Neener neener, I DON'T rave for the music! Sue me!

To the top.
I'll read YOU tomorrow.

"Do The Jesus Thing"
Methyl-head, 14th Jan 2000.
Well miss apple, here's where I have no experience to talk. I've never been to a "bush doof". At least I don't think I've been to a bush doof. What the hell is a bush doof?
Forever is in the visuals.
I don't go for the music either. I go to sell pills and make a shitload of greenbacks. After I sell all my pills, I go back to find the girls who are all fucked up on them and get me some pussy.
If they want any more pills and don't have any money, I let them suck my fat dick, sometimes I let 2 or 3 do it at a time, that feels really goooooood. Then after I blow my load I say, "ooops, sold out! No more pills"
Constant drug use is for people who aren't comfortable with themselves. The beat of the music is the ultimate drug.
The music is the drug,
a friend of mine said it to me awhile ago..."dude, i'll be honest with you...i'm in it for the drugs!" i laughed cause deep down it is true. sure i love the music, meeting people, dancin but would we all be up all night if there weren't any drugs? peace n jiggy n shit...
Wow..Thank you for these words. Miss Apple, your post was almost lost amongst the polls but I am glad I found it.
Liquid Ocean, nice words, I think you said it for all of us.
You make this board what it is....
The music goes 'doof doof doof' and it's held in the bush, with the tree canopy as your roof. It's amazing watching lights streaming up forever into the night sky while you're surrounded by nature and music.
That's what a bush doof is.
e_rep I'm interested to hear your definition of a rave. It seems like a fairly limited and narrow part of the dance scene as a whole. All of the issues we have been discussing affect all parts of the dance scene. Why is it that even though I have been a member of the dance community for 5 years now that you feel I'm not capable of making observations on it? Just curious.
Oh, and thank you ManiE. I'm glad someone found it! Doesn't liquidocean have an amazing gift with words? I love reading his posts.
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 19 January 2000).]
thanks for the vibes. i write with passion because i live with passion. love surrounds me, and i try to send the energies created in this amazing scene to those who don't have the fortune to live where i live and experience these awesome forces.
San Francisco is an amazing place. Much respect to other places in the world, but this city has some seriously deep hearts and good people.
there is defintely a force greater than the sum of us helping us out. there is a source that i can tap, channel, and fill myself with. Sometimes it comes out in person, sometimes as pixels. Glad i found Bluelight, glad Bluelight found me. i am a trippy person (good trippy), and i have not had an outlet like this for my creative energies for a while.
Once again, it's about the love. Once you find the love in the scene, the music and drugs take a back seat.
Life is a wonderful voyage of self-discovery. Say that to yourself everyday.
liquidocean sucks dick for cash. I have proof...
I'll see you in Hell...
Love Satan - 666 :)
finally, someone admitted it
well, that's the unofficial word at least
the official word (what we tell our city officials and parents) is that we go for tha music and stuff...
i wanna admit, i like to do drugs there, but i DO go there for the music, cause music is the love of my life
but that's not true for most people
and i truly respect those who admit their true feelings on this subject