NASADD social v. My moneh big so it's HoL and Skillz and The Rock Monster's birthday

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They were kinda meh if you ask me, they got a lot more crass (or just low-brow? Fuck, hopefully you know what I mean).
They're still funny but the past seasons are way more hilarious.

even last season seemed to be just ehh..its like they are running out of ideas or are trying to just out due themselves and just make each show more "the beauty pagent" from this week with the gay kid and them the djs jumpin up and down lol..that shit was just off the wall
They were kinda meh if you ask me, they got a lot more crass (or just low-brow? Fuck, hopefully you know what I mean).
They're still funny but the past seasons are way more hilarious.

my manager at work told me i remind her off charlie

i was somewhat offended i mean, not really but there is nothin about that for me to take as a compliment

she says its just my laugh but i dunno

got a break from work, at home watchin the boys fall apart at the end of a game again, what romo threw a pic in crunch time, no way.

trying to hold off this dump so i can watch this game but this terd is knock knockin on heavens door, dunno if i can hold out
not everyone has a hood to go cop curbside in. where the fuck do you live????? like BFE? you cant get street drugs where youre at? that sucks.. mostly i cop from phone connects, but like you said i could hit up the hood andcop there too. dope here is a business and it doesnt stop, bein perfectly honest, no "dicksizin"

and by "certain connects" you def mean middle men. all im sayin about thhis is cut out the middle men.

anyways i wasnt seriously callin welderman lame. i was just fuckin around

my bad if you were kidding around, sometimes it's hard to pick up on things like sarcasm or joking just by reading text (same reason why I hate text messages), and I have seen you get pretty opinionated about things before if someone says something you think is stupid so I wasn't sure. That was also at 1:45am when I was fucking hammered which also makes it harder to notice these things, so my bad man I didn't mean to jump at you.

But yeah, seriously I live in back woods eastern Connecticut in a town with maybe 7k people. Now I could take a 20 minute drive to Willimantic and get all the powder dope I wanted on the street from a random dealer, I don't know but I don't know of any "hot spots" anywhere near here that I could go and randomly pick up a bag of soft coke on a street corner. The biggest city in this whole state has about 150k people and I never go there cause it's over an hour away and it's one violent-ass shithole (wayyy higher crime rates than cities with millions of people, I stay my white ass out of that place). I'm know there's plenty of drugs all the way down there, I've ridden along with dudes to get dope there, but fuck if I know what part of town has coke. I never go there, and the 40$ I'm gonna spend in gas not to mention two hours out of my life just to get a gram or a ball of coke is hardly worth it. I'd rather just have a spot I can go snag some quick while I'm out and about. I know of a few bars that I have gotten some many times, but that's not guaranteed, and what if I don't feel like going to that bar? Closest city to me is Hartford about 15-20 minutes away but once again that city isn't busy enough to have that kind of shit going down everywhere you look. Sure I could go to the north end on one specific street I won't name and surely find some crack in fucking one minute, but actually doubt powder coke. I know of many places there and in other cities that it is definitely possible to track down some coke but that's not guaranteed and it usually involves a good search throughout bars and random neighborhoods that just so happen to have shady people in them that you might get lucky enough to ask the right guy. Using a middleman sucks ass, I agree, but that's pretty much my best chance of easily getting some. You overpay for really under-weighted bags of severely crappy cut coke, but I no longer know a real hookup that has enough weight that I can just call up and pick up a bag whenever like I used to back in the day when I was doing it a lot.

That was pretty long, but yeah getting drugs around here is pretty fucking frustrating sometimes. Basically have to know a guy

/long winded-ness.

tl; dr - TRM my bad about misunderstanding, I didn't realize you were kidding. And yes, I do live in bum fuck connecticut, and it is sometimes difficult to find coke here.
wayyy higher crime rates than cities with millions of people

reminds me of flint, mi, where the unemployment is super high, like 50%, or something really high......


its all good, no worries

and its funny you can get powder coke on the street, here there are crack houses and meth houses open 24/7, not much powder
High off endorphins? Been pumping the weights haha.

But I shall have a codeine CWE of 760mg with a bit of doxylamine and dxm to potentiate lying about. Probably hit that up sometime soon.
its funny you can get powder coke on the street, here there are crack houses and meth houses open 24/7, not much powder

Coke and weed are probably the only two drugs that you can score off the street here. Trap houses have a lot more to offer, but I have been out of the game for a good year now thank God. But something tells me that not much has changed.
^ Worst Ludacris song ever and that really is saying a lot.
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