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NEWS : 11.6.09 - P use levelling out, ecstasy on the rise ( NZ )

cant speak for the whole of australia but it seems to me that xtc use here in sydney is levelling out.
'Piperazine use on the rise' would probably more accurate which is rather ironic. (I'm presuming NZ is having the same problems as the rest of the world).
cant speak for the whole of australia but it seems to me that xtc use here in sydney is levelling out.

I'm sure that has more to do with the scarcity of decent pills than any kind of social or cultural shift.

The demand for ecstasy is as high as ever, it's just that people aren't bothering because the supply has gone to shit.

Watch as GHB, Ketamine and meth/coke use skyrocket in the 18 - 25 age bracket over the next year or so.
The researcher, Chris Wilkins, is probably the most knowledgeable person in the whole of NZ about this stuff, so I would be inclined to take his comments seriously. (Although of course the journalist may be misrepresenting or misunderstanding him). You can get the executive summary of the research here (first link).

And yes: drug prices in NZ are typically far higher than anywhere else of my experience. Remember to factor in the differences in the value of the dollar ($1 NZ = about $0.80 Aus; about $0.63 US). Remember also that P is genuinely strong; P is short for Pure, meaning that the meth is 90%-100% pure (allegedly, anyway). [I don't want to go into prices any further and annoy the mods ;), but buying a single pill in NZ will cost a lot more than in Aus, the US or the UK, and will certainly cost more than a good dose of piperazines, one reason for the popularity of pipes IMO]

Research (again by Wilkins and his colleagues, from about 2004 or 2005 I think) indicates that most NZ ecstasy users will only use once or twice a year, and will only take one or two pills on each occasion. We have quite a high percentage of users, but very few heavy users (or even moderate users).
Without going into the specifics of prices, do other drugs experience a similar price inflation? Heroin, acid, weed, etc?
I can't comment. I believe heroin is rare and probably expensive. Acid, possibly the same (I've never used it). Weed, I would suspect not as it grows plentifully in NZ, but again I don't know. I don't smoke weed, and I'm not sure what prices are outside of NZ. I would imagine that NZ prices are not high - certainly, it is very widely used in NZ.

I'll try to dig up something tonight (UK time) - I'm sure there's been some research.
With how great people make NZ out to be, I knew there had to be something wrong with the place :p
Yeah ecstasy is on the rise. But not MDMA pills. I wonder what the statistics are for MDMA usuage at the moment worldwide. How the hell would there be a rise in MDMA pill usage if there isnt any? lol if thats what they meant. Years ago we could choose between 5-10 types a weekend and we often got mixed baggies of pills. Wed all frown if it was the same logo 3 weeks in a row.It was so easy to get and u wouldnt have to worry about quality or not getting the thing u want.

Maybe the amount of pills is the same but the popularity of ecstasy is on the rise?

The study’s findings illustrate the effectiveness of prohibiting a previously legal substance...
An increase in the use of ecstasy...
Does not compute.

fush n chups .. choice bro


ecstasy on the rise

I would seriously question how they define ecstasy, obviously any "pill" that is sold to get one high. Because it certainly doesn't mean anything that strictly contains mdma, as mdma availability in standard pill form has been drastically declined in the past 6 months.

Wilkins warned that ecstasy users needed to be aware of the risks, including the possibility that they might not be taking pure ecstasy, but a mixture of methamphetamine, ketamine and BZP.

From many reagent tests and reports, it's uncommon for pills to contain meth or ketamine. MDMA analogues or piperazines are much more likely.

The report said the price of a gram had increased from $610 in 2006 to $698 last year

Of course its who you know, but I suspect that is Auckland prices. Here in the south island you can pay much higher I believe.

As well, over the same period, the mean price of a pill fell to $55 from $59.

Again thats not an accurate representation of mean price for NZ. As is reflects more "auckland" prices and may be muddled by people quoting "bulk" prices(10+). The drop in price IMO is due to the drop in quality of the pills as recently the majority of them contain no mdma.
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cant speak for the whole of australia but it seems to me that xtc use here in sydney is levelling out.


And that wouldn't just happen to coincide with the rise in alcohol related voilence ;)
As well, over the same period, the mean price of a pill fell to $55 from $59.
yep definately dropped since then and you buy in bulk for it to be cheaper

The report said the price of a gram had increased from $610 in 2006 to $698 last year
that would be equivalent to about 3 grams in australia cut with msm etc.

its about who you know, also a gram of cocaine costs fuck all here and is of excellent quality. Im originally from melbourne and it took me about a year of going to events to get into the right circle of people..

**lol whats laughable is you can get a couple grams of excellent blow for the same price as a gram of meth here, the same with heroin!! (when its around)..

i.v ritalin is popular here due to it being cheaper and as an alternative to meth, unfortunately..
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I believe heroin is rare and probably expensive. Acid, possibly the same (I've never used it). Weed, I would suspect not as it grows plentifully in NZ, but again I don't know. I don't smoke weed, and I'm not sure what prices are outside of NZ. I would imagine that NZ prices are not high - certainly, it is very widely used in NZ.

Acid is a bit harder to get than e and costs around the same ($30-60). Usually only need 1-2 to get wtfbbqhax'd %)

Weed is readily available (i remember it was easier to get a tinny/gram than alcohol back in school days lol) and quality ranges from leafy bush to sparkly golden nuggets, usually the latter if your lucky enough to have an awesome sauce or 2 ;). Price is quite reasonable but you can get jipped when buying $20 tinnies from dodgy ass ganghouses which should be ~1g but are often as low as .5g :/

E has only gotten cheaper because of the moutain of shitty bzp/meth/rc/anything-that-isnt-mdma pills hitting the markets lately. Fuck paying even $20 for a few hours of jittery tingles followed by an entire day of headaches and insomnia
Price is quite reasonable but you can get jipped when buying $20 tinnies from dodgy ass ganghouses which should be ~1g but are often as low as .5g :/

E has only gotten cheaper because of the moutain of shitty bzp/meth/rc/anything-that-isnt-mdma pills hitting the markets lately. Fuck paying even $20 for a few hours of jittery tingles followed by an entire day of headaches and insomnia

lol ganghouses