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New Opiate booster?


Jun 3, 2010
Today by accident I mixed 120mg oral morphine and 10mg oral scopolamine.

I do have a little tolerance and don't usually get as high as I used to, but not very long I was nodding hardcore.

Scopolamine is sold OTC in my country for diarrhea and abdominal cramps/crabs.

I don't think its advisable to mix scopolamine and IV opiates though.

apparently that stuff is like jimson weed, or nightshade.

no thanks. I'll stick to my fatty meal, and fat shot of morphine.
I don't know exactly how it works, but eating a fatty meal 30mins. prior to dosing is supposed to increase the strength of your opiates.


taken from another board. kind of explains it.

The Blood Brain Barrier is more permeable to lipids (fats), fats cross it more rapidly.
Opiates are almost always lipid soluble also, specially the free bases. Maybe opiates dissolve or merge molecules in/to fats after doing them with a fat meal or ingesting a fat meal while they are absorving from the G.I. tract. So... Maybe... The opiates molecules merged with fats are more lipid soluble and because of that they can cross the blood brain barrier quicker.
Yes, scopolamine is a tropane alkaloid present in Datura, Brugmansia, Belladonna and other solanaceae.

I'm taking a 10mg scop pill, not the leave of a plant with unknown potency, so this is not like I'm doing something dangerous.

And you're not going into delirium tremens from 10mg of scopolamine, this is just a diarrhea holding dosage.

But I do agree that a nice meal *after* taking the opiates will boost them a little bit (much less than scopolamine BTW).

so its after the opiate dose that a fatty meal should be eaten?

I could never remember. I just eat whenever so I don't really notice.