kind of amphetamine I want whenever I want without any kind of problem, for instance. Opies are a different matter. Although I'm also sure if I hadn't been introduced to them while 1. in a very bad state of mind and 2. in legit physical pain, I wouldn't have gotten nearly as addicted.

And well if heroin doesn't appeal to you, please jut don't ever try despite what your curiosity might one day suggest :)

Oh btw wcote, since we were talking about this the other day (I think it was you anyway?) - I don't know about codeine but having recently tried it, I can now confirm that plugged DHC is much better than oral. You get a rush and everything. I'd speculate codeine's probably similar.
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Hello again. Right I have 120mg of Hydrocodone that has been left in a bottle that I done a CWE on, it's been sat for a week and I haven't filtered it yet. Will it still be ok to filter and consume ?? Don't wanna waste it lol
Wait, hydrocodone or dihydrocodeine? If it's hydrocodone do NOT take 120mg of it with no tolerance!!! I would take like 15mg as a starter dose.

If you mean DHC...not quite sure what your question is, you said you've done the CWE so what filtering are you talking about...? :?
Sorry Panamol if that makes sense. Basically I put the tablets in a bottle of cold water ready to do a CWE but I fell I'll and it has been sat for a week, will it still be ok to take ?
Hi i am new hear and i am taking 120 mg codone everyday with two 350mg, hydrocodone 750 twice a day for over a year. Do think guys is it save for me take how long? I don't want have a memory promlem and i cann't quite so what i should do?
Sorry Panamol if that makes sense. Basically I put the tablets in a bottle of cold water ready to do a CWE but I fell I'll and it has been sat for a week, will it still be ok to take ?

Paramol? Yeah that's DHC, not hydrocodone...be careful mate, big difference. Hydrocodone is much stronger. Yeah it'll be fine if you just filter it now.
I bet most of y'all will be sniggering at that. But you would be wrong. With zero tolerance they'll knock you sideways in very stimulating/euphoric stylee. Imo, imo, etc, etc.

I know exactly what you mean, matey.
When tolerance is rock bottom it can pack a punch. But the tolerance for it rises so fast that you end up doubling your dose over and over again and start beginning to enjoy the taste of the CWE water...
When my doctor stopped my Oxy prescription I started taking my Tramadol and Codeine more. It was just so odd not having the... "Control" feeling of an opiate, like nothing can put your mood down. Not even euphoria, just safety, or something.
Not that I struggled when I came off it, or felt bad. I came off everything pretty quickly. I stopped getting cravings for Oxy after maybe two weeks or so.

But yeah, in conclusion, Opiates are class for doing work. :D

I don't miss the gutblock. 8(
^I've been at it for a pretty long while now and I've done countless CWEs but I don't think I'll ever get to a point where I don't wanna puke at the idea of drinking the CWE water. Fuck me it's disgusting 8(

My first experience with opies was with heroin. Chased off foil. But only the odd line or two off a junky mate of mine who relapsed.

That aside, it was codeine that first got me into habitual use of opies. Snorted 30mg codeine phosphate pills (supplied regularly and on demand by a friend of mine where I worked at the time). I bet most of y'all will be sniggering at that. But you would be wrong. With zero tolerance they'll knock you sideways in very stimulating/euphoric stylee. Imo, imo, etc, etc.

Rapidly moved from those to cough syrups (Gee's <3) and then very suddenly switched to heroin due to being suddenly made homeless in the middle of winter as mentioned above. Was HR. Was bastard cold. Then from chasing to injecting within a month for cost:benefit ratios. From a bag per 2-3 days (of heavily opiated bliss - recall this was sans tolerance with high quality gear) to a bag a day IV to a gramme+ a day IV within three months. Don't ever feel safe taking pissy lil opi doses, mini-fiends. You are but an arbitrary penstroke away from the gutter <3

Oh yeah. Aside maybe from my first time injecting heroin, my best opi experience ever was definitely my first time with codeine. Swallowed ~230mg of those pure pills you can get OTC in France and was nodding for hours. And I do mean super deep, euphoric, fuzzy, warm, incredible nod. And I also ended up injecting heroin so I'll echo you Shambles and remind everyone that even the weaker opiates don't come without risks, sadly.
I wouldn't know, I usually just down it as quickly as possible, take a few huge gulps of water, and stick about 5 pieces of gum in my mouth, all the while holding my breath until I've chewed enough gum that I can't taste the CWE anymore. Not even kidding =D
Yeah, that's usually the best way. I never mixed the CWE with anything, because it just makes it taste like shit, and doesn't help. So I'd always drink something after, haha.
Yeah, all those stories about mixing it with juices and stuff to make it taste better are complete lies. It tastes gross no matter what :!
Gunna give this a bash tonight. Only have 100mg of DHC though, should be enough ? I have to puts some pictures up tonight so don't wanna be to out of it. Lol

Quick question, is there any other easily obtainable drugs with the same sort of chill out buzz as codeine ? I know you can get mushrooms easily but that's not my thing I don't think.
^100mg of DHC isn't much. You'll definitely feel it but I doubt you'll be nodding out or anything. Should still be nice though.

Well DHC has a similar effect to codeine, it's pretty much the same but stronger...but when it comes to opiates those are the only two 'easily obtainable' ones.
It has a nice aftertaste though, I swear! 8(

Haha, I swear I get a sweet aftertaste from it, though might just be some sort of defence system my mouth has decided on after a while of em.

Usually just down it, only end up with a shot or two's worth of liquid. Hold yer breath, try not to let it come back up. I don't find it that unpleasant to be honest, not straight out taste-wise, but even thinking about doing it makes me gip
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