• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Social Need my wisdom teeth out I guess

I hope so too, though at this rate I just want the pain to go away. Dental pain is some of the worst. As of last night, my front molars, the 1st and 2nd closer to the front teeth feel a lot of pressure, almost like they could pop out. Once again this is identical to last holiday, I can max out on NSAIDS and Tylenol and it's like nothing. Maybe I should alternate between ibuprofen some days and Aleve on others. When I last had pain in these front molars it was almost certainly caused by my sinuses, so I'm either having a flareup in response to the sudden cold weather, or the holidays are cursed. Or both. My cheeks just hurt so bad today, not even my jaws. It's right around where my maxillary sinuses are which is what has me wondering.

I just had a CT last month though and I doubt I can get another one. If I can, I will, the last was done from my ENT, but my local hospital hasn't done one on me since the 17th last year, where they found my maxillary sinuses were obliterated with massive amounts of mucus and polyps. I've had polyp regrowth and a new mucus retention cyst, so it's likely some problems have come back. I could smell and taste fine last year even with those issues and I can now so I'm very curious. The pain just moves around all over the place lately, but these front molars worry me the most. There's so much pressure it's as if they could pop right out. My wisdom teeth don't hurt at all.

I did wear headphones for hours last night which I'm sure brought on some pain, in fact I think it did as I was up for much later than usual after taking phenibut. Only massive amounts of THC seemed to help with the pain, but I save that for night to keep my tolerance low and because it makes my ears ring more. So once again, a double edged sword. It's my best mental health drug and now my best method of controlling some of this pain, but I want to limit it as much as possible for tolerance/ears. I started out last night in no pain and with quiet ears, and that changed so quickly. I get a cleaning on Tuesday and then maybe a referral for my wisdom teeth. I'm terrified to get them out but I'm just desperate at this point, I need to rule this out. I should just get all 4 out but only the top 2 are causing any amount of pain so it makes me want to just do 2 separate surgeries, my insurance would cover them both regardless. I just really don't want to get dry socket and want to limit my amount of time in discomfort.
I'm a bit paranoid about use of NSAIDS, Ibuprofen is often recommended but it does technically thin blood, just nowhere near as much as Aspirin or Naproxen.
is naproxen less reliever than ibuprofen in your opioinion?i use naproxen for my migraine it works well,i wanted to know maybe i should switch,albeit naproxen is safer for heart.

I used to fear needles a lot too, until a horrible accident falling off from sliding down a railing when I was 5, resulting in a bloody massacre, my face landing on a cracked metal bucket and my bottom fang tooth jamming way into my lip. I was throwing up blood and spitting it out everywhere, you'd have think someone got murdered. They put a needle in my lip to numb it while I got the stitches. After that, I never cried over booboos again, this was pretty traumatic for being just 5. Although it wasn't until 3 years later that I suddenly had some PTSD like symptoms (I do have C-PTSD and maybe this goes back further than I think).
what is your face condition now after landing on a metal bucket?did it get healed?