• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

new cannabioids

Whats with the RC industry's fascination with 5-fluoroalkyl substitutions on the indolic nitrogen lately.....Its only a matters of time before they dream up some indole-based cannabinoid with an even-numbered alkyl chain and kill off a few users with fluoroacetate toxicity surely.

UK/US legality is the most important thing to them after nanomolar binding affinity.

Personally I couldn't consume much 2233 due to the ridiculously high vape temp which seemed to be so close to the pyrolysis temp it was unreal, big cloulds of indoly smoke, also the tinnitus it gave me was horrid, first RC I've ever binned!

AM2201 will also "fuck you up good n proper", was probably a combination of things.
thats what i worry alot about all these new RC's with flourine in them, and the possibility of fluroacetate as a metabolite

This is not a danger with ring-fluorinated phenethylamines.

If I remember right, these were pretty strong CB1 agonists actually... I remember similarly substituted THC derivatives are... I don't think I'm thinking of AM-411, but it is one example. I thought there was one with a longer chain
Apparently not an issue with odd-numbered carbon chains (fluoroacetate toxicity that is)

Personally I quite like the smell of some indolic compounds.

And legality wise there are plenty of synthetics that are legal in the UK at least...the british govt. and/or pigs really blow at o-chem nomenclature and to boot, drafting legislature based on it.

Personally I would like to see that BAY 38-7271 turn up. I would be curious to try it. It does have a fluoroalkyl sidechain with an even number of C atoms, but being a 4,4,4-trifliorobutanesunfonate I cannot see it being metabolised to fluoroacetate. And the dose is likely to be small, as it a potent full agonist at both CB1 and CB2, with h Ki values of 2.91nM at CB1 and 4.24nM at CB2 respectively

(Neuroprotective and brain edema-reducing efficacy of the novel cannabinoid receptor agonist BAY 38-7271. Brain Research. 2003 Oct 31;989(1):99-111. PMID 14519516) http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/302/1/359.long )
I tried a UR-144 blend last night and it was amazing! It was like a mixture of hash and etizolam. It wasn't as creative as real weed and slightly less giddy but extremely relaxing. Lasted about 40 minutes. It's my new favorite canabanoid.
I tried a UR-144 blend last night and it was amazing! It was like a mixture of hash and etizolam. It wasn't as creative as real weed and slightly less giddy but extremely relaxing. Lasted about 40 minutes. It's my new favorite canabanoid.

Very pleased to hear this, got a henry on the way and the AM-tings came on far too fast and strong.
I tried JWH-182 last week.
No one seems to know anything about this :).

I vaped 3x 5mg with thyme.

I vape weed daily, so tolerance is likely affected.

5mg was nice, mild but definetly present.
10-15mg was trippy with shining lights, sense of well-being and pupillary dilation.
I tried a UR-144 blend last night and it was amazing! It was like a mixture of hash and etizolam. It wasn't as creative as real weed and slightly less giddy but extremely relaxing. Lasted about 40 minutes. It's my new favorite canabanoid.

ur-144 is quite intense buddies tried that and 5f ur 144 last nite they digged it .
I'm a big fan of UR-144. Its a strong full CB2 agonist with atleast 83x more affinity towards the CB2 receptors than the CB1. Yes at lower doses (its quite potent) you primarily feel a strong indica like high, but at higher doses there definitely is a mental side that has hints of dissociation. I have only two issues with it, one the timeline of the drug goes as follows for me, 10 minutes comeup, 30-45 minute peak, 30 minute comedown, and 30 minutes light residual high. So overall it lasts max 1.5 hours which is kinda annoying and tempts redosing.

I'm currently about to receive some AB-001, which I know nothing about and most reviews I read is that it is kinda weak, which really disapoints me and made me wish I didn't order it. I'll have to dig more into the research and see if I can find more reviews on it. If anyone has experience with AB-001 please PM and let me know what you know. Thanks.

I'm also curious how UR-144 and AB-001 would combine (I don't do blends but just would smoke a small quantity of each). I am going to wait on trying the AB-001 till I can find some information on the potency. I'd be happy if it would be like UR-144 and be active at the single digit mg range like UR-144, but reading on drug-forums, the only two posts commenting on the potency said it was relatively weak. Also, I've noticed UR-144 isn't active orally, at least at the doses I've consumed it at (30-50mg oral) and I'm curious if AB-001 would be active orally.

And people should be very careful of these as upon ceasing heavy use all the OPPOSITE effects of CB2 agonists quickly manifest and they're rather nasty.

I've used UR-144 (a full agonist at the CB2r with >= 83x the affinity of it's CB1 agonism) for 3 week everyday with no problems after stopping, then even 2 weeks later used UR-144 again for another 3 weeks with out stopping, with again, no problems after cessation of use. So I'm not sure quite what you mean, or if it needs longer duration of constant use. I don't mess around with cannabinoids to often, as they aren't a substitute for marijuana. I treat them like I do any other drug of a certain class of chemicals, and value them for their own unique effects profile.

I also prefer to not over indulge in cannabinoids as of course their health consequences are unknown. I'll try a new cannabinoid every so often and never as an attempt to find a new marijuana, as that honestly is an insult to the cannabinoids.
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Hello, I know I don't frequent this forum... um, frequently, but I have a few questions about cannabinoids:

1. Do you all know of any studies published revealing the half-life of some of these new RC cannabinoids in situ?

2. How many active cannabinoid receptors have been detected/crystallized/profiled to date (besides CB1, 2, and 3)? Which new ones are psychoactive? The question stems from a bleb in a 2001 review in the British Journal of Psychiatry: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/178/2/101.short.

-Wikipedia gave me this gem from 2008 suggesting CB3 acts in hippocampal regions of the brain:http://www.zi-mannheim.de/fileadmin/user_upload/redakteure/psychopharma/De_Fonseca_2008.pdf

I wonder what the Ki values of some of these synthetic cannabinoids may be, and more importantly, the location of the receptors they may be effecting. I have noticed certain blends tend to have shorter-lasting psychoactive effects and wonder what other cannabinoids may be active in 'the real deal.' I was a daily smoker in my formative years and question if herb inhibited development/altered my hippocampal processes. My short-term memory is weak in an academic environment fairly dependent on memorizing copious amounts of information (6-years sans ganja).

I know this may be an n=1 example, but there are plenty of studies suggesting long-term marijuana intake can have lengthy psychological consequences for the user (Psychopharmocology). If these new cannibanoids show longer clearance times, I'd be willing to bet the potential for new types of neural impairment exists. This could obviously suck balls. Conversely, if certain new synthetics are quick to clear the fatty tissues, they could be beneficial to weekend warriors (assuming they don't act as suicide inhibitors, lmao). Anyways...

3. Do any of you have personal experience with Stablon (tianeptine)? This 2010 paper detailed hippocampal neurotrophy in lab rats administered the drug: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20000655

I continue to read subjective and clinical reports of improved short-term memory/attention in chronic MDMA users, which makes the parallel obvious. It would be nice to regain a razor-sharp memory.
I was given some RCS-4 by some vendor for free. This is a drug I was not looking forward to trying and I didn't want.
Before throwing it away I was looking for information and found nothing. No receptor affinities, no recommended dosage, no duration, no possible dangers.
The only objective piece of information I found was some legal issues I am not interested on and the molecule's structure:


Anybody here has some information on the ki values or can speculate based on the structure? It's very similar to JWH-250 except the methoxy group of the phenyl ring is on a different position (good that it has a phenyl instead of a naphthalene ring, which meant possible carcinogenicity).
Thanks for posting info on UR-144. I had been using am-2201 for a while but looking for a structure that looks less metabolically spooky. Of course no one knows for sure, and studies won't likely be published in the foreseeable future, but consuming a napthylene- and fluoropentyl- containing substance by pyrolysis seems like it could be bad news down the line. Even if it's only a little more (or less) carcinogenic than say, cigarettes, that's still pretty bad. Also seems to be getting closer to being outright banned in most places. Not a huge concern for me as i'm not mixing blends for sale, just personal use, but still. UR-144 looks like a pretty safe one in terms of metabolism. No halogenation, no napthylene rings, just a nice boring tetramethylcyclopropyl for CB2 enhancement. maybe the 5-fluropentyl version has more kick at CB1?

Anyway, about AB-001. I was enticed since seeing the structure while looking at the newest gen of 'noids. after experimenting, here's the results: AM-2201 I was using at 15mg per gram herbs, dosing ~0.15 grams of the mix at a time, but redosing pretty quickly and often so the "dose" depends on what time scale you are looking at. I guess most are familiar with the effects of 2201, as it's pretty popular. Other than that, I've only used store bought blends, and who knows what combos they contain?

AB-001 comes on much slower and more gentle than 2201. There's no immediate rush like 2201, and i don't find myself half-way thru a smoke going "whoa, what the hell's going on?" kind of feeling. In fact, it usually takes a couple of bowls before I even notice decent effects, so it's definitely less potent than 2201. In order to avoid smoking massive amounts of substrate, i've titrated up to about 25-30mg per 1g of herbs. The buzz is fairly pleasant though, maybe you could describe it as more pot-like. that's only because 2201 is pretty far from being pot-like, aside from having the 'cannabinoid signature'. Maybe not as good for getting the most out of movies, but still pretty decent, better than nothing! Much better for walking around the neighborhood without feeling like a tweaked out weirdo. Less paranoia. In fact, I can't seem to get to that "losing you gd mind" line that I somewhat enjoyed toying with when using 2201. I'm not trying that hard to find it, though. AB-001 last quite a bit longer, and there is less of a crash and less urge to redose. So the redosing schedule tends to be more in line with marijuana usage patterns: smoke some, smoke some more, smoke a little more, ok that's good find something to do for a few hours, maybe a nap or a meal, rinse, repeat. Speaking of nap, AB-001 tends to be more sedative, less stimulating. 2201 will keep you up all night if you want it to, I nodded off last night before even finishing the bowl of ab001. This one seems better suited for mature connoisseurs, not thrill-seekers. Might make a good addition to a combo as it would kind of even out and lengthen the experience when mixed with shorter-acting and more potent things. That's just a guess.

Anyone else got experience with ab001, ur-144, or 5f-ur144? I know these topics are controversial, what with bath-salt-zombies on the rise. But ADD is the place for, well. .. , advanced drug discussion!
I posted my first experience with ~8mg of AB-001 with little to no cannabinoid tolerance (marijuana included), in this thread http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/602254-Ab-001-any-info

I'm planning on trying ~2mg of AB-001 and ~2mg of UR-144 tonight to see how they combine as I've heard AB-001 seems to mix nicely with other cannabinoids.

I do really like like the sedative effect of AB-001, a bit different than UR-144. It is mixing well with a lower dose of methadone than I usually take (I took 20mg of methadone today, and scripted to take 30mg of methadone a day [TID])
UR-144 looks interesting, given both its potency, and relative selectivity for the CB2R. Anybody know if its a full agonist at both CB2 (it is) and at CB1 also? I have some of this on its way, I'm hoping it turns out to be a decent antiinflammatory. Anybody notice this sort of effect? I have some joint problems, my knee and hip, and as far as recreational use goes, I enjoyed the full agonists I've tried more than I do the green stuff, and synthetic partial agonists like JWH-018 etc.
UR-144 is nice, sedating at higher doses but one of the better compounds from these next generation analogues. The butyl homologue (C4)-UR-144 is also good, about the same strength but less sedating. The fluoropentyl analogue 5F-UR-144 is nice but actually a little weaker than the butyl or pentyl compounds. The morpholinoethyl analogue A-796,260 appears to be almost entirely inactive however, subjectively at least, despite being a potent CB2 agonist in vitro, it is just too weak at CB1.

I have not seen any reports for the tetrahydropyran-4-ylmethyl analogue A-834,735 but I suspect it will be quite good.
Substitution with a morpholinoalkyl ring on the indole nitrogen seems to confer CB2 agonist properties, and in general, low CB1 agonist affinity/efficacy.
Can't wait to try UR-144, Going to try it on top of some intravenous methoxetamine and oxycontin.
Expect UR-144 to be similar to AB-001. Both are large lipophilic structures roughly the diameter of a napthyl group that actually overlay OK as 3d models.
Never tried AB-001. Cannabinoids I have experience with-JWH-018, HU-210 (probably my favourite so far. Very long acting full agonist at CB1. Damn fucking potent, dosage is in the mcg range, although it produces a rapid tachyphylaxis, regular use of this one would be a VERY bad idea), CP-55,940, JWH-210, and a few other napthoylindoles.

HU-210 and CP-55,940 remain favourites so far..I can't wait for my UR-144 to arrive so I can compare it to the other cannabinoids. Being a full agonist at CB2, hopefully it should have antiinflammatory properties, which is just what I need, thanks to having knee and hip problems. Is UR-144 a full agonist at CB1 also? or partial?.

Lazy daze cannabinoid chart for the uninitiated that shows blaring structural similarities.
Only about 2/3 of those are "known" and even fewer are adequately researched. Research Chemical territory ahead!
We tried the fluoropentyl-AB-001 as well, it is actually stronger than the regular AB-001, unlike the FP-UR-144 which is weaker than the plain UR-144. However, since the AB-001 is quite a bit weaker than the UR-144, the FP-AB-001 ends up being about the same strength as the FP-UR-144, though I liked the high from the adamantoyl compound better. I have not heard of anyone trying the (C4)-AB-001 yet, but the morpholinoethyl-AB-001 is pretty much inactive, just like the A-796,260.