Neener neener, I DON'T rave for the music! Sue me!


Nov 3, 1999
Was that a snotty subject or what? Thbbbt. :p :p Heehee..
Okay, to the point. I'm Officially Sick and Tired of all the people who feel they have the right to say what the "noble" reasons for raving are, and what reasons make you a Loozer with a capital L.
I admit it freely. I don't go to raves for the music. Let me explain.
I *like* the music, don't get me wrong. It's wonderful, and I enjoy it thorougly. But I don't go for that purpose.
I go for the atmosphere. I go to meet people. I go to dance my ass off. I go for a for a fantasic environment in which to do drugs (gasp oh my god, how evil! YOU'RE NOT A RAVER, ASHKE! YOU WANNABE LOOZER!! *lol*).
I go because it's one of my favorite pasttimes in the world, and because all the things that make raving superfun all pile on top of eachother and just make ONE BIG REASON! Because raves rock my world, okay?
I don't see why any scene has to be single-minded in purpose and motivation. It's just not realistic. And so long as everybody's having a good time, who the hell cares why we came in the first place, or why we keep coming back?
~*~ Ashke ~*~
As usual I agree with ASHKE.
The simple fact is: there would be no scene if there were no durgs. Everybody knows it, but nobody wants to admit it.
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
I agree with both of you whole heartedly actually. In fact, I go to parties MORE for the atmosphere and less for the music. I LOVE the drugs. i LOVE the people. I LOVE to party.
But the fact is, it all started about the music. I think the scene could exist (even if it sucked) without a lot of aspects of it - but where would we be without the music?
Oh, I agree entirely. I wasn't trying to knock the music, that entirely wasn't my point.

~*~ Ashke ~*~
I really don't think the music started the scene. Of course there was a love for the tunes, but the way I think it was more so people where going to clubs, to dance and to drink (just a different drug), and them E came around and people figured why not throw a party where e/lsd were the predominate substances. Put it in a controlled environment and there you go. Of course I'm not 100% sure on how it all started.
But now about the drugs. How come when I go to a club, (a place where people drink, but other than a bar there is music), how come I NEVER EVER EVER EVER hear anyone say one damn thing about being there for the music? They are there for the whole experience (and probably for a little ass). People never think twice about someone puking because of alcohol poisoning. Shit, I laugh about it, especially when it’s one of my friends, and if you’re a true friend, you will laugh at me. But if you took away the alcohol, no one would be there, and noone would even say, "hey, you people were just here for the beer". They wouldn't even think about saying that. They’d be like “shit, they don’t serve alcohol, why the fuck would I want to go there. Not because they're there for the beer, why the fuck would I pay 10 bucks at the door and $3.50 a beer when I can buy a six pack almost that much if I that's what I wanted. Why is the rave scene so different. As much as some of us want to hide it, drug are probably the most major factor in people going there. Not so much that there just for the drugs, there going for the experience, but like beer and the club scene(not E club scene) you take that part away, there are not going to be a lot of people there. Now I respect straight ravers like a motherfucker, they will never be a threat to the scene and they open up without the assistance of foreign substances in the system. Mad fuckin respect. But to think that many people would go just for the music and still show up after there are no drugs there is denial. And I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I'm not put my head down and think "oh man, people are just here for the drugs and blah,blah,blah". That is how it is. I have gone to parties where I knew I wouldn’t like the music, but still went because there is no better place to get fucked up and that’s what I wanted. I could have stayed home and saved money, but I wanted the whole experience.
The real threat is the abuse of drugs.
Forever is in the visuals.
[This message has been edited by e_rep (edited 18 January 2000).]
I totally agree with Ashke! I mean what I love about partying is how it is all encompassing...People, music, drugs, everything in life that can and does make you feel good....The music is so important, though...I rolled last week and dropped right before I left the office, (I am so bad!) Anyway, traffic was bad and I was stuck in a silent cab when it first started to hit me....Bad news....I was so antsy...Got in my house, turned on the CD player and got ready to hit the town with my gurl....
Anyway, partying is about everything, everyone... I try and appreciate everything I can....I don't ever focus everything on any one thing...I guess I have been disappointed too many times...
ANYWAY!! Love partying for partying...Any and all of it!!
Have fun and be careful!
Ashke you are right alot of people go for the drugs not the music or rave for the music. I personally don't care why people are there as long as they have fun. I go sometimes sober but sometimes I want to eat a bean. AS LONG AS EVERYONE IS HAPPY IT'S ALL GOOD.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it's totally respected. But I feel that the music should ALWAYS come first.Think about it... I'm sure everyone can go to a party sober. If there are no drugs, then people can still have a good time. You're surrounded by beautiful people, good music and an awesome vibe. BUT... if the music is 100% shit, that leads to a bad vibe, which automatically brings out the grouches and complainers adn then leads to other yucky things...
Sorry but I would rather have no music and a great vibe than vise-versa. We have gatherings like that all the time at my house, coz my stupid CD player is a piece of royal almighty crap.

But that's just me.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
y'know... Jase should implement a new script...
every time Ashke posts something... it should cycle through the nicknames, and automaticly post "I agree with Ashke" for all of them =)
"we spend all day, sober...
just hiding from daylight.
Watching TV.
we just look alot better in the bluelight,
I know I gotta get out, but I'm stuck..."
-hangin' around, Counting Crows
Here's a crazy little bit of history...
Raves actually started in the 60's. Hippies (like my mom) went to big outdoor (and some indoor) gatherings where they listened to music, took drugs (mainly acid, shrooms and pot, which I should point out are still a major part of raves today), danced, talked and met new freinds. Subsequently they called them these gatherings raves. Raving is nothing new. The only thing that has changed is the music genre. We're not doing anything that some of our parents didn't do, we just might do it better.
The music is the drug,
You are all absolutely right it's everything in a rave that makes that fucking great. People, music, drugs, glowstixx, clothing. All of it that is why we go. Well a lot of phoneys just go for the drugs. Don't get me wrong I love drugs just about equally as everybody on this board, but it is not just about the drugs. Raves all the greatest thing in the world.
what goes up must come down, no not me clowns
[This message has been edited by XmarXthespot (edited 18 January 2000).]
eeewww... the thought of my parents rolling... That's a little much for me.

But about the hippie thing...i guess it sounds similar. i just imagine the 60's to be much different from the rave scene. however, i'm taking your word on it
what goes up must come down, no not me clowns
Who is that? Big Daddy Cane? The Meth? Who?
(this is driving me crazy) caught me. I too am a raving hypocrite. I go 4 the drugs...I *love* the drugs.

And Ashke I agree with ya, the thing that got me into raving was definitely the people and the vibe, I got into the music later. I do love the music, happy hardcore gets me pumped like nothing else. But it's NOT exclusively what raving is about.
Thanx fer setting me straight...xtc...mmmm mmmm good.

"Follow me, and I'll let you take my ecstasy..."
I've been meaning to post something about this for a while but I didn't want to have my topic lost in amongst all the polls that seem to be in fashion at the moment.
I love music. I always have. When I was 12 I used to sit and listen to the top 40 every Saturday night with the ARIA (australian record indusry association) chart and mark off each song as it was played. My dad was a radio DJ so all my life I've been surrounded by thousands of records. I've been learning dancing since I was 5. I know how to listen to music, appreciate each different layer in a track, listen for the rhythm and the beat. Music and dancing are my passions in life. That is what drew me to dance music in the first place. The drugs came later.
That said, I love taking drugs. It's fun. I've learnt so much about myself and dealing with others. I've become more confident and more able to start up conversations with people. I've made some amazing friends who's friendship definitely goes beyond the substances. I'm happier with my life.
For me, the whole dance scene is about both things equally....the music and the drugs.
I'm glad I've seen this thread, as I hate it when people don't admit that they are there for the drugs, not the music. I disagree that it's the drugs alone that create the vibe but they are a big part of our scene.
I went to a big party the other night sober. I did it for a number of to prove to myself that I could. Two, because I'm still on a detox from New Years but I wanted to see what all the hype surrounding Derrick May was all about. I was soley there for the music. I wanted to be impressed by the guys DJ skills and the tracks he chose to play. I had a fantastic time. I still danced, but not for as long as I normally would. I found without the drugs the focus returned to the DJ and his mixing skills. And I was able to listen intently and appreciate his performance. And I'm glad that I wasn't thinking "I'd wish I had a pill" all night. I didn't think about it once. I was glad I could sleep when I got home, and ready to do things the next day.
But I thought about it when I got home. Yes, I had a great time and I may do it again if I have a reason to (like working the next day or something) and for that reason I'm glad I know that I can go out sober. But you know, I don't want to. The drugs enhance the music. The drugs make going out with a group of people fun. The drugs help me dance longer. The drugs help me stay till the end. I love going out with the drugs and I would rather have the drugs than not.
All of that said, none of this makes me better than any of you who don't go for the music. I'm not like e_rep, who said he would go to an event even if he didn't like the music. I'm a music snob....I could never go somewhere where I didn't like the music (which causes no end of grief with a friend of mine who is also a music snob but he and I have totally different we just have after parties together). My choice of party or club completely revolves around what music will be playing. But whatever party or club I choose to go to, I will always have the drugs in my pocket.
So to those who think 'real ravers' must appreciate the music over everything else, get over yourselves. To those who also think it's only about the drugs and couldn't give a shit about the music please realise that the music is just as important to some people. But I hope we all realise the two parts make up our dance scene. The scene wouldn't exist without either the music or the drugs. The two enhance each other.
The sober people only there for the music enjoy being in amongst the happy vibe of e takers. They also contribute to the vibe (mostly). I had just as big a smile on my face when I was sober and loving the music as I did when I was off my head. And I talked to pilling people and enjoyed it.
The people off their heads love being surrounded by the music and listening to the build ups and beats that enhance their drug experience. And they shouldn't feel funny about talking to sober people.
I've learnt a lot from both this board and real life in the past couple of weeks about the dance scene. The scene is about so many different parts put together and not just one thing.
It's about the drugs
It's about the people
It's about the music
It's even about wearing a binky if that's what you want to do
And I'm lucky to be able to be a part of it.
miss apple'll notice I'm talking about the dance scene in general....the dance scene as I have experienced it. The scene is not about discriminating between clubs/raves/bush doofs/events/parties whatever. If there's a sound system, a DJ and people there to enjoy it, it is part of the dance scene regardless of where it's held.
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 18 January 2000).]
well alright kids i LOVE IT ALL and I LOVE YOU ALL! muzick is great and it affects the vibe of the party, but the thing is when the music stops, the vibe is still goin. the music just gives a scene for us to groove and party in. Yea i do party straight but usually *so shoot me* have more fun when im rollin ~ god DAMN you gotta luv the E TOYS~ and on a completely unrelated note.... .Ashke, you can get one of those vibrating brushes at Natural Wonders for 12$ DEFINITELY worth it! and if you can find them anywhere you we can work somthin out and ill send ya one!
gotta love them edited messages!!
[This message has been edited by LinZ-E (edited 18 January 2000).]
like a fire, a triangle, 3 elements, working in harmony to create magic........
the music - sets the vibe, it's the soundscape we all transverse, it's the medium we swim through, it's the movie we're watching, the 15-course meal we're eating. it gets me dancing, if it's good, it get's my mind racing, my heart thumping, music makes me whoop, holler, and stomp my feet, music makes me smile, music changes the way my eyes look, beaming, happy, and in the Zone, and slightly goofy and insane. Music is the medium. Music is for dancing. Music is the wave you surf. Music is the body you make love to. Music is the art exhibit. Music takes moods from sexy to spiritual to sensual to suspenseful to raging, surging, crest-of-a-wave absolute madness dropping you terrifyingly fast down to the ground landing you gracefully back on the floor. Did everyone feel that too? Consensual hallucination, crowd reaction, hands in the air, yes we feel it, thank you dj, keep playing shit like that, we are here now!! Look in my eyes, we are here now!!!
Music is the subject of your first line. Music is meant for sharing. Music has been around since we've had ears. Music mindfucks you, music hugs you, music caresses you, music strips for you and pulls down your pants........Music fucks you where you want to be fucked. If it's done right, of course

Drugs are. There is no getting away from them. The more you try to banish them, the stronger they return. Why? Because we like to get high! Especially together! Because it breaks down walls, it feels groovy, because being sober in this "developed" civilization is a little too rough edged. Because we like having lots of power and energy. Because we know how we want to feel. Because we want to feel like others do, trip like others do. When you're in love with someone, you want to trip like they do. Alcohol is a drug. Repeat: Alcohol is a drug. Nicotene is a drug. Oxygen is a drug, Water can be a drug. There is something to share, something to do, something to concentrate on. We could sit around and take hits from a glass of water all night if we set our wills to it.
Food is almost a drug. Feasting used to be big, but not in raves. We'd rather be dancing than eating. We have full bellys, we'd rather have our moods altered. Some people drown in drugs, some people tread water like Olympic distance swimmers, some people take a boat on the water and stay sober. Too many of one particular drug, too much of one particular vibe. Everyone on e? Count me in. Everyone on speed? No thanks, i probably won't dig it. Whatever, differen't strokes, different folks. Drugs are spice. Drugs can allow people to slip of their outer selves and slip into a more comfortable soul. Well in that case, go right ahead, sugar.
The People. Humans, created with free will, acending to the pure glowing heights of the angels, and decsending down to the stinking ranks of the dirtiest of devils. Eyes able to convey the soul to those who look. Words able to change a mood in seconds. Lips able to break a person's will. Synergy, getting high, group vibes, feelings, emotion, learning, depth, symbi-fucking-osis, hugs, mutual caring, sharing, tenderness, smiles, it's why we're alive. Fighting off the eternal darkness with light. Shaking our selves from the shackling chains of depression. Fuck mainstream society, we're bringin' it to the streets. This is a potluck, i'm bringing my love to the table, would you like to share with me?
And people, deceitful, lying, self-centered people, conniving and raw. What's a fucked-up person like you doing in such an awesome place like this? Like Calgon, take me away, i'd hate to see you at my house, you'd kill all my plants

Love is the ultimate music, love is the ultimate drug, love is the ultimate expression of people. It takes the right, balanced combination to make it happen. I believe that's what we're looking for. Preacher's got their Jesus, we got each other, some good tunes, and some smoke to puff. Now 'scuse me, i'm gonna get meself a good stone.
You've brought a tear to my eye liquidocean.
And said exactly what I feel more eloquently than I could ever express it.
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 18 January 2000).]