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New member. Looking for some support and advice on detox


Dec 10, 2015
Hello everyone. My name is Frank and I'm new here but have been reading posts everyday for about two years now. Started usin roxy about 2 years ago. Was using around 10 a day and detoxed successfully from January to this past July which was when I relapsed. I also used a short suboxone taper that time with 2 full strips. Dosing for about 5 to 6 days then jumped. Had some symptoms after which included chills here and there ( not that bad) the runs which was controlled by Imodium, severe RLS for about two consistent weeks after stopping subs ( only at night when trying to sleep) and of course insomnia probably due to the RLS. I have been using again anywhere from 4 to 8 roxys a day dosed only once per day in the morning. Tomorrow I will take my last four roxys in the morning and start SUB Friday morning 24 hours after my last oxy dose. This time I only have ONE suboxone TAB to work with. Does anyone suggest the best way to taper this one tab? I would greatly appreciate any help what so ever. The main reason why I am here posting is because I would love to just have some people there to talk to while I go through this for support. NO ONE around me knows that I have been hooked on these meds, so I have no one to talk to about it which I believe is a great help. I guess this falls along the lines of "Misery loves company". I also posted here so I can come here while I am going through this to mention my symptoms at the time and see if anyone has suggestions along the way to combat them, during the sub taper and post sub taper.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I would greatly appreciate any responses. Feel free to ask any questions

Thank you and GOD BLESS

As far as your single sub, I would go 4mg/2mg/1mg/05mg/skip/0.5mg or something like that. Having only one, you have to be careful not to waste it. I've heard (but don't know from experience) that oxy requires a bit more time before last dose and first administration of bupe. Try to stretch it out as long as you can.

I highly also recommend:
1. Benzos. They'll help with anxiety and getting to sleep.
2, Cannabis. I prefer to eat it for it's longer, heavier sedating effects
3. GHB/GBL. These will help knock you out or at least relax you when the w/d come on begins and gets to its peak.
4. Gabapentin. I found that using this, I was able to prolong the time between last use of H and first sub induction by almost double the normal time.

Good luck. There is much help here.

PS - Careful mixing two GABAergic drugs. If you have benzos and GHB, pick one or the other, don't use both.
thank you for taking the time to respond. I do have about 17 to 18 1mg Xanax that I never use but will use them during detox. How much should I be using, I definitely don't want to become dependent on them. Also, the most annoying thing for me besides RLS during wds is the chills. Even while I'm on subs I get some hot flashes and chills. Is there any OTC med that I can take to combat them? As for waiting longer than 24 hours to take the sub after my last dose, I know from previous detoxes that I can take them starting at the 22 hour mark and be fine with no PWD.

Thanks for responding again means a lot

If you never take the xanax, 0.5mg should produce a noticeable effect and 1mg should produce a heavy effect. Try 0.5mg first then wait a while. You can always redose later.

I have no answer on the chills. It is the single symptom that I haven't figured out to mask, myself.
As far as your single sub, I would go 4mg/2mg/1mg/05mg/skip/0.5mg or something like that. Having only one, you have to be careful not to waste it. I've heard (but don't know from experience) that oxy requires a bit more time before last dose and first administration of bupe. Try to stretch it out as long as you can. I highly also recommend: 1. Benzos. They'll help with anxiety and getting to sleep. 2, Cannabis. I prefer to eat it for it's longer, heavier sedating effects 3. GHB/GBL. These will help knock you out or at least relax you when the w/d come on begins and gets to its peak. 4. Gabapentin. I found that using this, I was able to prolong the time between last use of H and first sub induction by almost double the normal time. Good luck. There is much help here. PS - Careful mixing two GABAergic drugs. If you have benzos and GHB, pick one or the other, don't use both.
Hello FDetano08. Welcome to Bluelight. There are a few questions for you and things I have issue with the above post. First, glad you made here to post. You will receive plenty of help from other Bluelighters here. There is a search function to help you locate plenty of threads on opiate detox. Feel free to look around. The above poster mentioned some ways of detox. First, the absolute safest way of handling this is through rehab. A doctor would have no problem putting you on suboxone or similar drug and monitor your condition the whole way through. Aside from the obvious, do you have an addictive personality? The point is, there is plenty of ways to detox, but some involve addictive, possibly dangerous drugs that may not be suitable for you. The above post is common for a lot of people detoxing on their own. I would avoid the GHB/GBL. Out of that whole list, the Gabapentin is one of the safest. The cannabis might help also. Now we are getting into uncharted waters. The benzodiazepines, preferably the long acting ones, such as clonazepam and valium, can help smooth out the rough spots, but can be dangerous if not used correctly and better if prescribed by a doctor. Feel free to post back some drug experience.
Hello FDetano08. Welcome to Bluelight. There are a few questions for you and things I have issue with the above post. First, glad you made here to post. You will receive plenty of help from other Bluelighters here. There is a search function to help you locate plenty of threads on opiate detox. Feel free to look around. The above poster mentioned some ways of detox. First, the absolute safest way of handling this is through rehab. A doctor would have no problem putting you on suboxone or similar drug and monitor your condition the whole way through. Aside from the obvious, do you have an addictive personality? The point is, there is plenty of ways to detox, but some involve addictive, possibly dangerous drugs that may not be suitable for you. The above post is common for a lot of people detoxing on their own. I would avoid the GHB/GBL. Out of that whole list, the Gabapentin is one of the safest. The cannabis might help also. Now we are getting into uncharted waters. The benzodiazepines, preferably the long acting ones, such as clonazepam and valium, can help smooth out the rough spots, but can be dangerous if not used correctly and better if prescribed by a doctor. Feel free to post back some drug experience.

Yeah, but if you go to a doctor, a couple things happen:

1. You get a medical history of illicit drug abuse.
2. He talk you into being on 8-16 or more mg/day for YEARS, which is completely unnecessary, and in my opinion, an incorrect use of buprenorphine (methadone is better suited for long-term ORT).

OP's admission that he has a single sub indicated to me that he wants to do this privately, at home. Which is how it should be done.

As far as addictive personality, etc. goes, the previous poster is correct, you may need some kind of adjunct like group therapy etc. But myself, I don't want anyone IRL knowing about my personal substance habits, so when I detox I do it at home and don't talk to doctors or support groups so that my name can forever be publically associated with illicit drug use.
Just remember once ur back to no tolerance u can use once in a while with much less and get even higher. Plus theres no withdrawls from using once in a while