• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

New Forum Section


Jun 19, 2008
It's a good thing Bluelight changed its "Healthy Living" section to "Health and Recovery!" That section was full of people sharing information and anecdotes about herbs, supplements, diet, and various illnesses. Now the threads are largely about recovery from addictive substances--a subject thankfully rarely rife with controversy.

Thank you, mods, for that change. We did not want all that discussion about people's personal health experiences, with all the unsubstantiated health claims going around. Good riddance. Only talk to your doctor about your health!
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Um, they (you?) changed the name and location of the "Healthy Living" section, essentially getting rid of it and since it's now associated with recovery from addictive drugs, virtually all of the new threads are about recovery and thus Bluelight has sneakily quashed discussion about health (herbs, lifestyle, diet, etc.) because it was becoming too controversial because covid was making people become paranoid about social and professional repercussions from being perceived as encouraging reckless behavior. There, I spelled it out for ya.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, the end result has been a subtle form of censorship.
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