NASADD Social v. We've got Skillz and Ohline's and Recky's Fucking Birthday

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Damn he was drunk what and idiot travis did the same thing whe he was 19 in a vette doing like 200mph swerved to miss a dear and wrapped it around a tree and fucked up one for hiis friends for life. Dude can barely walk but TP is still out there double back flipping and shit
I can't even fathom doing 200 with even a buzz on. I've never been any faster that 150 on the ground anyways.

So what's up ya fucks? I'm about to call the dude to set up for tomorrow. Fucking forgot to set my alarm last night and woke up when I was already supposed to be in work.
I can't even fathom doing 200 with even a buzz on. I've never been any faster that 150 on the ground anyways.

So what's up ya fucks? I'm about to call the dude to set up for tomorrow. Fucking forgot to set my alarm last night and woke up when I was already supposed to be in work.

That used to happen to me all the time, but after a while going to the methadone clinic before work kinda set an internal alarm clock. It's funny how you can wake up from a dead sleep and your body is telling you to get to the clinic.

Also since i started working night shifts I always seem to get up on time.
I always have to set an alarm otherwise I will not wake up. and sometimes I don't even hear my alarm... *sigh*
On the kick went on a half ounce binder for my b day and just now coming out of it. Found some valium last night and slept like a dream. Little molly in the morning and life is grand again.
I gotta cop in the morning. I have absolutely nothing as I lost my subs again so rather than watch the clock all day I'm just going to get shit in the AM. Sucks cause I gotta get up so freeking early. Good for obvious reasons.
Fucking balls.

I'd say something like you gotta roll with the punches in life but I hate being platitudinous.

I'm only just piecing my life together at the moment and am pretty much always online these days so I'm here if you need a chat.
That's a new one for me. You been reading a thesaurus in your spare time Trippy?

PFF and Ohline, hope you two feel better soon. <3


two days worth of panic-attacks and i'm still alive.

^^ With the amount of spare time I have I could have been...

I'll contribute it to having been sober since april 17.
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