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Need a bit of help in smoking some oil (as stupid as that sounds)

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
I tried to use wax and oils about 4 years ago. Procedure was using a quartz nail, torch and bong. I had trouble using this because my arthritis was bad enough that I couldn't properly guide the dabber through the dome hole and on to the nail. Most of the oil/wax would end up on the dome itself; and by the time I managed to get the dabber inside the dome, there was a right bloody mess. So I gave up and made some full fat milkshakes with what I had left.

And I left extracts behind because I found them too difficult to use. E-cigs/vape pens, etc were also no good because I always had a bitch of a time loading them.

Now I've purchased some honey oils because the price was too good to pass up. If I don't want to end up using the oil to make milkshakes, I'm going to have to do this properly.

-I don't smoke joints; only bongs with an ashcatcher
-Because of arthritis I'm going nowhere near dabbing
-Hot knifing is probably out, as are vape pens.

So I'm left with a) dropping some oil on top of a bed of MJ/ash in a bowl or b) dropping some oil on a rolling paper (I still have thousands of those), crumpling that up and placing it in a bowl. The oil comes pre packaged in syringes, which makes it easier to dispense.

I've never smoked oil on top of weed or ash, nor burned it on a crumpled up rolling paper. Is the oil going to burn too quickly? Is this a doable method of smoking oil?

Any other ideas for smoking oil that *do not* require a lot of manual dexterity (which I no longer have) would be appreciated. Hell, thanks for reading this post.

I'm thinking about a healthstone insert for one of my bongs?

thanks for reading.

Hey Thomas, wax/oil can be a freaking mess even if you know how to handle it. I've been smoking wax for years now and I still manage to cover myself in it at times. The easiest way IME is a dab rig. They take a little coordination at first but once you get used to it they are pretty simple to use. The key is to get a domeless nail though.

If you don't like oil rigs or don't have one, my next suggestion is to put in inside a joint or around the tip of the joint. Google "twax joint" and some pictures should come up. If you do this method, use only a small amount of oil.

But yeah, since you said you don't like dab rigs or joints.. I guess all that you really can do is put it on top of a bowl like you said. I would suggest using freshly ground herb and to pack a nice fat bowl. Then try to melt the wax into the weed before touching the flame directly to it by holding the flame just above while gently hitting the bowl. If it catches fire just blow your hit into the flame, don't try to use your finger or the back of a lighter. Also, no packing the bowl, will make a sticky mess.

Oh, and a health stone would work too, never tried but heard good things about them. I would imagine it is about the same as using a nail though, so whatever works for you.

Besides all that, you can put your wax inside the fridge or freezer if it is oily/sticky to make it easier to handle. If it is already a shatter-state at room temp, try gently heating up the knife/tool and slowly cutting into the slab.
Salutations Thomas Davie,

Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Davie View Post
...I couldn't properly guide the dabber through the dome hole and on to the nail.
Accessibility is one of those subjects i'm specially interested to read about, dexterity as a requirement is no option for everyone after all, then blindness or even limited vision problems come to mind. Unfortunately in prohibition environments the political elite prefers to call for bans and repression (assorted with taxes, etc.) instead of investing in healthier cannabic consumption, not even with Harm Reduction i would think. M'well, at least listening at Québec's sinister of public sickness i got the persistent impression e-cigs and vaporizers were also considered public enemies according to her #44 law project. On top of that we can't expect media to criticize much knowing here father died of lung cancer, as i recall, and she had to fight quitting a nicotine addiction herself... Who would dare call her a bigot prohibitionist, nonetheless?!

Euh... What i mean is the is the type of discussion i'd like to see multiply, accessibility and such issues should be of public concern since i wouldn't personnally hold my breath waiting for the dynamic or mercantil capitalism to produce safe and healthy consumption tools, but i keep dream this could be possible, in some alternate reality!

God save MiniPET our saviour! I hope...

Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Davie View Post
...had a bitch of a time loading them. ...bongs with an ashcatcher... ... ...going nowhere near dabbing...
My reply will sound obviously self-centered but i'm curious enough to ask, would you like "dabbing" if there were no accessibility problems associated with it??

And do you need to smoke it for starters?!...

Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Davie View Post
Is the oil going to burn too quickly?
I dunno much anything about dabs, etc., what i can say from observation is that my gunky screens clear up easily using a torch, exactly. That's not as systematic as alcohol though it only costs some butane that i got at a lesser expense anyway. IMO an oily screen would be much the same and turn into dust that i can blow away in the end, on another hand taking as a starting point the idea it's OKay having to manipulate water toys (and i suspect dosage is no concern) then i'd automatically vote for an adapter solution but not a smoker one, naturally...

Do you know someone nearby who's talented at hand-crafting wood?...

How about vaping oily screens in another type of bursting mode? A torch-flame doesn't need to last long at all, on the contrary: keep it short in order to limit the risk of experiencing metal taste, i'd point out.

Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Davie View Post
...other ideas... ... ...thinking about a healthstone insert for one of my bongs?
Maybe an oily screen topped by ~2.5 mm "health stone" then a metalic shield to disperse heat more evenly then yet another health stone, the VG style.

When i feel for it the task of cleaning empty bowls is one of my favourite interludes in the veranda (because of the sun rays enhancing my ritual!!) and it's much less irritating too. I wonder what your oil would taste like in my modded pipe.

But there's the dexterity thing and i believe a VG Classic actually exposes to painful skin burns on some occasions! From the hot surfaces i mean.

A Bronze unit might be fun, it's got a long "Gandalf" handle and should remain comfortably warm as i figure its bronze body would protect effectively from burns while using just the right (brief-but-intense) heat pulses, yet exposed metal on a VG sphere seems quite inapropriate in the present case. Of course that's another matter if the owner decides to void his warranty and rework all wood components... To bad it's no standard option, that might have been so nice - especially with an adapter!

But i don't like the water accessory myself, too "heavy" and no very appreciative of aroma/taste IMO.

Good day, have fun!!
a dollop on a bowl of herb does work pretty well, for a smaller bowl just a BB-sized piece is needed for the oil to saturate the green when it melts. if there's too much oil relative to the green, some of the melt will flow past and start gumming up the works.
You could buy an enail. There's pricey options such as the d-nail and honeybox, and cheaper ones such as the high5.

They all do the same thing, just one has more expensive hardware than the other. The cheap ones even come with a year warranty (the expensive ones do too), and it's less money than I spend on butane a year for my torch. Good long term investment.

No torch needed just flip a switch and wait a minute or two for it to heat up. It's probably less labor intensive than flicking your lighter for a bong hit.
Sorry to hear about your condition however there should be many options that would lessen the difficulty even if it doesn't solve the problem completely.

Enails would help for sure. Get a bucket/banger/domeless instead of a domed nail too. It will be less messy for you I think. Health stone would help but you will probably still run into issues with getting the stone to stay in the bowl piece. A HS would still be easier and better tasting than a vape pen imo. Also, I think someone mentioned putting the oil on a joint itself or ontop of the bowl. Either work, especially if you have the syringe dispenser - those are great for painting joints!

There are lots of different devices for oil that would be easier than a dome and nail for you. Even something like a Dipstick would be easier for you I think.

Obviously nothing is perfect for your situation but there are a lot of options for you to try to make it much better. Good luck.
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Thanks for all the replies. Very much appreciated. The oils have come packaged in sealed, capped syringes, so I think there won't be any mess when dispensing, although I don't know the consistency. I'll probably try to warm them up gently.

The idea of a domeless nail intrigues me; this wasn't something that was available when I first tried oil. So no need to guide a dabber through an opening.

I also saw electric domeless nails, and this would be a nice fit for some glass I have.

Also thought about using it in cooking.
