• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix


Thank you :')

Thank you x 10000. This is all very good and encouraging device and I feel much more empowered to do this after posting here. Youre completely right about this being mostly a psychological battle. certainly feels that that way. My boyfriend is going to do it alongside me. He doesn't use them nearly as much as I do and they are actually in the house for other reasons. Hopefully I can start kicking it in the ass tomorrow !!!!

It's generally accepted and my personal experience aligns entirely with the advice that it's a really bad idea to try and detox at the same time as someone else, especially a partner. You can feed off each other's moments of weakness and if one of you break then you probably both will. Bear in mind when you're in WD a part of your brain is going to be panicking and looking for reasons to score and an excellent reason is "If he is going to then so am I!". I'd highly recommend doing it separately.

You sound like you have a plan that you're about to put in place, and that's wonderful. Plan for what you're going to do when you feel shitty. Make it as exact & specific as possible - have you decided on if you're going to taper or CT?? In either case, it's a good idea to not have the pills on hand for when the discomfort starts. If you're going CT then I'd suggest flushing them or giving them all to someone, and if you're tapering explain the situation to somebody and have them dole out only the pre-agreed amount of pills. Trying to detox and intentionally put yourself through discomfort with the cure right on hand would take an insane amount of willpower and you want to make this process as easy as possible. As has been mentioned, hot showers are immensely helpful. If you can get any gabapentin or pregablin then I can't suggest it enough for relieving withdrawal symptoms. Since you struggle with anxiety benzos are probably not a good idea, but gabapentinoids work just as well for me.

Remember that you can do this! You can leave this poison behind forever and not have it dragged you down. You certainly cannot go to law school when your habit gets bad enough, but that's the least of what's to come if you continue on this path. For me and many, many others we left behind our jobs, careers, friends, family, self-respect and even the roof over our heads to keep jumping into the embrace of the substances that's ruining our lives and killing us. You can avoid all that misery by putting it down now! Then you can look back and saw that you had your little dance with the devil before you told it to fuck off and decided you were worth more than that!!

Good luck! Keep us updated. You may not have the energy or motivation to post here, but if you force yourself it can make you feel better!
When i was tapering i was stuck in the house and reading here helped occupy my mind. Crazy how much power a chemical has over us. I just weaned off methadone and jumped for joy when my dentist gave me 30 oxycodone. I should have told him I was an addict but between the pain and my doc being oxy I just couldn't say anything but thank you and almost flew out the door lol.

I just laugh at myself, i should know better but i justified why i needed them and 30 pills did last me 4 days so I'm proud of that. At first I was calling needle exchanges and had to talk myself out of it
Opioids are evil

Im happy you have someone with you but if you ever need to talk send me a pm
If you have it in your head to stop you will. I always considered myself a strong person but not compared to opiates until I got fed up with the addiction

Haha that sounds lovely right now. Good for you for holding back. I'm really happy right now. Its 8pm and I have only taken one 30 mg pill. Im definitely going to take at least one more before bed but I feel somewhat accomplished because I had alotted myself like 3.5 thinking that's what I would need to relieve the suffering. I don't feel great obviously lol but when I am distracted, I feel ok and I'm on much less than I usually am by 8pm. Ik it gets worse with time but I'm thinking I am doing ok. :)
It's generally accepted and my personal experience aligns entirely with the advice that it's a really bad idea to try and detox at the same time as someone else, especially a partner. You can feed off each other's moments of weakness and if one of you break then you probably both will. Bear in mind when you're in WD a part of your brain is going to be panicking and looking for reasons to score and an excellent reason is "If he is going to then so am I!". I'd highly recommend doing it separately.

You sound like you have a plan that you're about to put in place, and that's wonderful. Plan for what you're going to do when you feel shitty. Make it as exact & specific as possible - have you decided on if you're going to taper or CT?? In either case, it's a good idea to not have the pills on hand for when the discomfort starts. If you're going CT then I'd suggest flushing them or giving them all to someone, and if you're tapering explain the situation to somebody and have them dole out only the pre-agreed amount of pills. Trying to detox and intentionally put yourself through discomfort with the cure right on hand would take an insane amount of willpower and you want to make this process as easy as possible. As has been mentioned, hot showers are immensely helpful. If you can get any gabapentin or pregablin then I can't suggest it enough for relieving withdrawal symptoms. Since you struggle with anxiety benzos are probably not a good idea, but gabapentinoids work just as well for me.

Remember that you can do this! You can leave this poison behind forever and not have it dragged you down. You certainly cannot go to law school when your habit gets bad enough, but that's the least of what's to come if you continue on this path. For me and many, many others we left behind our jobs, careers, friends, family, self-respect and even the roof over our heads to keep jumping into the embrace of the substances that's ruining our lives and killing us. You can avoid all that misery by putting it down now! Then you can look back and saw that you had your little dance with the devil before you told it to fuck off and decided you were worth more than that!!

Good luck! Keep us updated. You may not have the energy or motivation to post here, but if you force yourself it can make you feel better!
Wow thank you <3 I think I am doing good. My plan today was to take only 3.5 pills (which felt like a significant drop from my usual 4-5), but I tried to push myself and took only 2.5 :) I did some baking to distract myself and I don't feel terrible! yet lol. So far, my plan is to taper and then when I hit maybe 1 a day, ill try to jump off and use the kava to manage the symptoms. Or the gabapentin? Although, I am not sure how to go about procuring that. I am honestly pretty proud of myself because today is the first day I didn't give up around 9 pm and go balls to the wall. I am about to take a hot bath and read and then go to sleep! I think posting here and feeling like I have people who are expecting something of me is helping lol.
Thank you so much :') I want to stop more than anything, I am just a huge pussy afraid of being sad and in pain. I once considered myself a really strong person but its infuriating how weak this drug has made me feel. I had all these lofty goals that I had planned to start pursuing after graduation and none of them are conducive to a full-blown opioid addiction. (like law school LOL as if:cry:) My self worth is on the floor. I just want to go back in time. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. It is cheesy to say, but posting on this forum has honestly made it all feel more real and it feels really nice to have people showing support especially to someone they don't even know. None of my friends or family know the extent of it so its very isolating. Maybe I will try to taper down to a more manageable amount like 2 or 1.5 and then go cold turkey. It does feel almost worse in a way to draw this out for over a month.

Honestly, you deciding to quit shows how strong you are. And having quit will make you realize how much you can persevere through a hard time with grit. It's good your boyfriend can help you taper. I have self tapered with varying degrees of success as a chronic pain patient. It's not easy, but the challenge of it will give you a renewed sense of strength and pride. Good luck
Hi...so I’m kind of embarrassed to post here again but I completely failed in my “taper” despite everybody’s good advice. I’m in a really dark place. I really feel like I want to tell my parents so they can get me real help but I just can’t. It would wreck them. At least I think it would. I have a list of a bunch of things I think I’ll need to get off this shit. (Gabapentin, trazadone, Kratom, a bunch of herbal shit) because I’m a preparer and I feel like when it comes I’ll be more compelled to force myself through it. I keep setting new deadlines because I don’t want to be withdrawing during the start of my job, now thanksgiving, now Christmas. Does anyone have any motivational words or advice or a plan they used to get off opiates that worked with minimal suffering. Is withdrawal really that bad that I’ll want to die? I’m just so scared it’s paralyzing. Has anyone ever talked to a doctor about getting a blood test or something? I kind of realized that I have no idea what I’m actually on since it’s just fake blues.
If you‘re anything like most of us opioid addicts, getting through the physical withdrawals is the easy part. Once they end, the grass isn’t guaranteed to magically be better on the other side without putting in the required work.

If you can create structure for yourself, deal with the behavior that led to your addiction to begin with successfully, it’s fully possible to create a taper plan and combine that with exercise and a healthy diet and healthy behavioral changes.

Do you have a support structure to help you through all of this? It’s a very lonely and difficult road navigating it alone, so even if you don’t want to tell your parents, find a way to connect with a community of individuals who will be able to provide non-judgemental support.

I can not stress enough, in my decade plus experience with opioids, using other drugs to attempt to get off opioids just creates an even bigger disaster in the long run. If the true goal is abstinence, proper tapering and healthy behavior will mitigate almost all withdrawals, even with fentanyl (fake blues), it just can take many months to successfully do on your own and you would need to be able to implement a strict routine and structure in your life.

Not everyone is able to do this, and that’s where programs like rehab come into play, as they will help you learn the fundamentals and set you up to integrate back into the world with the proper tools.

I struggled with an oxycodone addiction for close to 8 years, too embarrassed to tell my family or employer to get help, and I regret it everyday of my life. It ultimately led to my entire world collapsing around me, IV addictions to cocaine and heroin that destroyed my heart and entire body, and I still had to deal with all the issues I put off for years on top of the pain and torture with my medical issues.

To sum this all up, I finally found success when the goal was to create a healthier me instead of simply abstaining from opioids. It‘s been a difficult journey, but I can’t stress enough, it was worth every second of misery I experienced along the way to find freedom.
Didn't even realize I posted on this one.

Listen to Deru.

You don't need other drugs. Gabapentin, trazadone, Kratom are all bad news for you. And especially do not take a benzo at this part of your life.

Also, I wouldn't worry about a new job right now. You are going to start a new job, then quit this habit? Will not work. You are going to be legitimately ill for a few weeks. Lots of other things come along with opiate withdrawal too. Post withdrawal. Exactly why you don't want to add more chemicals to your body, it will just extend it. And make it worse.

From experience, when you kick opiates and your brain is healing...feeding it other drugs kinda bakes those into your brain. I don't have a doubt in the world people used kratom to kick opiates and now have a horrid kratom dependence. This is because their brain healed that way.

Water, gatorade, ibuprofen, sugar (best from fruits), and tons of good food is all you will need. And of course exercise as soon as you can start. All you will need. My worst withdrawals were always in jail., but also the fastest withdrawals. Was back up 110% always in less than 30 days.
I’m in a really dark place. I really feel like I want to tell my parents so they can get me real help but I just can’t. It would wreck them. At least I think it would.

Hey, I’m so sorry you’re in a dark place, but it’s important you don’t ever forget how this feels. Using this feeling and knowing you don’t ever want it again, can be a great motivator to stick with a change. As far as talking to your parents, it’s an awesome idea. Sure they will be upset, but going to them now, seeking help, is way better than them finding out you’re using and assuming you don’t intend on stopping, or having them make any other assumptions that drug users are always accused of. If you open up to them now, and show that vulnerability and initiation of a significant change, it speaks volumes. In my experience, many of my problems could have been solved had I asked for help early on. With your parents knowing, you could get into a program, and having family support when in a program makes such a difference.
As far as motivational words to get through withdrawals...when I detoxed myself from a 10g-15g heroin habit, the thing that kept going through my mind was “this isn’t forever” Just telling myself that this will pass was one of the best things. I had moments of weakness where I’d leave and try to find my dealer (I had no phone, and was at my
Mom’s house with my 15 yr old sister at home while my mother was at work)
I honestly don’t think I would have been able to detox without other people knowing. On day 4 I practically cried and begged my mom to just give back my money and phone and I didn’t care that I’d be back out on the streets. So having a healthy support system is crucial. Knowing it won’t be forever is soothing.
Good luck, if you ever need someone to talk to, 👋🏼🤙🏼 Shoot me a message!
Didn't even realize I posted on this one.

Listen to Deru.

You don't need other drugs. Gabapentin, trazadone, Kratom are all bad news for you. And especially do not take a benzo at this part of your life.

Also, I wouldn't worry about a new job right now. You are going to start a new job, then quit this habit? Will not work. You are going to be legitimately ill for a few weeks. Lots of other things come along with opiate withdrawal too. Post withdrawal. Exactly why you don't want to add more chemicals to your body, it will just extend it. And make it worse.

From experience, when you kick opiates and your brain is healing...feeding it other drugs kinda bakes those into your brain. I don't have a doubt in the world people used kratom to kick opiates and now have a horrid kratom dependence. This is because their brain healed that way.

Water, gatorade, ibuprofen, sugar (best from fruits), and tons of good food is all you will need. And of course exercise as soon as you can start. All you will need. My worst withdrawals were always in jail., but also the fastest withdrawals. Was back up 110% always in less than 30 days.
Ugh I understand what you mean but I had to get a job at this point it wasn’t an option. At least it’s completely remote? I’m assistant teaching middle schoolers. From 8:30-2:30. I’m going to either have to tough it out as I taper and then cold turkey the last bit during winter break or I’ll cold turkey completely during winter break.

Do you mean you felt completely back to yourself within 30 days? It’s starting to seem more appealing to go cold turkey like I’m in jail and be over with the immediate withdrawal within a week. Or was i wrong in thinking that typically lasts around seven days? ::”: Do people ever get on antidepressants during PAWS? I am no stranger to clinical depression and have been on SSRIs in the past. Also what’s wrong with gabapentin? I’ve heard people say it really helped them :( is it addictive?
It is indeed addictive. Luckily it went from rc to script quite fast from my discovery.

The problem with opiate withdrawal is you will keep reaching for something, and that will not change. Locked away in a medical detox, giving someone a few valiums or doses of gabapentin isn't an issue since they don't have control. But if you have a pile of it, and left to withdrawal you will take it a lot. And a lot of it. It is certainly safer than a benzo, though.

Opiate withdrawal is a massive precursor for any dependence.

30 days of 100% clean time, you will be feeling good. After 14 days you should be good enough to work remote and play off the symptoms of being under the weather.

I'm not sure of clonadine was mentioned, that is pretty helpful. Just have to watch your BP. Not something that you will abuse unless you like the feeling of walking through mud.

I would just withdrawal. Get a good 3/4 days in, then take the smallest piece of sub for relief, eat, rest, then finish it. Maybe 1 more dose of sub somewhere in there. Once you take something for 2-3-4 days in opiate withdrawal, it wears off, you get the standard rebound from the med PLUS back in opiate withdrawal. Simply being a human being you will reach for that medicine again.

You can try the kratom too, not going to kill you. But read around on this too. Many people used it to get off an opiate. Its a year later and they are still taking kratom daily. Read an insane story on another forum where this guy used it to get off methadone. It was 5 months later and he was still dosing kratom ever 4 hours. Best is to let your brain heal natural.

A very quick sub taper may be another option. However since you are only 23, you don't need anything but a couple of weeks. Your brain will recover fast.
Didn't even realize I posted on this one.

Listen to Deru.

You don't need other drugs. Gabapentin, trazadone, Kratom are all bad news for you. And especially do not take a benzo at this part of your life.

Also, I wouldn't worry about a new job right now. You are going to start a new job, then quit this habit? Will not work. You are going to be legitimately ill for a few weeks. Lots of other things come along with opiate withdrawal too. Post withdrawal. Exactly why you don't want to add more chemicals to your body, it will just extend it. And make it worse.

From experience, when you kick opiates and your brain is healing...feeding it other drugs kinda bakes those into your brain. I don't have a doubt in the world people used kratom to kick opiates and now have a horrid kratom dependence. This is because their brain healed that way.

Water, gatorade, ibuprofen, sugar (best from fruits), and tons of good food is all you will need. And of course exercise as soon as you can start. All you will need. My worst withdrawals were always in jail., but also the fastest withdrawals. Was back up 110% always in less than 30 days.
Get on the nss2 bridge device it takes away all withdrawal symtoms