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New Canadian Prime Minster Plans to Legalize Marijuana


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
New Canadian Prime Minster[sic] Plans to Legalize Marijuana
Hannah Hetzer
Drug Policy Alliance
October 20th, 2015

Last night, Canada voted in Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party in a general election - a move that will have outstanding implications for drug policy reform in the country.

The election puts an end to Conservative Party Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s nine-year rule, which was marked by a repressive approach to drugs, including a commitment to rolling out mandatory minimum sentences, pushback to effective supervised injection sites that reduce the harms of drug use, and strong opposition to marijuana reform. In contrast, the Liberal Party has promised to legalize and regulate marijuana and Trudeau has expressed support for harm reduction and the expansion of supervised injection sites across the country.

If Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party follow through with their promise to legalize and regulate marijuana, Canada will become the second country in the world to have legalized all aspects of the marijuana market – including production, sale and consumption – following Uruguay’s historic move to do so in 2013. In the United States, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana, with more states set to vote on regulated marijuana in 2015 and 2016 elections.

The Liberal Party has stated that “[t]he Liberal solution is clear: If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana, we can better protect our kids, while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal organizations and street gangs.”

It promises to remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code and to design a new system of strict marijuana sales and distribution.

In 2003, Vancouver opened Insite, the first and only supervised injection facility in North America. In its over 10 years of operation, Insite has helped reduce illicit drug use and improve public health: fewer people are injecting drugs; more are accessing addiction treatment; and HIV transmission related to injection drug use has plummeted. Justin Trudeau has previously expressed support for expanding cutting-edge harm reduction services and supervised injection facilities across the country.

In 2016, the United Nations General Assembly will hold a special session on drugs (UNGASS) in order to conduct a comprehensive review of the successes and failures of international drug control policy. Whereas the previous UNGASS in 1998 was dominated by rhetorical calls for a “drug-free world” and concluded with unrealistic goals regarding illicit drug production, the forthcoming UNGASS will depart from this rhetoric, especially given the numerous drug policy reform initiatives that have been approved around the world.

The election of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party will signify a 180-degree turn in Canada’s drug policies, both domestically and internationally. This is big news for drug policy reformers in Canada, North America, and across the world.

See the original article here.
Please keep your word, please keep your word... <fingers crossed>

Yes, you'll most likely piss off a lot of cops as well as staunch conservatives who remain convinced of Harry Anslinger's 'Reefer Madness' bullpoop, but in return you'll gain the respect of your constituents, who will come to realize that, not only do you keep your word, you also have the balls to essentially tell your prohibitionist counterparts around the world to kindly go fuck themselves, that's right!
My wife (Canadian) has been sending me all kinds of Trudeau links, father and son. I am glad to see this happen. When I lived in Ontario Canada on a visa 10 years ago grow houses in the surrounding blocks were getting kicked in and people arrested. Here I had landed and thought it would be cooler. We ended back up in the states anyway. But I can say this will probably happen quick and it will put the whole legalization momentum in North America into overdrive. It will be just a few states that hold out and people will get tired of it and force a change.
I am going to have a hard time maintaining connections for other drugs if there is a pot store. I get my LSD from a guy who sells mostly pot. My MDMA connection makes fuck all from it but carries it so his pot head customers don't go elsewhere.
But yeah pot stores! I think with all the anti smoking laws our chance of having amsterdam style cafes is pretty much nil. Which sucks I like that whole scene.
I think with all the anti smoking laws our chance of having amsterdam style cafes is pretty much nil. Which sucks I like that whole scene.

Well, IIRC, indoor smoking is permitted if the cafe/club/bar is only accessible to select 'private members.' Perhaps such exemption(s) will attract a lot of new prospective entrepreneurs of what could become very popular private establishments, where attendees will be able to unintentionally turn the indoors into a bunch of outstanding stoner-friendly fire hazards (not that I'm complaining, or, not that I wouldn't love to visit such venues). And I bet they'll have plenty of munchies available for average prices that would make their movie theater counterparts look like 'Black Friday' door-crashers in comparison.

Yep, a lot of potential mula to be made here - hopefully JT is aware of the taxing possibilities, which, would definitely help to mitigate his party's planned 3 year deficit. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that he's not visited by men in black for the purpose of getting him to break his word and maintain the status quo. Oh I would be fucking pissed (partly because of the regressive drug policies implemented after former PM Harper's 2011 majority government win...