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Need advice on doing cocaine for the first time

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Dec 16, 2015
I am a 15 old guy and I want to do coke on a party for the celebration of new year.

I know that I am too young but I am doing it anyway so the best way you can help me is give me advice on the best way to do it.

I don't know if I should buy 0.5 or 1 gram, the party will go for about 8 hours.
My childhood friend is buying it for me from his dealer, he already did it a few times so it is checked.
I think that it won't be much pure.
On the party I will also be drinking alcohol.
On what periods should I take it?
Are there some Do's and Don'ts?
Is 0,5 enough for my needs or is 1 gr?

Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks!​

*Closed as duplicated thread in different forum now in BDD thanks to moving. Please do not post the same question in multiple sub forums
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