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Need help coping with being ugly.


Oct 7, 2013
It is official I am cursed. I am stuck being the ugly Black girl for the rest of my life. I tried getting a weave, lightening my skin, and changing my wardrobe but nothing works. I got a weave but it just looked fake on me because of my face structure. I got these creams and remedies to lighten my skin but my skin tone has not changed. I know that White girls like to tan to get darker but their goal is to get nice light brown skin nobody wants dark brown skin. Anyway, I also got a different style but pretty clothes on an ugly body is not really pretty at all. I wanted to change my style simply to have more confidence but my body is so ugly that the clothes did not draw attention away. I wanted to lighten my skin because dark skin is considered a masculine trait which is why dark skin is claimed to be only attractive on men. I wanted to get a weave because as you all know being Black my hair is coarse/kinky and a nightmare to look at and maintain. If I had the money I would have also gotten plastic surgery to fix my hideous full/broad facial features that are looked at as unfeminine since they are so huge. I really hate the fact that I was born Black. I would have been happy if I were born any other race (Mixed, White, Asian, Latina or Indian) since they tend to have light colored skin, more feminine/delicate facial features and nicer manageable hair. If I was born a different race or was at least mixed I would have had more of a chance at looking decent.

In this world light skin is prettier than dark skin, delicate facial features are prettier than huge/broad facial features, and straight/curly hair is prettier than coarse/kinky hair – that’s just the way it is. Of course not everybody thinks this way but a vast majority of people do. Black girls being the complete opposite are deemed the least attractive because of their dark skin, coarse/kinky hair, and full/broad facial features. This is why men, even a majority of the Black men, usually are with lighter skinned girls. People always say “It’s hard to find a pretty Black girl…she usually has to be mixed to be pretty”. I am so jealous of those light skinned sleek haired girls. Why couldn’t I have been one of them? Maybe even just for a day so I know what it feels like to be pretty/beautiful. I am cursed being born both ugly and as the least attractive race. Many people who are pretty/beautiful always tell me “to love myself” like it is so simple. Obviously it is easy for them since they are attractive but they have no idea how it feels when you are the two worst possible things – ugly and Black. I am sick of being bullied because how awful I look. I will never love myself being this ugly but at the same time I need to cope with ugly. What are ways coping with this curse? I know people say stuff like “everyone is beautiful in their own way”, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, “it is what’s on the inside that counts” and they are nice comments but don’t help in the real world.
I'm really sorry u feel this way hun..I think everyone is uncomfortable in their skin..I wish their was something I could say to make u feel better..black women are just as beautiful as any other race..if u need a sholder, pm me..
i know lots of black girls who are attractive. i worked with lots of africans so personally i think you are chatting a lot of negative rubbish.

if you really believe this nonsense then the problem is in your head.

and people who have had their skin lightened look really weird. i have seen it in real life and it doesn't look good

this reads like a racist troll thread8)
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youre thinking has been warped. we all have been influenced by the society we grow up in. nowadays being a white person with a tan is considered sexy. back in Victorian times being pale was desirable because that meant you weren't out in the sun working hard. there are many example of what society considers beautiful just go around the world. dont try to alter your natural beauty
Hey girlie..don't be so down on yourself...tell me..are you still in high school? How old are you? (If you don't mind me asking).

Society is colorist, trifling, and teaches people to self-hate. Every shade of black is beautiful, what are you thinking?

I don't care how fucked up you THINK you look. I've seen girls walk down the street, tracks showing, weave crooked, teeth ratchet, feet stank, fucked up with EVERYTHING doing the gangsta lean, 8 kids, and rockin that shit cause NONE of that matters.

What you look like doesn't impact the person that you are, you have SO much more value than that.

Need to get your head straight, girl. Fuck the hate!
it is a sad reflexion of our society. know that you are not the only one in this position. much love <3
everyone is the same once you start to break down the human body...

we are all made up of hair / skin cells etc which form our body and what others think of our body is their fukn problem
You feel this way about yourself/your telling yourself your ugly - I bet a lot of guys that see you think, wow shes great looking.

Who says that broad facial features are ugly - you? Fashion mags ? Are you going to let somebody tell you what to find attractive?
I don't care how fucked up you THINK you look. I've seen girls walk down the street, tracks showing, weave crooked, teeth ratchet, feet stank, fucked up with EVERYTHING doing the gangsta lean, 8 kids, and rockin that shit cause NONE of that matters.

This. You're worth more than to let ridiculous stereotypes affect you so much! You see from this thread alone that all this 'black women aren't as attractive' stuff you're saying is, simply put, utter bullshit. Personally I'm jealous of the curves black women get. I know plenty of men who would go for black women any time. Can I ask how old you are? Feeling horrible about their looks is something most people have to go through at one point in their lives, but I promise it really can get better if you work on it - I've found exercise to be the best thing for that. It really is all in your head. Chin up <3
Something you'll need to realize is that you're "stuck" with yourself in this lifetime, this is the body you have been granted, do not take it for granted though, it is absolutely essential to your happiness that you learn to love yourself, flaws and all. Some people are born without legs or hands. Be grateful for what you have, and put it in perspective. You are a beautiful human being who will do great things. Put your energy and focus into helping others and do things that make you feel good about yourself, exercise is a good one Pagey.

And you're crazy to think that beauty is a defined set of characteristics that, if you don't fit in them, you're not "beautiful". Look around the world. People look crazy different from each other depending on where you are on the planet, and everyone has their own definition of beauty. that's one of the beautiful things about being human. Is that we have a choice! We have our own opinions and you get to decide what you like! Quit thinking YOU are wrong, and start thinking how YOU are so right, and this is how it was meant to be. You have to learn to love yourself, not fight against yourself.

I for one think that black women are absolutely gorgeous, but instead of being jealous of how they look and wishing I could look like that, I just admire it! They are exotic! And there are so many different shapes, colors, and textures of beautiful black women. Flaunt what you have, don't work against it! You'll never win if you are working against what you have to work with. Utilize it. Be a sexy african queen. Own that shit!

Some of the most beautiful people that I've met in my life are just comfortable in their own skin, and they exude that CONFIDENCE that you can't just fake. Also, beauty is how you treat others. If you have a shitty personality, but you look like a supermodel, I don't think you're beautiful. I don't want to be around you. Someone who is loving, loves themselves but is still humble, and lives life to the fullest: That's real beauty to me.
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White guy here who loves black women...not everybody is so superficial. If someone thinks that way then you wouldnt need them anyway. Just my 2 cents.
I am in college and 19 years old.

I know this might not help that much right now but things really might get much better once you're a bit older. I'm your age so I can't really testify that much, but that being said from about 12 to 18 years old I absolutely hated how I looked and would go from severe anorexia to putting on 30kg in 3 months a couple times a year...I know weight isn't your main issue here but it's the closest I can relate to your situation (which, admittedly, isn't that much :\) and all I can say is exercise is really what got me out of that self-loathing. I've really never heard of a single person who exercised a lot and didn't feel better about themselves in some way thanks to it. It might not solve most of your self-confidence issues but I can pretty much garantee it will help in one way or another.
Also, from speaking to people considerably older than the both of us, I've always heard that self-acceptance and learning to love the way you look is something that really does come with age - and this is something I've heard from women who really did have massive body image issues in their teenage years. It really can get better.
Having dark skin and kinky hair doesn't automatically make you "ugly." And being white/asian/latino doesn't make you beautiful. I think maybe you've been brain washed by fashion magazines like Vogue....you do NOT need to lighten your skin. Some of the most beautiful girls I've seen have smooth dark skin, almond eyes, and full lips.

I'm sure you're not as hideous as you believe. <3