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Opioids New to IV Dillies


May 6, 2016
My usual supply of oxys are out, so I've gotten my hands on some 2mg Dillies. I tried eating em like I usually do with oxy and felt almost nothing... Looked it up here and found the bio availability for dilaudid is very low. Snorting doesn't do much either. So I'm trying out plugging and shooting up to see if that works better for me. In the hospital after I had surgery, when they pushed IV dilaudid, it was the absolute best, most euphoric, amazing feeling I've ever had. I mean, wow! I'm not really chasing the "rush" anymore, just want to get a warm comfortable high going, and eating them just doesn't do diddly squat. My tolerance isn't very high either, I'm usually chewing 15mg oxys, or whatever else is available (hydros, morphine, tramadol, etc) but I've been on oxy for years and my tolerance has stayed pretty low, thankfully. I figured 2mg dillies would be a safe amount.

I don't have any preference over plugging or IVing, but I actually have a long medical history and have had hundreds of blood draws, IVs, shots, infusions, you name it in the hospital. My veins are kinda crap because of that, the poor nurses hate taking my blood because my veins will NOT pop and they collapse all the damn time, even with all the tips and tricks my veins are just invisible.

I tried IVing last night for the first time, crushed up a 2mg dilaudid, soaked in water, filtered thru cotton and drawn into a 1cc insulin sryinge. I had a LOT of trouble finding a damn vein. I poked myself a few times and actually did find a vein once, but like an idiot I shifted the needle and it collapsed on me. Got another vein and shot up, I got at least half the solution into my vein but the other half went under my skin I'm sure. It stung a little and the skin got kind of red and angry (I've had IV's blow out on me in the hospital and the same thing happens) so I put a warm rag on it and it bruised up but it's fine otherwise. I also got sort of a rush, but it was more a wave of nausea, sweating, kind of light-headed... not what I remember dilaudid feeling like before. Did I just fuck it up too badly? I want to try again but I'm giving my poor arm a break as all my good veins are bruised up.

For people with bad veins like me, is there any other place that's good to shoot up? I have a phleb tech friend whose helping me out, as I'm trying to do this without fucking up my veins even worse. I'm thinking the back of my hand would be okay but that's usually frowned upon because of all the nerves and shit in there... I have GREAT cephallic veins (the ones on my shoulders/chest) but is it safe to shoot up there? I'm new to this lol.

I'm gonna try plugging today and see if it works any better. I had my colon and rectum removed 2 years ago, so I don't know if plugging will even work for me. I'm going to try though!! Wish me luck :) Thanks for helping out a newbie, this site has been great for information.
dillies have an AMAZING rush when IV'd that lasts about 1 minute, then there is nothing... the pain is gone but no euphoria really... for me atleast

if u cant find a vein then dont even try, like you said you dont want to fuck your shit up anymore... i think plugging would be ur best bet.
The best way to take Hydromorphone, in my opinion is by intramuscular injection. The only way that this can safely be accomplished is by filtering your solution multiple times through descending stages of micron filters. I've done this many times in the past and have never had any complications. The IM route is a perfect compromise, as you still get the increase to bioavailability and a mild rush, without having to contend with an extremely short duration of action.

If this isn't feasible for you, I would recommend the rectal route.
id recommend not shooting pills. As someone who is suffering severe lung problems as a result - the ONLY safe way is to micron filter, as was mentioned earlier. cotton leaves in small insoluble particles that cause excipient lung damage. nasty business.
id recommend not shooting pills. As someone who is suffering severe lung problems as a result - the ONLY safe way is to micron filter, as was mentioned earlier. cotton leaves in small insoluble particles that cause excipient lung damage. nasty business.


OP one of my closest friends used to bang dillies every day. She heated hers before drawing it up in the rig. Not sure if that helped. Now she has COPD or something from IVing dillies/oxy/opana long term.

I've only IV dillies once and that was due to my 1st case of cotton fever. That same friend prepped it for me. The dillies did absolutely nothing for the CF.
id recommend not shooting pills. As someone who is suffering severe lung problems as a result - the ONLY safe way is to micron filter, as was mentioned earlier. cotton leaves in small insoluble particles that cause excipient lung damage. nasty business.

Use a micron filter http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/481622-Micron-Filtering-Mega-Thread-and-FAQ
By only using cotton filter you still inject some water insoluble particles that'll float to your alveoles and eventually will clog them
Thank you guys for the replies!! I did try plugging, I prepared the solution the same way I do with IVing but then used a syringe up the bum. It actually DID work for me, despite my concerns that having no rectum would make it hard to absorb. It didn't give me a rush (which I'm not really looking for anyway) but a nice high for 4-5 hours similar to oral oxy. I'm going to avoid shooting them up until I can get micron filters and practice a bit more finding veins. It's not worth the damage if I can't do it right.
You aren't going to get a long high from shooting Diluadid. It's a beautiful strong rush, then nothing. The crack of the opiate world. It's not going to be what you want it to be, no matter how you do it. Forgive me, but fucking with shooting dillies doesn't sound like it's the right thing for you at all.

Can you not get oxy again, since you know it does the job for you.

As an aside, I'm jealous. They are not worth doing except for iv, and no legs but they are fun.
I don't recommend this at all, but I used to mix dillies with oxy, and get the best rush and high, it was like a whole new opioid, oxyhydromorphocodone, lol. I did shoot both separately, but neither one of them was enough on their own with the stupid high opiate tolerance I had at the time, I would shoot 8-16mg of dilly, be fucked up for maybe 5 mins if I was lucky, then just get warm waves of euphoria, which became weaker and weaker, as time progressed.. 30-45 mins later, even doing 16+mg of dilaudid in one shot, I would be completely sober.. I used to hate that about dilly, and I also hated the weak ass "rush" if you want to even call it that, from IV oxy, but did enjoy the high I would get, even though the rush, was almost non-existent, more like a "fast onset", but nothing like that intense, almost paralyzing rush dilly gave when done IV.

So being a total IV opioid addict, I decided to mix the 2 in one rig, usually anywhere from 8-16mg of D, mixed with around 60-90mg of oxy(not for those with a low tolerance!! and not recommended at all really! unless you are completely hooked to IV opiates already, and have as high or a higher tolerance, to withstand all of that dilaudid/oxy, but you should know your limits, if you are at all an opiate addict!).. and it was an incredible.. longer lasting rush and much better high or feeling overall, with an unexplainable feel to it! Again, not suggesting or saying to go out and do this to anyone, just sharing my experiences.. this thread just brought back old memories to me, and that was one of em... I do from time to time, really miss doing this and have some real bad cravings to go back, but nowadays, a shot of both of those combined at those doses/mgs, would cost sooo much fucking money(pills aren't as cheap as they used to be! at least not where I am from, street wise!), compared to saving my $ and just sticking with my bupe, which is the only thing opioid related I do these days.
I'm like pavlovs dog, drooling at the thought of it. I always thought that the dilated rush was quite fragile, so never mixed it with anything, no wanting to screw up my 60 seconds over Tokyo rush.

Thanks Nod....that made me smile. I'm doing nothing but pills nowadays, morphine and oxy, and I figure that ride is about over.
I don't know what your source is, but if you're going to shoot or IM it, there is a liquid amp that is intended to be intended to be injected. It's prescribed for home use, so I wouldn't imagine it'd be terribly more difficult to acquire than the pills. I take it IM, and my experience has been an effect that is somewhat slow to come on, about 20-30 minutes, but then it lasts for several hours before I'm back in excruciating pain. So that's preferable to IV for me. I hope you find some way to make it work.
I've never seen street liquid dilaudid for im. I imagine it would be for those under hospice care only. It doesn't make it to street level in my experience.

I'm terribly sorry you are in pain, Pembroke. Most junkies are in pain. My pain is mostly emotional, stemming from being abused as a child.
I've never seen street liquid dilaudid for im. I imagine it would be for those under hospice care only. It doesn't make it to street level in my experience.

I'm terribly sorry you are in pain, Pembroke. Most junkies are in pain. My pain is mostly emotional, stemming from being abused as a child.

Ah, okay. I live in an area where a lot of non-terminal pain patients have been put on the IM Dilaudid amps because our governor thinks that's "better" or "safer" than methadone for chronic pain. I think it's stupid and was much happier on 60mg methadone split into 4 doses throughout the day (20-10-10-20). That was fabulous. Anyway, that's why I assumed it would be just as easy to find on the streets.

As for the pain bit, I don't judge anyone at all for why they use drugs. In my experience as a clinician and as a patient, I found that no one who was happy, healthy, and well socialized got deep into drugs. That, in addition to the fact that my drug use is largely related to my physical injuries and RSD/CRPS, is what colors most of my suggestions. If the goal is to dull the pain for the greatest length of time, it seems to me that IM is the way to go. The reduced "high" is worth it, imo, when you're exchanging it for a greater amount of time in which the drug remains active. I wouldn't suggest IMing pills for very long, though, as I have done that - I have a large vascular graft that spasms from time to time, and when it would happen back when I was on methadone and oral oxy, I would filter the pills and sterile saline through a micron and put it in my hip. Not a great idea, but it was effective in keeping me out of the ER. But that's my only experience with IMing pills, and it worked but I didn't feel it was sustainable in the long term.
Well socialized? I ain't a dog. That comment WAS judgemental, can't you even see that?

For someone who is non judgemental, you certainly seem to like to boast of your credentials. Clinician? Yeah sure.
Well socialized? I ain't a dog. That comment WAS judgemental, can't you even see that?

For someone who is non judgemental, you certainly seem to like to boast of your credentials. Clinician? Yeah sure.

I legitimately meant that as in "people who become dependent on drugs generally have a reason". It's less a judgement than a statement of fact, one which you acknowledged yourself by pointing out that most people who
abuse drugs do so because of physical, emotional, or spiritual pain. I'm sorry if I phrased it poorly. I am on the spectrum and don't have the best interpersonal skills, and I would apply "not well socialized" to myself as much as anyone else.

I genuinely did did not mean that in an offensive line way, but I also know that intentions don't mean much. I apologize if I was offensive or insensitive in my wording.
That's alright. I used to people treating me as a 'lesser'. I guess I'd like to be seen as a reasonably intelligent person in legitimate pain too.
I've never had a medical person ever treat me with anything less than utter contempt and brutality. Still, I've made it this far.
That's alright. I used to people treating me as a 'lesser'. I guess I'd like to be seen as a reasonably intelligent person in legitimate pain too.
I've never had a medical person ever treat me with anything less than utter contempt and brutality. Still, I've made it this far.

Thats really unfortunate. I came up in a program where the best teacher I ever had always said, "Listen to your patients; we may be the experts on the books, but they are the experts on their own bodies." I wish everyone in the world kept that in mind when talking to each other. Who is anyone to tell you that you aren't in pain? They don't live in your skin. And too many doctors are just condescending douche canoes.