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700mg Soma + 30mg of valium every 6hrs. works great for withdrawl.

I bet - 700mg Soma + 30mg Valium every 6 hours works great for just about anything!
I understand why clandestine is pissed, this guy is bitching about his "oxy problem (leave that stuff to "The Dark Side" forum).

"But this person pissed me off more:

"You people and your damn pills... I never take a pharm for anything, herbs work just as well...!

if you want some help, try drinking tea. Tension Tamer tea, by Celestial Seasonings (especially the stuff that has kava in it) is a good start.

Take a multi-vitamin daily, and I don't mean Centrum. Look up a good multi-vitamin that is vegetable-based. The pills are bigger, you need about three of them, and they don't taste very good, but they work the best.

Try meditating, if you want resources on it, send me a PM and I'll link you to some places, its not terribly hard to do and can be downright fun (especially when you trance out and leave your body)! There are a number of things that you can do to help yourself, and 5-HTP, St. John's Wort, Kava, and Salvia, can all help with depression, to varying degrees."

This is shitty advice. Herbal supplements are no where near as effective as pharmaceuticals. The person needs LOPERAMIDE, and maybe some benzos. You think salvia feels good when your going through withdrawals? You've obviously never gone through it. So dont give advice about something you know nothing about......
MagickalKat777 said:
You people and your damn pills... I never take a pharm for anything, herbs work just as well...!

Note that you are talking to a person addicted to Oxycodone and knows how effective "pharms" can be for pain and other problems.:D
clandenstine said:

smoke a fucking joint and shut the fuck up...

Not to get on your case, but this man has a sincere problem. Promoting marijuana as a substitute for oxycodone and a cure for depression? I think you need to look at this situation a bit more. This man obviously wants help for his substance abuse problem and the last thing he probably wants in htis phase of his life is some prick preaching to him about his problems. This makes me mad because:

1) you make assumptions about him without much basis
2) you are undermining him in a hard time of his life

Give some respect for fuck's sake.

*NOTE* Sorry if this was a bit of a flame, but I feel it was needed.
blahblahblah said:
Good meds to use for detox:

Blood pressure regulators, calms you down
Clonadine/Catapress - Regulates Blood Pressure
There is a new one thats out I forget the name something like tileta..something, I forget

Stomach Meds
compazine - helps with stomach discomfort (mild Tranq)
Phenagren - helps with stomach discomfort

Benzos a necessity, helps with anxiety and muscle spasms aches
Xanax - quick relief
Klonapin - long lasting, helps well with muscle spasms
Ativan - hey it helps
Halcion - immediate relief (stronger than xanax)
Librium (long half life)
Valium - Most common benzo used for detox, klonapin a close second
Rohypnol - strong, long lasting, helps to knock you out

Nuerotin - some say it helps, benzo like qualities

Sleep Aids: - definitely needed
Seroquel, Xprexa (sp?, I dont feel like looking up the correct spelling), or even Rispedal or Thorazine
or if you have a nice doctor, Xyrem

Muscle relaxers: - they help when used in a opiate detox cocktail
Soma, Xanaflex, Flexeril, etc.

Anti-depressants are worthless in the beginning stages of opiate withdrawl.

Accupuncture is also very helpful in relieving w/d symptoms, check it out, some upscale residential programs are now including this in there treatment plans.

Hot tubing or hot showers/baths are beneficial also, it helps the meds to kick in quicker if you take them and than steam your self in a hot bath. Sauna's work to helps you to sweat the drugs out quicker (I have heard that in conjunction with Niacin works even better)

You wont be eating much so... Soup is a good thing, Jello, and I always vouch for Ensure (the old folks drink), its loaded with vitamins and minerals that your body needs when your strung out and kicking.

Rent some movies, and kick it on the couch for a few days, and try not to dry heave green pile till your screaming in pain because that shit sucks...

Than after 1-2 weeks when your body *starts* to return to normal, physical activity is key, exercise.

Im sure I am forgetting a few things but my memory is hazy lately.

Hope this helps, Good Luck.

Very good post. A lot of good advice.
Update: Yes I was looking for some help. I think that most of the people who replied were sincere and I took their advice.

Clandestine- I can get as many oxy as I want at anytime. This is why is became a problem. I am not just out and whining.

So far I am on day 3 with no oxy with very good results thus far. I am taking St. John's Wort and 5 htp for the depression, which has gotten better. :D

I went to a counselor and talked to him about what was going on and he gave me some Trazadone for sleep. I think the worst part is over. I have only had to take four 7.5 mg hydrocodone's over the past 3 days. I have had a few flexiril as well and am using the Immodium a little as well. All in all I think things are going pretty well. The mental cravings are there but I am doing well with them.

Thanks for the advice and the concern from those that have. And to those who flamed me please open your mind and understand the nature of my post and this website
in my opinion and previous experience, i believe the methadone kick is far worse than oxy or fentanyl or whatever. IT also depends on if your taking the liquid done's or the pill form of the dones. When i was in detox in florida, it seemed like the people who were there the longest (me included) were the people who used methadone to try and get themselves tapered down. I guess it also depends on how much you take. I was up to 100 mg of methadone a day to calm my 500 to 800 mg a day oxy habit. AH, good times.

IT does help having someone there that isnt calling you a fucked up junkie, etc... my wife has done wonders to help me. The stupid thing is, i got all clean and then went and got dirty again. Back pain is a bitch. Good luck though, if you tell yourself you really want to get clean, then you will. Just takes time.
^^ Way to bump a thread buddy...

But as long as it's been bumped...

Loperamide. It's structurally similar to fentanyl. It helps stop withdrawl symptoms. This would lead me to believe that it will not help me reduce my dope tolerance. Am I correct in thinking this? I mean, being completely clean with minor w/ds is worth it to get the damn tolerance down, but if I can take immodium without it keeping my tolerance up, that's dandy.

Anybody feel like filling me in on how exactly it keeps away withdrawl symptoms, and whether it will keep the tolerance up?
^yep - pretty standard medication regime.

Worth pointing out that, if you have a head full of benzos and/or blood pressure meds, and you decide you can't hack the withdrawal any more and are going to take your opiate of choice, you have an increased risk of overdose.
save bump

request hoptis help recover the link to phreex's junkie guide, or post to OD for someone with a saved version to share it :\