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need help with my brother


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
what type of white rock can be smoked off tin foil?

we're trying to figure out what my brother was smoking. we're trying to get him to rehab for heroin. but apparently one of his friends said he was smoking a white rock off tinfoil. i wasn't sure u could smoke crack off tinfoil so i thought it may have been meth. they said it was white and broke apart kinda easy....and said it left like black trails like black tar does.

i'm just trying to figure out cuz hes been having a heroin problem for a while no, you can see in my long previous threads i've made before, he's a oxy/heroin user. anyways he's stolen too many times from me and my family...and as hard as it was to kick him out we did. i know hes with his drug addict friend, but i know his parents and they wont let a junkie live there so soon he'll be pretty much homeless. it was very hard kicking him out..but we had to. just couldn't take it anymore. my parents and i have tried everything..we gave him chance after chance and kept telling him if he fails another UA hes out. we told him once he agrees to an extended in-patient rehab, he's allowed back in. my parents will pay for it and everything but he is refusing to go. so i'm sure after a night or two he will agree to it.

i just see the fact that he has a roof over his head and food here that he will continue using with no reason to stop his addiction....but if he's on the streets he might realize how easy he had it here at home, and the good family he had.

love the guy, just hate the things he does and has put us through time after time. he 18 so we cant force him to go, but that is his ticket back in the house. he's stolen stuff of value from us (video game/systems, jewelry, cash, saxaphone, etc),forged my moms checks, set up deals to to jack people for oxy/heroin/money....we are hoping he realizes he needs rehab if he has no where to go. we've given him too many chances living at home.

i just found out about the possible crack last night.
well anything can be turned into a crystal/rock form but it is most likely meth or crack

i wish you the best of luck with him
off topic: can cocaine be smoked off foil, not in crack form?

i know crack is coke for poor people...would smoking cocaine make it go further?
That sounds alot like ice (crystal meth). Ice is smoked using foil im not certain but im pretty sure.
Dude go and try to find a poor man who could afford a $100 piece crack rock. That is not for the poor man brah brah
For your original question, that rock could be anything. As phen said anything could be rocked. It could be powdered meth, heroin, or coke that's been rerocked. Typically when someone says white rock I would think they would be referring to crack. But by the info given, no one could really be sure.

From my experience(not a lot of with these substances) I would say it wasn't ice or crack because they don't break apart easily. So my guess would be a rerocked powder. But that doesn't really help because it doesn't really rule much out. It could still be coke, h, or meth.

For the second part, yes you can smoke coke off of foil. Typically baking soda is added to make freebase. I wouldn't necessarily say crack is for poor ppl or make it go further though.
OCs are the only thing I'm familiar with that is smoked Off tin foil and leaves black trails. with the coating peeled off they are white and break up easy. I've never heard of crack being smoked off tin foil. people just get stems or take apart a tire pressure gauge. I'd put my money on him smoking oxy since u already know he uses them and heroin. also crack melts into a liquid very fast so I don't see anyone using tin foil to smoke it. plus I don't think it leaves black residue. Imo he is FOR SURE smoking oxy ( OCs)
also, base cocaine is pure cocaine not cocaine HCL and is usually smoked with a spoon and a straw I believe.

powder cocaine is cocaine HCL

and crack is powder cocaine converted back to base with baking soda which makes it less pure than real base. real base is more expensive than crack and not nearly as widely available.

still Don't think he's smoking base tho.
off topic: can cocaine be smoked off foil, not in crack form?

i know crack is coke for poor people...would smoking cocaine make it go further?

Yes it can be, but it would be a waste of coke. Your description sounds more like meth. I wish you the best of luck with your brother and I hope everything turns out well for him Have you talked to him about your use or talked to him about this at all? It sucks that he went down the route of stealing from family to support his habit. That in itself should make him realize he needs help. What is your relationship like with him? How about your parents and him?

Not to sound like an asshole but if he cleans up...sometimes being homeless is the best way to stay clean. When you have to basically save all your money to live.. eat find a place ect.... It worked for me when I was 18. Being homeless for a month in the summer heat was enough for me to straighten out my act. I got an apartment and never wanted to go back home unless it was to visit. I do use drugs but not like I did at one point. Every situation is different.

I hope it all goes well for you.
Yes it can be, but it would be a waste of coke. Your description sounds more like meth. I wish you the best of luck with your brother and I hope everything turns out well for him Have you talked to him about your use or talked to him about this at all? It sucks that he went down the route of stealing from family to support his habit. That in itself should make him realize he needs help. What is your relationship like with him? How about your parents and him?

Not to sound like an asshole but if he cleans up...sometimes being homeless is the best way to stay clean. When you have to basically save all your money to live.. eat find a place ect.... It worked for me when I was 18. Being homeless for a month in the summer heat was enough for me to straighten out my act. I got an apartment and never wanted to go back home unless it was to visit. I do use drugs but not like I did at one point. Every situation is different.

I hope it all goes well for you.
he had it easy living at home. everything he needed he had, or could of had. i'm hoping with him not being able to live here he will realize how easy/nice it was here and agree to rehab.