New member, but familiar with blue light.

Vomit fox

Jan 6, 2012
I'm an opiate addict and have often used blue light to read about others quitting, this is my first post. After quitting for 12 days I use again, it wasn't the same and I felt terrible during and after. Again I'm quitting and gonna stick to it no matter how hard it might be. I know my potential if sober, and just kinda glad there's a place like this to kinda inspire me.
Good luck with giving up mate. If you are determined enough then I'm sure you can do it.
The longer you use for the harder it will be to quit in the long run.
Keep us updated with how you are getting on, you will get plenty of support from people on here.
Vomit Fox, I think it's quite common that you come off for a while, use again and all you get are negative effects. I certainly had it with H, just puking my guts up and scratching my skin red raw all night, feeling shitty the next day cos it had kept me up all night. I could hardly see what I ever saw in the stuff. Still used again after that like cos there's always that niggling thought that maybe next time you'll have lowered your tolerance enough to get some of the old magic back. Never happens though, it's chasing a dream. :(

Good luck with staying off fella. Lots of us have done it and never looked back. No reason why you can't beat it too. :)
Yeah it's really a big help knowing that people understand what I'm going through. Especially when I have no one else to talk to. No one even know, but that's common very one seems to hide their addiction from loved ones and such. I just can't wait to be off it and move on. Like a bad phase of my life.
I'm an opiate addict and have often used blue light to read about others quitting, this is my first post. After quitting for 12 days I use again, it wasn't the same and I felt terrible during and after. Again I'm quitting and gonna stick to it no matter how hard it might be. I know my potential if sober, and just kinda glad there's a place like this to kinda inspire me.

Hey- I'm with you on getting off the opiates. Look at it this way: some day down the line, one way or another, you will likely have to stop using opiates. You can either do it at a time of your choosing or under circumstances when you have little control and the problem will be presumably worse. In all likelihood, the problem will never be any easier to beat than today.

Do you have a plan for how you're going to stop? ie, cold turkey, taper, etc??
I've quit cold turkey a few times. Lost my job cause lack of hours, went homeless moved and lived in my car, found a job saved for 2 months now i got an apt been promoted to a dept manager, then found new connects and went back into it. Recently I got suboxone I did a taper with it, was off everything for 8 days, and off hard opiates for 12 before some family problems and I used. I'm not cravin it right now, more disappointed in myself and feeling guilty. But I figure one use means no w/d. I'm not too depressed surprisingly. It's the down time, that makes me want to use. My old hobbies I ruined cause what I did sober I did high all the time. So now their triggers. But knowing eventually I'll be fine is keeping me sane about it.
It's the down time, that makes me want to use. My old hobbies I ruined cause what I did sober I did high all the time. So now their triggers

Yeah, it's having too much time on your hands that's hard, cos the one thing opiates are good for is giving you a purpose and structure to your day. It's a shit one, but getting it all together then nodding out fills a lot of time.

You can relearn things though so this or that ain't triggering any more. You're associating things with opiates cos that's what you've been doing most recently when you enjoyed them last, but you can just as easily re-learn to enjoy them without opiates. Your brain's no less malleable than it ever was. All it takes is time and practice. Got all the time in the fucking world now you're off the gear so may as well devote it to something productive? Two birds, one stone. ;)