• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

new social media obsession, Pinterest

So I totally agree, Pintrest is fantastic! I love it and am addicted as well!

If you are looking for good social media to play with, check out www.thethingdom.com! It's great!
You can connect your account to your Facebook or twitter, or you don't have to. It allows you to "follow" friends and family and see what they've posted. It's a pretty new site and still deep in development. But it's gonna be great! (I have inside info!: My baby bro is the co-founder)

So here's what it is. It's kinda like Pintrest, you add things to your page. Anything from electronics (iPads, iPhones, cameras), board games, video games and consoles, clothing, even software, books and cereals!
You add all these to your site and it categorizes them. But you can label them as "Have", "Want", or even "Wish". It's an easy way for those who need to shop for you! Also, you can add your amazon wish list, or add this list to amazon!

Eventually, you're going to be able to add reviews, ask people who have the items that you want questions about the items, look up specific reviews on specific items, and even recommend items to people!

My bro is toying with the idea of making it a safe way to exchange/borrow or trade items, maybe even buy and sell, someday. But that's not definite.

I love it because you can put up what you have, what you want and write what you thing, it's a great place to go searching for reviews on items from people you know (if your connected via Facebook/twitter). It's how I shopped for my brother and father this past holiday, checked out their wish lists! Lol.

Check it out! Sign up! See if you like it! And if you have feedback or suggestions, please let me, or the two co-founders on the site know! They would greatly appreciate it because, as I said, the site is still deep in the developmental phase!

Thanks for all your interest! And help if you can/want to! :)
<3 Vader, the Badd Ass
has it always been 99% female, or is that just how it's worked out?

i kept hearing about it, but after a few minutes on the site, it dawned on me that it's almost exclusively female.
has it always been 99% female, or is that just how it's worked out?

i kept hearing about it, but after a few minutes on the site, it dawned on me that it's almost exclusively female.
I dunno, my brother uses it.. But you're right, I think it is a whole lot more female. Since I've joined the only peole who have "followed" or "repinned" my pictures have been female. I think it could have something to do with females being more sentimental and more likely to keep track of special events that have meaning.

Also, women might use it to send "hints" to others ;)
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