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Need Help WIth Opioid Potentiation!


Apr 29, 2018
Because I'm a dumbass it didn't occur to me that doctors offices and pharmacies would be shut tomorrow (Friday) and will not open until Tuesday which means I'll run out of my opioids 3 days before I get more.
So I really need to potentiate what I DO have so I can take less and make them last as long as possible. I'm not currently on a huge dose or anything, but have been on various opioids without a break since 2010 and duration of use plays a big role in withdrawal, too, and I get horrendous withdrawal.

If it's relevant, the opioids I take are Codeine and Morphine.

Current potentiators I take/use are:
[caffeine, which tends to just make them hit faster/a little harder]
Co-Codamol (500mg acetaminophen/12.8mg Codeine per pill)

Just for the last few days I've been using grapefruit, too (very impressed with it)
Thorazine as a potentiator? That's new to me.

So, cimetidine (brand name Tagamet) is known to potentiates quite a few opioids, but codeine is not one of them. In fact it reduces how much codeine you absorb, but it does increase the blood plasma of morphine and oxycodone at least. How much do you take? I'd assume you take them together, I'm not sure if the co-codamol is added on top as an attempt to potentiate.

Too bad you're in the UK as kratom would be a nice thing to fit in during a time like this. You could add in some diphenhydramine or a small amount of DXM, say, 50mg. This also helps reduce opioid tolerance. Black seed oil also potentiates most opioids as far as I'm aware. I know it does for kratom like, really hard. If I take it hours before kratom it's like I've done a bunch of oxy. Oxy has a nice high but I prefer the more subtle opioid buzz from kratom compared to something pharmaceutical. Worth a shot at any rate, it seems some threads talk about it potentiating opioids in general. It tickles the mu-opioid receptor on its own.

If you did run out early, cimetidine also makes lopermide cross the blood brain barrier easily and can actually get you solidly buzzed. A lot more people do this than I thought, it's an easy way to get high with just OTC shit. So you have some options, just be safe.
DXM. Never tried it personally with opioids but it seems to work better than most potentiators, on top of that it also works with stims. Guess it will change the high a bit but possibility is that you will like it.

Most of the potentiators you've listed are pretty shitty imo, specially the antipsychotics and valproate which come with loads of bad side effects.
Thorazine as a potentiator? That's new to me.

So, cimetidine (brand name Tagamet) is known to potentiates quite a few opioids, but codeine is not one of them. In fact it reduces how much codeine you absorb, but it does increase the blood plasma of morphine and oxycodone at least. How much do you take? I'd assume you take them together, I'm not sure if the co-codamol is added on top as an attempt to potentiate.

Too bad you're in the UK as kratom would be a nice thing to fit in during a time like this. You could add in some diphenhydramine or a small amount of DXM, say, 50mg. This also helps reduce opioid tolerance. Black seed oil also potentiates most opioids as far as I'm aware. I know it does for kratom like, really hard. If I take it hours before kratom it's like I've done a bunch of oxy. Oxy has a nice high but I prefer the more subtle opioid buzz from kratom compared to something pharmaceutical. Worth a shot at any rate, it seems some threads talk about it potentiating opioids in general. It tickles the mu-opioid receptor on its own.

If you did run out early, cimetidine also makes lopermide cross the blood brain barrier easily and can actually get you solidly buzzed. A lot more people do this than I thought, it's an easy way to get high with just OTC shit. So you have some options, just be safe.

Yeah, there have been studies and Thorazine (Chlorpromazine) increases both the effects and duration of opioids (both recreationally and for pain management).

We don't have Cimetidine in the UK unfortunately. Oh, I DO have Cyclizine, though, which I think also works. I know a lot of addicts use it along with their methadone to get high. And it's like Diphenhydramine but stronger/more sedating (it's prescription only med).

The DXM is a good idea! Think I'll try that since it's OTC. I already feel nauseated just thinking of that nasty cherry 'tussin syrup, though lol. At least it comes as the only active ingredient so no worries about acetaminophen poisoning or that guaifenesin (sp?) stuff which acts as an emetic in moderate-high doses,
Will get some loperamide, too.

The Co-Codamol is basically just for when I'm running out of my meds to help out since it has 12.8mg codeine per pill. My scripts are for 14 days and last about 9...I usually get away with ordering a new prescription a couple days early and can often get codeine from my mum or grandad, too, so usually just need the co-codamol maybe 3 days each fortnight.

I usually take 40mg of morphine and 480mg codeine per day (obviously that is more than I'm prescribed).

As of tonight I'm all out of everything. My mum gave me 14 x 15mg codeines so used them in combination with the co-codamol and it's kept the edge off the withdrawal but I'm out of everything opioid now.
Maybe you should get on subutex or methadone. I reckon you have tolerance from the past

I often think about it, but subutex contains a blocker that would stop the codeine/morphine working for pain and I'd NEVER touch methadone again as the acute withdrawal lasts 10 weeks.
DXM. Never tried it personally with opioids but it seems to work better than most potentiators, on top of that it also works with stims. Guess it will change the high a bit but possibility is that you will like it.

Most of the potentiators you've listed are pretty shitty imo, specially the antipsychotics and valproate which come with loads of bad side effects.

I'm prescribed the anti-psychotics (psychotic depression/BPD/Mild Schizophrenia) and the Valproate (Non-Epileptiform Seizure Disorder), so I'd be taking them anyway.