• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Need to reset my sleep schedule


May 15, 2011
Has anyone here successfully changed their sleep schedule? I currently sleep from around 9am - 5pm and I'd like to change it by at least 2 hours to start. I can get up whenever if I have something that I have to do like an appointment, but the problem is most days I don't have any obligations. Should I just stay up into the next day? I really need to at least improve my schedule or I'm not going to be getting any daylight soon.
Find some extended release 2mg tablets. Take it about an hour and a half before you want to sleep. Try wind yourself down properly, limit your blue light exposure, maybe have a warm shower/bath. Get some lavender and spray it on your pillow.
When I need to reset I just stay awake and exercise to release adrenaline then go to sleep at intended time.
While melatonin can help short term, long term you need to keep your circadian rhythm going or else the influences of the world around you will make it difficult.

Make sure when you sleep that not only is all light completely shut out, but make sure all devices which emit EMF are off and away from the sleeping area. Even things just plugged in emit more than not, but especially cell phones, wireless internet, etc.

It’s these things that make sleep for me more difficult than it needs to be, and why I try to go camping often. (Camping I sleep a nice sound 8 hrs only getting up 1-2 times to piss, in a home it’s 10 and I get up 4-8 times to piss or smoke weed to help me sleep.)

During your awake time be sure to be surrounded with a lot of bright light to help simulate daylight hours.

Which way 2hrs are you looking to change your sleep schedule? And do you work nights?

Yeah honestly if it needs a drastic change (which idk if 2 hrs qualifies) then just staying up and resetting it to when you want and worked for me. But you must be consistent with bedtime in the weeks after for it to work
Is that something you've taken before?

Sounds like it can cause liver complications which is not something I need. 😬

I started taking it a month ago and just had a blood test to confirm no impact on liver (though that is a possibility). Since taking it my insomnia is completely gone and I’ve got a regular sleep cycles of 6-8 hours (depending on what time dog wakes up). I especially like the fact that I no longer need to take valium, z-drugs or seroquel to get some sleep.

My overall mood and mental health seems better for it too (although that could just be from quitting meth also a month ago).
I'm stuck in the same loop. I used to sleep from 10:30 pm until 7 am. Now I sleep from 5 am until 11 am. Try to go to bed 30 minutes earlier each night. And as Diz said, yes, melatonin!
I've been working a 3rd shift job for almost 3 years now, and my sleep schedule is 2:30pm-10:30pm. work 12:00am-8:00am. At first it really sucked because they had me working 2nd one day, then come in 3rd the next, which was really hard to get adjusted to.
What I did was pretty much trial and error, I figured if I were to sleep the second I got home (like around 8:30am) then I'd sleep up until 4:30pmish, then I'd be awake until time for work(12am) and would have to work 8 hours after words. So that didn't work for me.
What I ended up thinking is if I can fix my schedule like I would if I were working 1st shift (down by 10, up by 6) then my body might feel a bit better, and that's what I did. I figured if I can have the same schedule as a 1st shift worker then I won't feel so exhausted.
Take's some trial and error at first. But the best way to 'reset' your clock is to stay awake until you are 8hours or so away from the time you need to wake up (2:30-10:30), and should work. Just juding by my experience with it.
Should I just stay up into the next day?
I do this all the time i call it the body clock 'hard reset'...
Just make sure you don't fall asleep earlier than intended during the next day. Take coffee or something to help if you get really tired but dont give in and go to sleep early as this will leave you more screwed than before.
Then the day you wake up at intended time make sure you really wear yourself out so you fall to sleep at that same time again. Or use strong sleep aids.
Thx for the responses, there are some good ideas. I'm not sure what I'm gonna try. Maybe be awake until the next day. I'm not sure. Today I've had about 3hrs of sleep so maybe I'll get to bed sooner. lol
Once I had to completely change my sleep schedule to wake up at like 4PM. I got a high-tech sleep mask and some Ambien. The sleep mask was clutch.
Quote from my sleep specialist physician "I have been doing this for over thirty years and I have never been able to do this". Circadian rhythm looks like it may be a hard line genetic guideline. I have found significant results with sleep hygiene, melatonin, bluelight therapy and stimulant (dopamine) induced waking.

I hate sleep schedules they suck. Mine is always changing. I find im best when im getting up in the day time light and going to sleep at night. Usually this is done by having a proper schedule. Not doing things of a nighttime. Going to sleep at 9am and getting up at 6 sucks for sure. Had that schedule recently and it really is the worst. Atm just woke up cause fell asleep at 6pm last night 😏