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Neurontin and tolerance and other stuff

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Jan 29, 2009
Been on neurontin few months for anxiety at dosages increasing, now up to 3000 a day taken 600 am, 600 mg at noon, 900 mg dinner, 900 mg bed..............
Sometimes I will take more at once and get somewhat of a good effect but I want to know is there a way to avoid tolerance by switching up my dosing schedule or taking it a different way like parachuting them or spreading out doses in 30 min. intervals? ive also heard aleve or soda helps...........
I'm so shocked that people feel a buzz off neurontin I had to take it for a nerve disorder for years and never felt a buzz, maby cause I was always in so much pain, what kinda buzz is it like?
Tolerance is practically inevitable when you're taking doses like that man. I've noticed that tolerance gets so high after the first couple of days when i'm using it. And soda helps the absorption of Gabapentin. Makes it kick in like in an hour as apposed to 2, 2 1/2 hours.

I actually buzzed off it last night. My starting dose was 5100 mg and whenever I started to feel it I would take 1 to 3 capsules every 30-45 minutes. The buzz is like GHB without the visuals. Makes things VERY vivid. Think of it like a extremely high grade Sativa marijuana strain. It's actually pretty fun :P
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^^^ Yes. Lyrica is like Neurontin's better cousin. What is it, like 3x as potent?
Tolerance is practically inevitable when you're taking doses like that man. I've noticed that tolerance gets so high after the first couple of days when i'm using it. And soda helps the absorption of Gabapentin. Makes it kick in like in an hour as apposed to 2, 2 1/2 hours.

yeah, tolerance is inevitable.

if you're able to abstain from it for a decent amount of time then tolerance will drop.

try dropping your doses for a while to lower your tolerance.
now im on seroquel too . blah celexa neurontin clonidine inderal klonopin risperdal trazzadone..................and still feel crap
Not to hijack a thread or anything like that (just saw a thread somewhat related and didn't want to start a new one), but is there a way to get insurance to cover a drug they previously denied? My doc first prescribed pregabalin for neurological pain, but they denied coverage on that med. In response she decided to put me on gabapentin. I don't notice much of a difference with the gabapentin and am wondering if they lyrica would work better for me. She was gonna start me off at 50mg BID, but instead I'm taking 300mg gabapentin BID.
Not to hijack a thread or anything like that (just saw a thread somewhat related and didn't want to start a new one), but is there a way to get insurance to cover a drug they previously denied? My doc first prescribed pregabalin for neurological pain, but they denied coverage on that med. In response she decided to put me on gabapentin. I don't notice much of a difference with the gabapentin and am wondering if they lyrica would work better for me. She was gonna start me off at 50mg BID, but instead I'm taking 300mg gabapentin BID.

Gabapentin just may be too weak for you. Also, the insurance companies need to be sure certain things will not work for you. If gabapentin is in your records now, they will know it doesn't work for you if you keep on getting recommendations from your doctor to get pregabalin. There are just the steps that are getting in your way. keep trying, you will get your lyrica.
Not to hijack a thread or anything like that (just saw a thread somewhat related and didn't want to start a new one), but is there a way to get insurance to cover a drug they previously denied? My doc first prescribed pregabalin for neurological pain, but they denied coverage on that med. In response she decided to put me on gabapentin. I don't notice much of a difference with the gabapentin and am wondering if they lyrica would work better for me. She was gonna start me off at 50mg BID, but instead I'm taking 300mg gabapentin BID.

I'm in your same boat. Dr. prescribed me Lyrica for anxiety (my suggestion b'cuz prozac and valium were ineffective). Lyrica worked beautifully, but the insurance companies said nope, try gabapentin first. My Dr. is currently trying to creatively circumvent the system.

I've tried gabapentin b4, it's shite. Lyrica is 3X stronger. I'd recommend to OP to tell your Dr. to put you on Lyrica. 3600mg gaba is quite a bit - so much so that you might safely say it's ineffective.
My Dr. is currently trying to creatively circumvent the system.

my previous doctor did the same for me so my gabapentin was covered by the PBS in australia - i'm assuming he put me under "dying" haha. unless you're epileptic or in palliative care you're shit out of luck.

my current doctor said they're actually starting really push hard to have both gabapentin and pregabalin covered by the PBS under pain management. a lot of peoples pocket's will be happier for it, especially those benefited by them but simply can't afford them.
when i was in prison for 4 years, i took neurontin 800mg twice a day, best thing i could get closest to a benzo from the docs there, i find it a pleasant feeling/buzz, but high doses make me feel real spacey and like when im talking i cant get my words out and get irrritable, i dont go over 800mg.
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~ Closed. PM with any questions.
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