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NEWS: Sniffer dogs to patrol clubs (Melb)


Feb 10, 2003
Sniffer dogs to patrol clubs
By Jamie Berry
May 12, 2004

The drug police's new recruit.

Victoria Police is set to introduce sniffer dogs to detect people carrying illicit drugs in Melbourne nightclubs.

In a move attacked by community and civil liberty groups, the Bracks Government yesterday announced that sniffer dog patrols would begin this month in nightclubs and entertainment districts as part of a six-month pilot program.

Both drug dealers and people carrying smaller quantities for personal use will be targeted.

Police Minister Andre Haermeyer said a pair of specially trained black labradors displayed to the media yesterday would be a drug dealer's "worst nightmare".

The dogs, along with their handlers, Senior Constable Karen Smith and Senior Constable Andrew Adams, underwent a 10-week training course in NSW, where detector dogs have already been introduced.

Mr Haermeyer said the dogs would enhance nightclub security. "When approached, some drug users or dealers might think they've made a new four-legged friend," he said. "In fact, they're busted."

Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said the dogs were important for detecting offenders. Asked whether they would target recreational users or dealers, she said: "We're dealing with drugs at all levels."

Mr Haermeyer said users "in the first instance" would be given an opportunity to undertake treatment. Diversion programs can allow the accused to avoid a criminal record in return for obeying conditions set by a magistrate.

But Open Family outreach worker Richard Tregear said introducing the dogs was "an unfortunate use" of meagre resources. "This will not target the top of the chain," he said. "All we are going to do is disrupt the average punter's life for no gain to the community."

Liberty Victoria vice-president Brian Walters, SC, said: "In a free society, people should be able to go about their business, whether shopping or socialising, without randomly being subjected to this use of police power in this way."

Senior Sergeant Russ Moore said people suspected of carrying drugs would be questioned and searched away from the public's gaze. "We're not here to cause embarrassment," he said.

Oh....My....God.... I am SO FUCKING MAD RIGHT NOW!!!! I thought that asshat Bracks was supposed to be a Labour government. I already hated him enough to be a swinging voter.. guess what Bracksey, FUCK OFF!
do you think that voting non laber will make them change the pollicy in the future. I say we all put pot residues on our cloths and swamp the CBD on friday saturday and sunday night. Give them an idea of how painfull it could be.
waterpistols full of bongwater? :p

I think I'll just get really drunk one night in the city and show australia why its better for me to be friendly on e then painfull on booze :p
(good thing I'm in qld, but I'm sure our figures of authority will follow like the sheep they are)
I don't even go to clubs but this is fucking ridiculous. It's even made *me* mad although it won't affect me. What next, dogs roaming your local pub .... cops with dogs turning up on your doorstep for random 'house to house' searches? Leave the poor kids alone for fucks sake. There's so many better ways to spend funding.
This is really really stupid.. dont they realise they are only making things worse? Its not gonna stop me.. if i get caught i get caught.. i urge people who are willing to go down, go down. when there is a will there is a way and if people are intent enough there is always a way around sniffer dogs.. My aunt is a labour member of parliment for west melbourne and the assistant to bracks and if someone out there that can write please write some sort of letter so i can forward them to the proper people.
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Chase the ten pack dealers Bracksy, thats the best way to stop the drug trade........LMAO

I thnk they have ran out of ideas
"When approached, some drug users or dealers might think they've made a new four-legged friend," he said. "In fact, they're busted."

You'd have to be seriously trashed to think a dog on a leash, being led by a cop is your friend!
i remember when they first started using sniffer dog's on oxford street in Sydney, a group of us thought that we should go and buy lots of second hand wool blankets and hang them in a small room and then proceed to smoke weed all day, once the blakets absolutely reeked of pot we were going to cut the blankets into smallish squares and drop them all over oxford street, hopefully resulting in manic sniffer dogs and very unhappy police trying to keep those four legged friends in control, and not to attack a innocent bystander, i'm sure the headlines that read "innocent by stander attacked by police labrador in trial operation" wouldn't sit very well with the general public and the law suit to follow might shut this down very quickly...... Anyway we didn't get around to it (bloody pot heads) but worth a shot if you live in Melbourne, because in Sydney you really have to consider if that joint you have at home before you go out is worth all the heartache you go through when your civil liberties are totally taken away from you and you are searched by police officers that assume you are guilty until proven innocent.
are there any substances that the dogs really dont like smelling? if so, maybe everyone should put some on there shoes / bottom of pants etc..

oh and maybe we should start using the crazy journos in our favour, anyone who gets searched and the cops dont find anything.. send an email to the newspapers about how u were having afew quiet ones at the bar with some mates.. and the cops ruined ur night :)
just a thought dont dogs hear extremmly well? if this is the case wouldn't it be cruelty to animals to expose them to such a loud environment?
^^ thats a really good point.. im sure they are trained not to be scared of loud noises.. and isnt animals in a club a hygene issue? i dont want dog hair in my burbon and coke thanks..
Nat said:
just a thought dont dogs hear extremmly well? if this is the case wouldn't it be cruelty to animals to expose them to such a loud environment?
Why would they care about the dogs wellbeing? And being the corrupt fucks that they are, they would get off of a charge like that (not that they would be convicted anyway).

are there any substances that the dogs really dont like smelling?
Possibly lemon. My dad leaves the rinds lying in areas of the backyard where he doesn't want our dog to shit. So yeah, might work:)
This is a real issue here, reading other threads, i gather that dogs can sniff out practically any drug, so lets say ur carryin a cpl of mdma tabs wif ya, ud get caught... dis juz makes a whole lot of headache for clubbers, imagine ppl who r scared of dogs, wat will their reactions be n wat will d police think of those reactions..
Hmmm... I am considering buying/making something like this:


100w of 23000Hz blasting out of your backpack will keep dogs WAY away from you in an effort to keep themselves comfortable.

It won't hurt them as such, unless the cops force/drag them close to the line.

Maybe the clubs could install them surrupticiously as a community service ;)
In fact, the more I think about this, the better/more amusing it gets.

From memory, the other thread mentioned the police were only able to search you based on reasonable suspicion that you might be carrying drugs.

One of the criteria for this was the dog sitting down next to you. A dog isn't going to do this if being near you causes it intense pain, and if you're in a group of people, there's no (current) way of telling who has the ultrasonic transducer, hence an escape on a technicality.

Maybe :)

I wonder if cops read this forum? :)