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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Naltrexone and other opi Antagonists being put into antidepressants and diet drugs. (*I promise Im right, please read)


Dec 23, 2006
Hey, this is a heads up.

Olanzapine is being combined with Samidorphan a (naltrexone analog, WILL CAUSE PWD) and buprion is being combined with naltrexone itself in a medication called. "concave".

I umm demand someone to address this. demand is a strong word, but I feel like this is important and peoples gut reaction is "F off not possible" please push past that into reality.
Is there a specific question here or just wondering why opioid antagonists would be therapeutic?
There is more a premise to be honest. 1. First they put naloxone in buprenorphine despite it factually does nothing. 2. They but an opi antagonist in a weight loss drug. 3. They put an antagonist in a bi-polar/ "extra" antidepressant medication.

MAYBE JUST MAYBE it has a place in buprion for weight loss.....isn't naltrexone something that we keep in the "only in case of dire emergency" category. How many weight loss drugs work fine and dont lock your Opi receptors.

In the olanzapine / samidorphan commercial they say it is to prevent weight gain than list weight gain as the first side effect of the combo.

MY PREMISE IS; THE US GOV IS SOFTSHOING OPI ANTAGONISTS INTO THE WIDEST DEMOGRAPHIC THEY CAN REACH. How many american are either fat, depressed, or on opiates; percent wise? I can tell you its a good amount of people.

I am very suprised I am the only one wondering about this. But one of the questions was indeed does anybody see this as a good move for any reason and why?

More importantly does anyone else think this is being done on purpose? Those are the big q's........

Plus it deserves a PSA some poor guy got hit with PWD from libvaldi (Idk if you are familliar with normal dopesick yet alone pwd, but if you are you know how serious it i) and came here to tell people and he was laughed at and dismissed as crazy.

As was told there was no such thing and legality wouldn't allow it the first time I mentioned it and laughed at as well; than some factoids came in.