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Nervous as hell about first na meeting.. Advice?

Although I don´t really have a problem with alcohol I find AA meetings quite interesting. It suits me well and I believe the principle is the same, I guess..

The large majority of AA meetings will not have an issue of an individual identify as an "alcoholic addict" or talking about being "clean and sober". Personally, I prefer NA because it views addiction as all encompassing, but that is just me. I am an addict, and alcohol was a big one for me but it is a drug.
Yes, I suppose it´s worth a try. Too much of self destruction, relapses, a massive soul destruction in general. Not to mention manipulative behaviors. It must be really tough to get it all out.
The large majority of AA meetings will not have an issue of an individual identify as an "alcoholic addict" or talking about being "clean and sober". Personally, I prefer NA because it views addiction as all encompassing, but that is just me. I am an addict, and alcohol was a big one for me but it is a drug.

I've found that it's about 50/50 between AA meetings that allow discussion of addicition to other drugs or just alcoholism. It's can be a tricky thing and you can have a room turn on you fast. The best way to determine if a room is 'addict friendly' is to sit and listen for a few meetings.
Yes, I suppose it´s worth a try. Too much of self destruction, relapses, a massive soul destruction in general. Not to mention manipulative behaviors. It must be really tough to get it all out.

I remember when I first started going to NA meetings, over a decade ago... I thought that I would have to publically confess in front of a room. I also wanted to find any and all excuses to not be there.

Now, I realize I choose what to share and how to share it. Last night I shared that I had done some "vile shit" (long story, I was trying to relate to an uncle of mine who has done some terrible things in his addiction) in my addiction. I then said that while I haven't done what he has done, anything is possible in active addiction.

Now obviously, things like the 4th and 5th step are more specific, but that is only shared with one other person and by the time I got there I was more then ready to do so.

I'd suggest just attending. Try a few different meetings. If you don't like NA try CA/AA and/or SMART. There is also a newer group called Herion Anonymous which I have never been too. Personally, I like how NA includes all substances and focuses on addiction rather then a specific drug. Shit, there are behaviors that I can indulge in that can be just as bad if I want them to be.

I've found that it's about 50/50 between AA meetings that allow discussion of addicition to other drugs or just alcoholism. It's can be a tricky thing and you can have a room turn on you fast. The best way to determine if a room is 'addict friendly' is to sit and listen for a few meetings.

Yeah, it really depends on the area. Young People AA meetings tend to allow discussion of drugs, but those aren't always the healthiest meetings. Also, there are sub "movements" within AA that are trying to bring AA back "to its roots". For them, this means reading only the first 164 pages of the Big Book (which is what the first edition was), identifying as an alcoholic only, talking about alcoholism only etc etc. I have been to one of those meetings once and it was very much not for me. But like I said earlier, I don't personally attend any other 12 step group besides NA.
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I´ll try and see how it works for me. I don´t have to speak as I understand. That will come with times I guess.
any group that advises "you cannot be too dumb for the program, but you can be too smart." gets dismissed out of hand. 12-step mentality has baffled me with its ignorance ever since my first time on probation. And i'm clean, for the record.
Im going to try my second NA meeting tomorrow morning... I think I'll introduce myself as a newcomer simply because when I went the first time, i wasnt ready to quit, i was kinda forced to go... This time I actually wanna check it out.
So my bf and I are gonna go cause he's been going to them since he went to rehab and would be glad if I joined him in the meeting tomorrow... im pretty anxious :s
I hated NA meetings it was like being in a box with all the rules.
Oh you can't say the word booze, that could trigger another member! Lol i hated having to dance around saying the name of the drug your doing i mean if someone sinply hears the word alcohol or dope whatever amd runs off to go get high then they wernt going to lastvery long in society anyways.

They kept nagging at my buddy who was there he was saying he was addicted to pot and telling us how people dont thibk its a real drug but they just kept ssying hey! You cant say marijuana or ciggaretes! You got to say DOC! (Drug of choice) he just left after 3 times of them telling him to say DOC because he kept forgeting amd just wanted to share his story.

I found AA to be better in this way but they still didnt like a filthy drug addict showing up and sharing because alcoholics are so much better i guess. Jist the social stigma associated with drugs i suppose. But still what dumbasses an addict is an addict it shoildnt make a difference if i say im an addict instead of a alcoholic. One of the old timers actually came up to me and basically said we dont take kindly to your folk around here lol just in different words.
I hated NA meetings it was like being in a box with all the rules.
Oh you can't say the word booze, that could trigger another member! Lol i hated having to dance around saying the name of the drug your doing i mean if someone sinply hears the word alcohol or dope whatever amd runs off to go get high then they wernt going to lastvery long in society anyways.

They kept nagging at my buddy who was there he was saying he was addicted to pot and telling us how people dont thibk its a real drug but they just kept ssying hey! You cant say marijuana or ciggaretes! You got to say DOC! (Drug of choice) he just left after 3 times of them telling him to say DOC because he kept forgeting amd just wanted to share his story.

I found AA to be better in this way but they still didnt like a filthy drug addict showing up and sharing because alcoholics are so much better i guess. Jist the social stigma associated with drugs i suppose. But still what dumbasses an addict is an addict it shoildnt make a difference if i say im an addict instead of a alcoholic. One of the old timers actually came up to me and basically said we dont take kindly to your folk around here lol just in different words.

I understand that the set of rules they have in place are a bit frauded, but the concept behind the programme is interesting. Leave the word "God as you knew him" out of it, and it makes so much more sense. All it really teaches is to learn to control impulsive behaviours, and learn to love, and forgive yourself.... because personally, you are God.. I am God. They say to find a higher power, but you are your own higher power. All it takes is a little assistance from others, because God can help God, we are all God.

And to make this clear, I am not religious, I just use "God" as a metaphor because that's all it is. A metaphor for Love that so many take so literally that they fear the concept of a God ruling over us, but it's really you who rules yourself. <3

I hated NA meetings it was like being in a box with all the rules.
Oh you can't say the word booze, that could trigger another member! Lol i hated having to dance around saying the name of the drug your doing i mean if someone sinply hears the word alcohol or dope whatever amd runs off to go get high then they wernt going to lastvery long in society anyways.

They kept nagging at my buddy who was there he was saying he was addicted to pot and telling us how people dont thibk its a real drug but they just kept ssying hey! You cant say marijuana or ciggaretes! You got to say DOC! (Drug of choice) he just left after 3 times of them telling him to say DOC because he kept forgeting amd just wanted to share his story.

I found AA to be better in this way but they still didnt like a filthy drug addict showing up and sharing because alcoholics are so much better i guess. Jist the social stigma associated with drugs i suppose. But still what dumbasses an addict is an addict it shoildnt make a difference if i say im an addict instead of a alcoholic. One of the old timers actually came up to me and basically said we dont take kindly to your folk around here lol just in different words.

Not all meetings require you to say DOC or avoid saying booze. However, its often encouraged to say things like DOC or not identify specific substances because NA views addiction as all encompassing, meaning that addicts are often addicted to using and will abuse anything if they can. I haven't heard anything about names possibly triggering someone but who knows. If that was the case, then I would very much avoid doing it.

I know for me, that I tried both substituting drugs and the drugs I liked changed over time. However, I tended to use them all the same (destructively). I'd assume that was why they were trying to get you to refrain from using drug specific terms. Did you ever ask them why? Narcotics Anonymous views addiction as much more then just "using drugs". It is an issue with an individuals thinking. Also, as for "rules", NA doesn't really have them. It doesn't sound like you were kicked out. Also, Its possible people were just trying to help explain the program to you, rather then nag you.

I know I very much obsessed about things even before I started using drugs. Video Games and Chocolate particularly. I am just trying to put things in a different perspective. I hated my first NA meetings when I was younger, but that its also because I went in trying to not like them.
Well i actually went in with a good additude i wanted to get something out of them i dont know if its different in canada or what. At the ones i went to they said the reason they use Doc instead of identifying the drug is because it triggers people they never once talked about it being there to show us addiction is all the same like you mentioned. Mabye i shouldve gone longer than a few weeks though. I did get into AA for quite a while i would just say im an alcoholic even though i never had a problem stopping the booze. But eventually i hated people looking down on you if you still snoke pot or take Suboxone i found it to be hypocritical when they are all downing cups of coffee and chain smoking like there's no tomorrow.
Well i actually went in with a good additude i wanted to get something out of them i dont know if its different in canada or what. At the ones i went to they said the reason they use Doc instead of identifying the drug is because it triggers people they never once talked about it being there to show us addiction is all the same like you mentioned. Mabye i shouldve gone longer than a few weeks though. I did get into AA for quite a while i would just say im an alcoholic even though i never had a problem stopping the booze. But eventually i hated people looking down on you if you still snoke pot or take Suboxone i found it to be hypocritical when they are all downing cups of coffee and chain smoking like there's no tomorrow.

I agree that the idea of abstinence from all drugs is silly. I truly believe that if there is one (or more) specific substance(s) one wishes to quit, then by all means only quit what you feel you need to quit. What you feel is causing a severe problem in life.
Yea for right now at least im happy with just taking Suboxone and smoking cannabis my life has improved 110℅ since stopping heroin.
I agree that the idea of abstinence from all drugs is silly. I truly believe that if there is one (or more) specific substance(s) one wishes to quit, then by all means only quit what you feel you need to quit. What you feel is causing a severe problem in life.

Never worked for me personally, but to each his/her own. God knows I tried. But I totally agree that any change is positive. I wasn't ready to abstain from all drugs for a long time. My major problem was every time I would substitute I would at some point go back to the dope, coke and heavy drinking.

Anyways, its important for me to not associate people's personalities with the NA program. As for addiction being all the same, its made very clear in the literature (especially the Basic Text) and the readings right from the get go. Even if people do not mention it (which they should have), it is still the basis of NA itself.

"But eventually i hated people looking down on you if you still snoke pot or take Suboxone i found it to be hypocritical when they are all downing cups of coffee and chain smoking like there's no tomorrow."

Yeah, some people are just assholes. I try my best to ignore them. Only you can determine if you are "clean" or whatever your recovery looks like. I know for a fact that when I was younger and I had long lengths of time just smoking weed and drinking from time to time I was doing much better. I lost this ability over time though.

Anyways, the 12 steps are not for everyone nor are they the only way to recover. I do urge people to give it a try... what could it hurt?