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Need help identifying an RC

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Aug 10, 2018
Hey guys, I've been using bluelight forums as a resource since 2007 but this is the first time I haven't been able to find an answer without making an account to ask.

My guy got some molly that's different than what he usually gets from his plug, it's lighter in color. I discussed it with him while on it and it's definitely not mdma or mda (usual molly is pretty mda-ish from that plug).

The come up was very different, very subtle. No waves going through my body, no anxiety/excitement really, no intensity. No typical "rolling" feeling. It took longer than expected too, it was still kicking in at almost 2hrs. I had only eaten 5 bites of food or so all day, albeitly soon before dropping them.

Pupils dilated like normal and the jaw effects were there but more mildly most of the time, and weirdly I was still clenching my jaw the next day. Actually i just noticed myself doing it now, 2 days later. Comedown wasn't bad at all, I went to sleep in less than 8hrs after taking it although I slept forever. No negatives the next two days although i was very tired the next day, but that could just be from sleeping 11hrs.

It was more stimmy than normal, I ended up pacing/dancing the house listening to music. After parachuting two more at +2hrs i got more into the music than before, likely before those two kicked in.

The euphoria was there but more short lived and not as intense. The love aspect was fairly nonexistent. Talking to my ex that I'm courting wasnt nearly as amazing as in the past, it may have given me a bit of that effect but not much. Most noticeably though I didn't wanna snug my dog much at all, and in recent rolls I've not been able to spend 5 mines away from him.

It wasn't bad in any way and I didn't experience any negative sides, but it definitely wasn't mdma and I'm really curioys what it is. At one point I stared "I wish I boils just live like this." My guy who got it from his plug really wants to know too. I havent found an rc that has these effects with the woefully long comeup.

Wtf did I take?
I'm afraid no one will be able to answer this mate. The best we could possibly do is speculate. Would you be able to send any off for testing?
I should add it felt significantly weaker than expected for 2 caps, and didn't get much stronger after the redose (altho 2hrs later I didn't know if it would anyways).

It did make me more talkative.

Sounds similar to pmma but without the negatives people talk about. I was hot but not excessively, and no noticeable excessive increase in hr.
I'm fine with speculation, it's just killing me I can't figure it out. My guy is ordering a test kit before selling any more, usually his plug tests everything but didn't this time for some reason. Or maybe he did and didn't wanna mention the results. The guy's kind of a dick.
Only a mass spectograph or a reagent test can identify a substance - as Fubar has highlighted - these threads only lead to endless speculation so my apologies as I will have to close it.

(...from the MDMA & Empathogenic Drugs Forum Guidelines)

"2 - No Pill/substance IDs
If you've just bought some new ecstasy tablets, and want to know if they're good, look at www.pillreports.com or ask in your regional forums. MDMA & Empathogenic Drugs is a global forum, with posters from Europe, America, Australia and everywhere in between, and a green dove in LA might not be the same as a green dove in Rome."
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