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NI - ‘I hope he listens now’ - Mum ordered to bring son to be shot


Aug 31, 2010
Derry Journal

Tuesday 1 May 2012

A Derry mother who accompanied her 18 year old son to be shot by ‘appointment’ has said; “I hope he listens now.”

The 18 year old was shot by vigilante group Republican Action Against Drugs in a laneway between Creggan Heights and Rinmore Drive at approximately 10pm on Thursday evening.

The family who live in Rosemount, but who do not wish to be identified, spoke to The Sunday Journal as they attempted to come to terms with the shooting. The teenager was shot once in each leg, a bullet is still lodged behind his right knee cap. Doctors fear that surgery may prove too invasive to remove it.

damn, behind the knee cap?

if i was this kid, i would probably be thinking of ways to cause as much pain and suffering as possible to... anyone withing a five mile radius. is that the goal here?
Asked why she did not contact the PSNI after receiving the threat, the mother said only: “We hold staunch republican views.”

Fucking lol.
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Five men flee Derry after being threatened by RAAD

The chairman of the Peace and Reconciliation Group, Michael Doherty, said three of the men were helped by his office.

"I have been condemning what RAAD have been doing for the last number of years, I had forecast that there was going to be a death before people woke up to what was happening," he said.

"Last week, alone, five young people that I know of have come through my office.

"On Friday afternoon I pleaded with a young man on the telephone not to go and get shot.

"His view was that it might be easier to take a flesh wound than to go through all of this."

On Saturday more than 200 people attended a rally in Guildhall Square in Derry to protest against RAAD.

RAAD has been linked to a number of shootings in the city in recent months, and it claimed responsibility for the murder of Andrew Allen in February.

On Thursday, RAAD was blamed for shooting a man in both legs in Creggan.

The organisers of the protest claimed the attack was deliberately timed to coincide with the rally.

The latest punishment-style shooting took place in Rinmore Drive at about 22:00 BST on Thursday.

The mother of the 18-year-old victim described how she had been ordered to bring him to an alleyway close to Creggan shops.

She waited a short distance away while the punishment attack was carried out and heard her son being shot twice.

The woman, who did not want to be named, said her son had been targeted because of his involvement in drugs.

Maybe we should begin shooting people for belonging to a Republican group that thinks it is okay to shoot people just because they - along with essentially every other human being in the world - use drugs.
Or the mothers that go along with this and bring their children to be shot :sus:
I don't like to judge but that may be a little harsh.

People are strange.........
I'd like to give each of those asshole two bullets to the fucking chest. Seriously wtf?
So instead of reporting his illegal activities to the police and getting him in jail, the republicans decide to shoot him. Way to stand up for values!
Jesus christ. Im high as shit off of marijuana and i just came on here to do my daily drugs in the media check in...and i read this article and the dea article where the guy was left in a holding cell for 5 days.

Haha im just freaking out right now. I feel like all of this is a joke or like im not reading what everyone else is reading. WTF.
Funny thing is he was probably pumped full of morphine for a few days after the shooting and also probably has a prescription for vicodin, percocet or perhaps a stronger narcotic formulation such as dilaudid (and he might be snorting or shooting it).

Brilliant work mom!
I don't normally agree with cultural relativism but... well, Northern Ireland.
I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that this group is connected to either the CIRA or the so called "real" IRA. They are just thugs who try to legitimize their criminal activities in the name of fighting for Ireland. Derry has always been a republican area and they of course have a long standing mistrust of the RUC or as they are now known the PSNI and not without good reason either. But the republicans who oppose the peace process seem to be way out of touch with the average person in Ireland these days.
I think any mother who would drive their son out to an alley to get two in the knees must have a pretty frigid relationship. I feel sorry for them.
I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that this group is connected to either the CIRA or the so called "real" IRA.

Nope. Provisional IRA. The very same that's meant to have put all their weapons beyond use and committed themselves to the political path of none-violence now they've managed to get McGuiness into the Deputy First Minister's office. That's who was behind the RAADs previous incarnation Direct Action Against Drugs anyways and seems there's good reason to believe they're the ones behind RAAD these days. Allegedly claim support from some in Sinn Fein for their actions which suggests as much and given it's Derry we're talking about I highly doubt PIRA would willingly allow some small time no-marks from CIRA / RIRA to operate for long on what they'd very much see as their patch, assuming either of them had enough boots on the ground in Derry in the first place. Interview with them here if you're interested. Seem a lovely group of people! :roll:
The PIRA and other paramilitary groups in N. Ireland have a long history of kneecapping dealers and other types of "policing". I guess the PIRA prefers people to just get drunk like typical Irishmen.
this is insane i dont even know what to comment on. its all just aweful! Sounds like this RAAD headquarters would make a great parking lot since theres not much else going on.

we should petition to put a methadone clinic right beside their headquarters lol