New Years Resolution = Kick Pods - Need Advice


Dec 31, 2009
I don't post here a lot, but I read often.

I'm a pretty heavy pod user. I do 3/4 cup of ground pods every day split into 2 doses. 3/8 in the morning and 3/8 before dinner. I've been doing so for 5 months.

I enjoy pods. They helped me a lot both with pain and just general motivation/mood. Because of pods I've gotten a lot achieved that I'm not sure I would have had the motivation to do without. But due to pod prices, my health declining (constipation is a bitch), and the fact that I really don't feel them that much anymore, it's time to quit.

I'm 23 years old and sadly still live with my family. I founded a business with my father and am staying with my parents while we get the business going, and because of pods, I have helped the company grow significantly. Anyway, I want to quit without them knowing too much. They have no idea that I am addicted, they don't even know I use anything. So I think I could get 5-6 days off of work to w/d.

My plan is to slowly taper starting Jan 1st and ending sometime in mid Feb. I want to measure out each bi-daily dose and place it in a labeled bag for easy dosing and to reduce the temptation to take more. I got this idea from another thread here.

I'm also dieting at the moment to try and get in better shape for the taper and w/d. I'm in decent shape, so that's not a big problem.

I'm not worried about the physical pains as much as I am about the mental. I've allowed myself to go into withdrawal before for a day or so and I was just crazy depressed and didn't want to do anything. If it's a month or so after my last dose and I'm still that un-motivated/depressed I don't see myself staying off them.

So does anyone have any other tips? I plan on keeping a lot of loperamide around to curb withdrawals as well as plenty of gatorade and ibuprofen. I don't have access to any non-otc meds.

Thanks for the help.
i know just where you are coming from...

first, take it slowly.
second, realize you are no longer masking the pain, and if you need medical attention,,, eventually :\ youll get it.
holy cow i can tell you im disturbed by the treatment ive received, and others in my same sort of situation.
i often think about how i should of left the pods alone, and gone into the pain, and into the medical system further; id be a lot further along then i am now, with diagnostics, and treatment...

motrin would be more effective then ibuprofen for withdrawl symptoms, luke warm showers, sleep as much as possible, try and get busy doing something, usually once i get started cleaning or something, i disassociate into that for a good while.

its not anything easy, but if your life style, and general being is overwhelmed by pain, then nothing else should mater.
get out of this cycle, start doing some hard accepting, educate yourself about your body, and get back into life.
the sooner you start the sooner you will be.